Will Homophobia Be Acceptable, In 2020?

There is no answer to the unadulterated massive pile of bovine drivel you erupt with shit-for-brains. One can only point at retards like you and laugh.

Not even a good try at deflection, tard. Can't answer the question? Fine. Admit it, move on and stop embarassing yourself.
Laughably, this is the best you can do:

"The Bible is the word of God"
"How can you be sure it's the word of God?"
"Because the Bible tells us so"
"Why believe the Bible?
"The Bible is infallible"
"How do you know it's infallible?"
(return to top)

Where's your proof that any if those miracles occurred? The word of superstitious Bronze Age goatfuckers? lol

The truth is always the "best" anyone can do....why? Because as you just demonstrated there is no refutation of the truth...thus the attempt at an ad hominem personal insult. Its always the same game plan by your guild. 1. Accuse 2. Attack 3. deflect 4. insult 5 Run like hell. :)

And that truth? While your theoretical psudeo intellectuals were declaring the earth was flat, and the center of the universe....the Bible presented the truth thousands of years before mankind even attempted to circumnavigate the globe describing the earth as spherical dome...with the word "chuwg", translated from original Hebrew into the universal language of the time...GREEK.

The inspired scriptures declared, "...I (Jesus Christ) was there when He (God) drew a circle on the face of the deep." -- Prov. 8:27

"It is He who sits above the circle (chuwg) of the earth and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, who stretches out the heavens (atmosphere) like a curtain and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in." -- Isa. 40:22

FYI: the original Hebrew word for FLAT CIRCLE is "cabab".

Another truth the Bible reveals? Knowledge does not evolve; it is discovered and lost, and sometimes found again by other generations. What I find amusing is the modern opinion that consensus opinion equals TRUTH void of any kind of objective testable evidence. That is not science its philosophy.
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The truth is always the "best" anyone can do....why? Because as you just demonstrated there is no refutation of the truth...thus the attempt at an ad hominem personal insult. Its always the same game plan by your guild. 1. Accuse 2. Attack 3. deflect 4. insult 5 Run like hell. :)

And that truth? While your theoretical psudeo intellectuals were declaring the earth was flat, and the center of the universe....the Bible presented the truth thousands of years before mankind even attempted to circumnavigate the globe describing the earth as spherical dome...with the word "chuwg", translated from original Hebrew into the universal language of the time...GREEK.

The inspired scriptures declared, "...I (Jesus Christ) was there when He (God) drew a circle on the face of the deep." -- Prov. 8:27

"It is He who sits above the circle (chuwg) of the earth and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, who stretches out the heavens (atmosphere) like a curtain and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in." -- Isa. 40:22

FYI: the original Hebrew word for FLAT CIRCLE is "cabab".

Another truth the Bible reveals? Knowledge does not evolve; it is discovered and lost, and sometimes found again by other generations. What I find amusing is the modern opinion that consensus opinion equals TRUTH void of any kind of objective testable evidence. That is not science its philosophy.

(laughing) Did they teach you in your Associates Applied Science degree the difference between a circle and a sphere?

Hey, moron, it was the church that clung to the geocentric model and got after Copernicus for his heliocentric theory. In Joshua 10:12, your god even made the sun stand still. That hardly jives with the earth circling the sun, does it?

I've presented you with the classic circular argument that you use with your Bible. That you fail to understand that is on you, not those of us who recognize a logical fallacy. As far as the proof of your god being validated with objective testable evidence, go back to the junior college you got your certificate from. Ask for your money back.

BTW, I'm not running, pal. I'll be right here pointing out your failed logic and use of science.

"The Bible is the word of God"
"How can you be sure it's the word of God?"
"Because the Bible tells us so"
"Why believe the Bible?
"The Bible is infallible"
"How do you know it's infallible?"
(return to top)
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(laughing) Applied Science? What the fuck is that? An AA degree, right?

Why did the Age of Miracles die with John? Who made that decision? What was the problem? Nobody good enough to cook up a bunch of superstitious bullshit?

Tell me how koala bears and kangaroos got all the way from Turkey to Australia after the flood. Alive and no evidence of mating until they crossed that 9100 miles of mountains, rivers and oceans. Apply your science to THAT! lol

FYI: Applied Science applies to many different "fields of technology" that uses and applies existing technologies to build upon through observed, demonstrable, and constant experimentation. As I asked before, are you a child? Why? You assume that because some community college offers some kind of degree and labels it Applied Science...which in reality it can be...that indicates the entire field of Applied Science? LAMO

And who declared the age of miracles to be over? The revelations found in clear unambiguous text.

The history is clear. There were 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit presented by God through His Holy Spirit in order to establish Truth for the New Testament as given by Christ Jesus. (1 Cor. 12:7-11) 1. Supernatural wisdom was given to some...2. to others knowledge...3. faith 4. the power and authority to heal 5. miracles 6. prophecy 7. the discerning of spirits 8. Tongues or as explained in detail....the ability to speak other languages that were never studied (Acts 2:4, 5-8) 9. and the interpretation of tongues or languages never studied.

The same apostle who listed the 9 gifts....clearly and quite unambiguously declared that these supernatural gifts of the spirit were to cease (1 Cor. 13:8-12) Why did Paul say they would cease? They were no longer needed when all revelations that were required for salvation were once and for all time delivered.

Paul tells us that each gift was IN PART....no one person had all the gifts....different people had different gifts that were required to build up the New Testament Church as the Old testament laws no longer applied...they were nailed to the cross of the Christ. When were they to cease? Again Paul enlightens us, when that which is PERFECT or whole...comes that which is in part will be done away with...

What is that perfect as found in scripture? "The perfect law of liberty" -- James 1:25 Paul describes the early church as a Child. Some people abused those gifts and acted as children would, but he declared that once grown...you put away childish things. Today some PLAY CHURCH by attempting to mimic those gifts promised to those of the early church...they are still children playing church.

But the scriptures are clear, those gifts were bestowed upon the early followers of Christ by the laying on of the original Apostles hands. (Acts 8:13-19) Those who received those gifts could not pass on those gifts as demonstrated in scriptures. Simon, not Simon Peter the Apostle but Simon a person who often claimed to be working with witchcraft....attempted to give the Apostles money in order that he might have the ability to lay on hands and transfer the gifts of the Holy Spirit, "...Simon saw that the Spirit was bestowed through the laying on of the apostles hands....he offered them money saying, Give this authority to me as well....so that anyone that I lay hands on might receive the Holy Spirit." -- Acts 8:17-19

What did the Apostle say, "Your money perish with you....you thought the gift of God could be purchased with money, YOU HAVE NEITHER LOT NOR PORTION IN THIS MATTER........" -- Acts 8: 21-22

There is not one scripture to be found of anyone receiving one of the nine gifts without the laying of hands by one of the original apostles of Christ...that He personally hand picked and promised to them to give them this gift after He died. Christ never promised any modern Christian such a gift....those that profess such are merely pretending in order take to advantage of other gullible people.

When the last Apostle died....that gift promised by the Christ died as well. Today we have everything required to find salvation. The word of God. Christians are no different than any other person on earth...God loves everyone. A Christians salvation comes when the race is finished, in the meantime....one must have faith and works in order to endure to the end.

What I find funny? YOU attempting to apply natural science to a miracle of God. They do call such SUPER....NATURAL, meaning there is no way to quantify or measure such through natural means.

What? Should I get out my "super-natural-o-meter" and enlighten you? Yet you seem to have one in your pocket. LMAO. I can no more explain a miracle than you can disprove one via attempting to apply science...which clearly cannot define itself, as the origin of the natural universe was a Supernatural Act.....as defined by Applied Science and the laws of causality. If you can explain the origins of the natural universe, life, love...etc. via applying Science to that equation....do so. If not....I am supposed define the Supernatural while you can't define the origins of the natural? Really? :palm: No theories....just simple practical Science that uses, Observed repeatable, demonstrable, consistent experimentation.

What force created the mass, matter that must have existed prior to the Big Bang? What experiment has proven that life can be spontaneously generated from non living dead matter? Yet...you declare both to be real Science? Really? Show me your proof through the use of the Scientific Method. Waiting.....

Yet...I am the one working with FAITH based upon nothing? Really?

A got ya moment missed? LMAO again.
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FYI: Applied Science applies to many different "fields of technology" that uses and applies existing technologies to build upon through observed, demonstrate, and constant experimentation. As I asked before, are you a child? Why? You assume that because some community college offers some kind of degree and labels it Applied Science...which in reality it can be...that indicates the entire field of Applied Science? LAMO

And who declared the age of miracles to be over? The revelations found in clear unambiguous text.

The history is clear. There were 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit presented by God through His Holy Spirit in order to establish Truth for the New Testament as given by Christ Jesus. (1 Cor. 12:7-11) 1. Supernatural wisdom was given to some...2. to others knowledge...3. faith 4. the power and authority to heal 5. miracles 6. prophecy 7. the discerning of spirits 8. Tongues or as explained in detail....the ability to speak other languages that were never studied (Acts 2:4, 5-8) 9. and the interpretation of tongues or languages never studied.

The same apostle who listed the 9 gifts....clearly and quite unambiguously declared that these supernatural gifts of the spirit were to cease (1 Cor. 13:8-12) Why did Paul say they would cease? They were no longer needed when all revelations that were required for salvation were once and for all time delivered.

Paul tells us that each gift was IN PART....no one person had all the gifts....different people had different gifts that were required to build up the New Testament Church as the Old testament laws no longer applied...they were nailed to the cross of the Christ. When were they to cease? Again Paul enlightens us, when that which is PERFECT or whole...comes that which is in part will be done away with...

What is that perfect as found in scripture? "The perfect law of liberty" -- James 1:25 Paul describes the early church as a Child. Some people abused those gifts and acted as children would, but he declared that once grown...you put away childish things. Today some PLAY CHURCH by attempting to mimic those gifts promised to those of the early church...they are still children playing church.

But the scriptures are clear, those gifts were bestowed upon the early followers of Christ by the laying on of the original Apostles hands. (Acts 8:13-19) Those who received those gifts could not pass on those gifts as demonstrated in scriptures. Simon, not Simon Peter the Apostle but Simon a person who often claimed to be working with witchcraft....attempted to give the Apostles money in order that he might have the ability to lay on hands and transfer the gifts of the Holy Spirit, "...Simon saw that the Spirit was bestowed through the laying on of the apostles hands....he offered them money saying, Give this authority to me as well....so that anyone that I lay hands on might receive the Holy Spirit." -- Acts 8:17-19

What did the Apostle say, "Your money perish with you....you thought the gift of God could be purchased with money, YOU HAVE NEITHER LOT NOR PORTION IN THIS MATTER........" -- Acts 8: 21-22

There's your circular argument again. Using quotes from the Bible to try to prove its validity. Failure! Is it too late to get your money back on that AA degree? You've not only failed to apply science, you've employed circular reasoning. Another failure.

Hey, check this guy out. Robert Tilton. Just your type. He even speaks in tongues sometimes! lol

There's your circular argument again. Using quotes from the Bible to try to prove its validity. Failure! Is it too late to get your money back on that AA degree? You've not only failed to apply science, you've employed circular reasoning. Another failure.

Hey, check this guy out. Robert Tilton. Just your type. He even speaks in tongues sometimes! lol


Those quotes....are based upon the demonstrable fact that you can't prove them to be in error. 90% of the Bible can be tested through applying Science or History Actual....yet, you are yet to present one untruth as demonstrated via either. Thus....I base my faith upon the miraculous being true....by applying the prima facie evidence that no one has proved any of the testable scriptures to be in error. Yet your supposed type of Science that assumes and guesses....used leeches to heal the sick...not more that a little over one hundred years ago. Strange indeed. :) Talk about circles. You have learned nothing? There are no modern tongue speakers...only those that pretend to be speaking in some language unknown to everyone on earth. I call them the babblers. Its like you pretending to know what you are talking about....LMAO You are living up to the predetermined game plan. 1. Attack 2. Accuse 3. Deflect 4 Run like hell.

You are yet to present one objective and testable fact to defend your godless position. I wonder why?

"When I was a child...I acted and spoke like a child...when I became a man, I put away childish things...." -- Paul
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Those quotes....are based upon the demonstrable fact that you can't prove them to be in error. 90% of the Bible can be tested through applying Science or History Actual....yet, you are yet to present one untruth as demonstrated via either. Thus....I base my faith upon the miraculous being true....by applying the prima facie evidence that no one has proved any of the testable scriptures to be in error. Yet your supposed type of Science that assumes and guesses....used leeches to heal the sick...not more that a little over one hundred years ago. Strange indeed. :) Talk about circles. You have learned nothing? There are no modern tongue speakers...only those that pretend to be speaking in some language unknown to everyone on earth. I call them the babblers. Its like you pretending to know what you are talking about....LMAO You are living up to the predetermined game plan. 1. Attack 2. Accuse 3. Deflect 4 Run like hell.

You are yet to present one objective and testable fact to defend your godless position. I wonder why?

"When I was a child...I acted and spoke like a child...when I became a man, I put away childish things...." -- Paul

Well, you certainly have failed in putting away your childish things when you believe in a book of fairy tales. Do you have the remotest concept of a circular argument? You should. You continually use it.

Tell me about the science of a virgin birth. And how testable it is.
Tell me about the science of a world flood and two of every species on one boat. And how testable it is.
Tell me about the science of raising the dead. And how testable it is.
Tell me about the science of making the sun stop. And how testable it is.
Tell me how koala bears and kangaroos got from Turkey to Australia. Alive. With no mating until they finally reached their destination. And how testable it is.

You're full of shit about your knowledge of science. You got cheated on that 2 year certificate. Demand your money back.

Miracles being true? Pffft!

You heard my preacher guy speak in tongues. Prove he didn't.
God inspired me to write a book and in this book it says what you are saying is bullshit and nonsense. Yeah I don't believe God talked to me, it was a joke but there are people who actually believe God talked to them and said homosexuality is fine and you are bigot. There plenty of other people who said God has talked to them and He told them the bible is fictional. You quoting scripture will not convince us of anything.

Right....GOD INSPIRED YOU? If such is true, all you have to do is demonstrate that such inspiration came from God as did the Apostles of Christ....all you need do is raise the dead, make the blind from birth see, heal the lame...etc.,

....Or, SOME kind o' magic-tricks.....to reel-in the crowd!!

Hey, check this guy out. Robert Tilton. Just your type. He even speaks in tongues sometimes! lol

Hell.....who could possibly forget the Golden Age o' T.V......when there was ACTUAL HEALIN', GOIN'-ON??!!!!


Well, you certainly have failed in putting away your childish things when you believe in a book of fairy tales. Do you have the remotest concept of a circular argument? You should. You continually use it.

Tell me about the science of a virgin birth. And how testable it is.
Tell me about the science of a world flood and two of every species on one boat. And how testable it is.
Tell me about the science of raising the dead. And how testable it is.
Tell me about the science of making the sun stop. And how testable it is.
Tell me how koala bears and kangaroos got from Turkey to Australia. Alive. With no mating until they finally reached their destination. And how testable it is.

You're full of shit about your knowledge of science. You got cheated on that 2 year certificate. Demand your money back.

Miracles being true? Pffft!

You heard my preacher guy speak in tongues. Prove he didn't.

Once again.....I ask the simple question for a simple mind. Why do you suppose they call the supernatural 'Super' natural? For the slow minded...its superior to the natural, beyond the capacity of any quantifiable measuring by the natural laws of physics. As stated....simply because you are incapable of measuring something does not indicate that it does not exist. If such were true...then LIFE does not exist because no laws of physics can reproduce it in experimentation.

Again I will enlighten you as to why the events you mentioned should be considered true. You can no more disprove them than "I" can prove them via applying natural law. But there are many other (over 90%) areas of the scriptures than can be measured via applying the natural laws of science and history actual to test for truth. I wonder why you continue to go in circles and make childish remarks? I accept the miraculous based upon the prima facie evidence that the ares that can be tested (that which is not considered SUPER..natural)...always is confirmed by history or applied science...such as the science of archaeology.

If you can disprove any miracle recorded in the bible via use of the Super-natural-o-meter that you hide in your hip pocket...proceed. In the meanwhile...your Lack of Faith and inability to debunk anything found in the Bible effects MY FAITH...how? LAMO:)

Hell.....who could possibly forget the Golden Age o' T.V......when there was ACTUAL HEALIN', GOIN'-ON??!!!!


What part of the scriptures are you unable to read and comprehend....that which clearly states that the age of miracles ended when the need for confirmation ceased....when God delivered to mankind everything needed to find salvation? Ignorance appears to be a problem for the simple minded and the gullible that still pretend to have some type of supernatural gift of the spirit. In lay terms...when tested as commanded to in scriptures...these fakes always fail to demonstrate their claims of any type of supernatural abilities. They use religion as a "con" to prey on the weak minded who do not check the scriptures daily as required to see if they are dealing in the truth or trickery.

The scriptures are clear. The age of miracles ended over 2000 years ago. First one must define and describe the biblical definition of a "miracle". Many people are willing to and do call anything a miracle...even that which clearly works withing the confines of natural law....the birth of child, a natural escape from death or close call, even winning at some game of chance...etc. But...the unusual is not a miracle.

The Bible describes a miracle as that which goes beyond the NATURAL...that can't be explained by natural means (yet some ignorantly insist upon attempting to measure something they are incapable of measuring...and when they can't...they ignorantly say, ITS NOT TRUE because I did not see it and can't repeat it...really?). In the Bible examples of a miracle are presented....something that goes beyond nature...sometimes that which contradicts the laws of nature..etc.,

Examples: Jesus told His disciples, "Go tell John (the baptist) the things which ye hear and see (John was awaiting a sign for God that the prophesied Messiah had finally come to earth...and that message was confirmed with signs and wonders)...the blind shall receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers cleansed, and the deaf hear....and the dead are raised up..and the poor have good tidings preached to them." -- Matt. 11:4-5.

Miraculous powers or abilities were also given to the hand picked apostles of the Christ (Acts 3:1-10)....as promised in order to confirm the New Testament Covenant. Examples of these miracles preformed by an Apostle of Christ. Peter healed a lame man....healed the paralytic....and even raised the dead (Acts 9:32-35) (Acts 12:1-11)

As stated before there were 9 of the gifts that could be passed on to others via the laying on of hands of an Apostle of the Christ. Only an Apostle of the Christ had the ability to pass on these gifts as demonstrated (Acts 8)

Why were these abilities granted the Apostles of Christ? The Bible is clear...to confirm the New Testament Covenant of Christ. "..they went into all the world and preached the gospel. They went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs and wonders." -- Mark 16:20

Enlighten us, was Oral Roberts or any other supposed disciple of the Christ promised these gifts....did an original apostle of Christ lay their hands on any 20th man? If not...we must conclude that DECEPTION is taking place on the gullible who are looking for hope and salvation...but not willing to work their way through this life in a Christian manner in order to be saved at the end of this life....wanting a quick 20th century fix for all their life's problems by trusting some con man.

"Beloved do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." -- John 4:1 :)
Once again.....I ask the simple question for a simple mind. Why do you suppose they call the supernatural 'Super' natural? For the slow minded...its superior to the natural, beyond the capacity of any quantifiable measuring by the natural laws of physics. As stated....simply because you are incapable of measuring something does not indicate that it does not exist. If such were true...then LIFE does not exist because no laws of physics can reproduce it in experimentation.

If YOU DON'T....that sounds personal. We actually live within the God of Creation, thus the feeling of His omnipresence and omnipotence.

"God that made the world and all things therin, seeing the He is the Lord of Heaven and Earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; neither is worshiped with men's hands, as though He needed anything, seeing He giveth life to all, and breath, and all things;

And has made from one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth; (so much for your constant race baiting ideology) and has determined the times before appointed; and the bounds of their habitation.


FOR IN HIM WE "LIVE, AND MOVE, AND HAVE OUR BEING..........-- Acts 17:24-28:)

Are you telling all of us and expecting us to believe that you FEEL nothing? No love, no hope, no effects of our natural surroundings such as the energy from the sun....gravity, etc. I indeed feel true sorrow for any such individual. But in reality: You have been duped, as you have no excuse for not knowing that God exists, His work is all around you.

There is none so blind as he/she that refuses to see.........no wonder you are so hate filled and bigoted.

where did I say that you liar

do you really think that what other religions say
Once again.....I ask the simple question for a simple mind. Why do you suppose they call the supernatural 'Super' natural? For the slow minded...its superior to the natural, beyond the capacity of any quantifiable measuring by the natural laws of physics. As stated....simply because you are incapable of measuring something does not indicate that it does not exist. If such were true...then LIFE does not exist because no laws of physics can reproduce it in experimentation.

Again I will enlighten you as to why the events you mentioned should be considered true. You can no more disprove them than "I" can prove them via applying natural law. But there are many other (over 90%) areas of the scriptures than can be measured via applying the natural laws of science and history actual to test for truth. I wonder why you continue to go in circles and make childish remarks? I accept the miraculous based upon the prima facie evidence that the ares that can be tested (that which is not considered SUPER..natural)...always is confirmed by history or applied science...such as the science of archaeology.

If you can disprove any miracle recorded in the bible via use of the Super-natural-o-meter that you hide in your hip pocket...proceed. In the meanwhile...your Lack of Faith and inability to debunk anything found in the Bible effects MY FAITH...how? LAMO:)

The supernatural is for the mind of a child.

Why haven't you addressed my questions? Where is your proof any of those occurred? The word of Bronze Age goatfuckers? lol
What part of the scriptures are you unable to read and comprehend....that which clearly states that the age of miracles ended when the need for confirmation ceased....when God delivered to mankind everything needed to find salvation? Ignorance appears to be a problem for the simple minded and the gullible that still pretend to have some type of supernatural gift of the spirit. In lay terms...when tested as commanded to in scriptures...these fakes always fail to demonstrate their claims of any type of supernatural abilities. They use religion as a "con" to prey on the weak minded who do not check the scriptures daily as required to see if they are dealing in the truth or trickery.

The scriptures are clear. The age of miracles ended over 2000 years ago. First one must define and describe the biblical definition of a "miracle". Many people are willing to and do call anything a miracle...even that which clearly works withing the confines of natural law....the birth of child, a natural escape from death or close call, even winning at some game of chance...etc. But...the unusual is not a miracle.

The Bible describes a miracle as that which goes beyond the NATURAL...that can't be explained by natural means (yet some ignorantly insist upon attempting to measure something they are incapable of measuring...and when they can't...they ignorantly say, ITS NOT TRUE because I did not see it and can't repeat it...really?). In the Bible examples of a miracle are presented....something that goes beyond nature...sometimes that which contradicts the laws of nature..etc.,

Examples: Jesus told His disciples, "Go tell John (the baptist) the things which ye hear and see (John was awaiting a sign for God that the prophesied Messiah had finally come to earth...and that message was confirmed with signs and wonders)...the blind shall receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers cleansed, and the deaf hear....and the dead are raised up..and the poor have good tidings preached to them." -- Matt. 11:4-5.

Miraculous powers or abilities were also given to the hand picked apostles of the Christ (Acts 3:1-10)....as promised in order to confirm the New Testament Covenant. Examples of these miracles preformed by an Apostle of Christ. Peter healed a lame man....healed the paralytic....and even raised the dead (Acts 9:32-35) (Acts 12:1-11)

As stated before there were 9 of the gifts that could be passed on to others via the laying on of hands of an Apostle of the Christ. Only an Apostle of the Christ had the ability to pass on these gifts as demonstrated (Acts 8)

Why were these abilities granted the Apostles of Christ? The Bible is clear...to confirm the New Testament Covenant of Christ. "..they went into all the world and preached the gospel. They went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs and wonders." -- Mark 16:20

Enlighten us, was Oral Roberts or any other supposed disciple of the Christ promised these gifts....did an original apostle of Christ lay their hands on any 20th man? If not...we must conclude that DECEPTION is taking place on the gullible who are looking for hope and salvation...but not willing to work their way through this life in a Christian manner in order to be saved at the end of this life....wanting a quick 20th century fix for all their life's problems by trusting some con man.

"Beloved do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." -- John 4:1 :)


"The Bible is the word of God"
"How can you be sure it's the word of God?"
"Because the Bible tells us so"
"Why believe the Bible?
"The Bible is infallible"
"How do you know it's infallible?"
(return to top)
What part of the scriptures are you unable to read and comprehend....that which clearly states that the age of miracles ended when the need for confirmation ceased....when God delivered to mankind everything needed to find salvation?

I think that's already been covered......


Ignorance appears to be a problem for the simple minded and the gullible that still pretend to have some type of supernatural gift of the spirit.

