Will Kamala's VP pick be a woman? Who would even want the job?

America has been unwelcoming to immigrants since about 1900. They were super anti-Italian when they were coming. They were hating the Irish when they arrived. They were violently opposed to Chinese immigrants who were building the railroads.
Now Trumpys hate the Latinos who are coming for opportunities they do not have at home.
Immigration builds our economy.
Take a history lesson and catch up on current events, pendejo.

America is not a white supremacist nation as you claim. and there are a variety of immigrants, you racist welfare pig.

And they ALL are coming here for ASYLUM, ... cutting the line.
I think the VP will have to come from the pool of 2020 Democrat Presidential candidates who made deals to drop out so that Biden could run unopposed.

Won't it be one of these?

she can't pick someone who got more delegates then she did, obviously......
America has been unwelcoming to immigrants since about 1900. They were super anti-Italian when they were coming. They were hating the Irish when they arrived. They were violently opposed to Chinese immigrants who were building the railroads.
Now Trumpys hate the Latinos who are coming for opportunities they do not have at home.
Immigration builds our economy.
there's a word lib'ruls dare not even whisper. because it makes every one of their arguments about the border look like shit........the word they dare not speak is.....
The mobs that violently destroyed statues were BLM mobs and ANTIFA mobs, not Hamas mobs. There are no Hamas mobs.

You see, I look at the entire dem party as being in bed with terrorists, racists and anti Americans of all stripes. BLM and Antifa mobs destroyed cities and police for the single reason that a white cop killed the black George Floyd. Not much different are the leftist Hamas mobs (like in N.Y.C.) that burned, desecrated statues and American flags for their their hatred of the Jewish people.

What political party do you suppose backs these Hamas,, BLM, and Antifa violent mobs? Would it be the Dem party or our
newly named MAGA Party? BLM and Antifa are America's own domestic terrorist mobs.

she can't pick someone who got more delegates then she did, obviously......
Kamala didn't get any delegates. Seven Democrat candidates got some delegates (Even Tulsi Gabbard received 2) and Tom Steyer received zero but was nonetheless listed. Kamala had already long-since dropped out with no support.

Kamala has essentially no support amongst Democrat voters. It's the same issue the DNC faced in 2016, i.e. The Democrats are running a strictly "HATE TRUMP" campaign, but they are running a candidate that even they HATE even moreso. The DNC ran the most HATED woman in America when any not-HATED candidate stood a much better chance to actually defeat Trump. Now, the DNC wants to run Kamala, i.e. the absolutely most HATED Democrat next to Hillary.
America has been unwelcoming to immigrants since about 1900.
America has been openly welcoming immigrants for all of its existence. You must be new.

They were super anti-Italian when they were coming.
They? Specify.

They were hating the Irish when they arrived.
They? Specify.

They were violently opposed to Chinese immigrants who were building the railroads.
America welcomed countless Chinese immigrants. You must be new.

Now Trumpys hate the Latinos who are coming for opportunities they do not have at home.
Ihueputa mentiroso de verga, no sabes nada de la diarrhea que se sale de tu boca.

Immigration builds our economy.
Exactly. Now get the rest of it right.