(laughing) Applied Science? What the fuck is that? An AA degree, right?
Why did the Age of Miracles die with John? Who made that decision? What was the problem? Nobody good enough to cook up a bunch of superstitious bullshit?
Tell me how koala bears and kangaroos got all the way from Turkey to Australia after the flood. Alive and no evidence of mating until they crossed that 9100 miles of mountains, rivers and oceans. Apply your science to THAT! lol
FYI: Applied Science applies to many different "fields of technology" that uses and applies existing technologies to build upon through observed, demonstrable, and constant experimentation. As I asked before, are you a child? Why? You assume that because some community college offers some kind of degree and labels it Applied Science...which in reality it can be...that indicates the entire field of Applied Science? LAMO
And who declared the age of miracles to be over? The revelations found in clear unambiguous text.
The history is clear. There were 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit presented by God through His Holy Spirit in order to establish Truth for the New Testament as given by Christ Jesus. (1 Cor. 12:7-11) 1. Supernatural wisdom was given to some...2. to others knowledge...3. faith 4. the power and authority to heal 5. miracles 6. prophecy 7. the discerning of spirits 8. Tongues or as explained in detail....the ability to speak other languages that were never studied (Acts 2:4, 5-8) 9. and the interpretation of tongues or languages never studied.
The same apostle who listed the 9 gifts....clearly and quite unambiguously declared that these supernatural gifts of the spirit were to cease (1 Cor. 13:8-12) Why did Paul say they would cease? They were no longer needed when all revelations that were required for salvation were once and for all time delivered.
Paul tells us that each gift was IN PART....no one person had all the gifts....different people had different gifts that were required to build up the New Testament Church as the Old testament laws no longer applied...they were nailed to the cross of the Christ. When were they to cease? Again Paul enlightens us, when that which is PERFECT or whole...comes that which is in part will be done away with...
What is that perfect as found in scripture? "The perfect law of liberty" -- James 1:25 Paul describes the early church as a Child. Some people abused those gifts and acted as children would, but he declared that once grown...you put away childish things. Today some PLAY CHURCH by attempting to mimic those gifts promised to those of the early church...they are still children playing church.
But the scriptures are clear, those gifts were bestowed upon the early followers of Christ by the laying on of the original Apostles hands. (Acts 8:13-19) Those who received those gifts could not pass on those gifts as demonstrated in scriptures. Simon, not Simon Peter the Apostle but Simon a person who often claimed to be working with witchcraft....attempted to give the Apostles money in order that he might have the ability to lay on hands and transfer the gifts of the Holy Spirit, "...Simon saw that the Spirit was bestowed through the laying on of the apostles hands....he offered them money saying, Give this authority to me as well....so that anyone that I lay hands on might receive the Holy Spirit." -- Acts 8:17-19
What did the Apostle say, "Your money perish with you....you thought the gift of God could be purchased with money, YOU HAVE NEITHER LOT NOR PORTION IN THIS MATTER........" -- Acts 8: 21-22
There is not one scripture to be found of anyone receiving one of the nine gifts without the laying of hands by one of the original apostles of Christ...that He personally hand picked and promised to them to give them this gift after He died. Christ never promised any modern Christian such a gift....those that profess such are merely pretending in order take to advantage of other gullible people.
When the last Apostle died....that gift promised by the Christ died as well. Today we have everything required to find salvation. The word of God. Christians are no different than any other person on earth...God loves everyone. A Christians salvation comes when the race is finished, in the meantime....one must have faith and works in order to endure to the end.
What I find funny? YOU attempting to apply natural science to a miracle of God. They do call such SUPER....NATURAL, meaning there is no way to quantify or measure such through natural means.
What? Should I get out my "super-natural-o-meter" and enlighten you? Yet you seem to have one in your pocket. LMAO. I can no more explain a miracle than you can disprove one via attempting to apply science...which clearly cannot define itself, as the origin of the natural universe was a Supernatural Act.....as defined by Applied Science and the laws of causality. If you can explain the origins of the natural universe, life, love...etc. via applying Science to that equation....do so. If not....I am supposed define the Supernatural while you can't define the origins of the natural? Really?
No theories....just simple practical Science that uses, Observed repeatable, demonstrable, consistent experimentation.
What force created the mass, matter that must have existed prior to the Big Bang? What experiment has proven that life can be spontaneously generated from non living dead matter? Yet...you declare both to be real Science? Really? Show me your proof through the use of the Scientific Method. Waiting.....
Yet...I am the one working with FAITH based upon nothing? Really?
A got ya moment missed? LMAO again.