Will President Obama's lack of popularity hurt Senator Clinton's chances?

MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yes and Santa Clause is going to bring you a little red wagon and the tooth fairy is going to hide a dollar bill under your pillow tonight. I love your fantasy land comments! LOL LOL LOL

So his incompetence with foreign policy, which is a complete failure doesn't register with you? The worst economic recovery in 50 years. Unemployment rate above 7% for his first 4+ years. Bumbling about in the ME lobbing bombs at shadows. An obvious failure in policy with Obamacare which is why they keep delaying implementation.

Where is his competence that you see? What do you think he has been successful at? Other than blaming Bush and getting you lemmings to fall for it.
Seriously, I thought Dude was being a little harsh with you on the helmet during spin class comments, but when you make statements like this, I have to agree with him.

Seriously, tell us what area/policy stance of Obama's that you feel he IS competent?

He is far worse than Bush at foreign policy. His economic policy is a disaster. His health care plan is a mess. Unemployment rate remains persistently high. Where are you seeing competence from him?
link us up... which one(s) are you referring to? Which ones lasted for 8 hours, had multiple attacks in the same day and received no help... which is what we saw at Benghazi.

also link us up to where 100 people were killed data... were they US citizens?

also... there were 4 Americans killed in Benghazi.

I think you make a false assumption about Obama's popularity based on polls Jarod. Those same polls early into the 2012 campaign season said he couldn't win re-election either.

Obama's standing will have no impact what so ever on Hilliary's standing if she runs. The Dem base will love her and Repub base will vilify her. Having said that, the polls consistantly show that currently the Repubs don't have a challenger that could beat her.

I hope you are correct and it is three years out, but I do believe that Bush's abysmal numbers certainty hampered McCain's efforts. Would you agree?
So his incompetence with foreign policy, which is a complete failure doesn't register with you? The worst economic recovery in 50 years. Unemployment rate above 7% for his first 4+ years. Bumbling about in the ME lobbing bombs at shadows. An obvious failure in policy with Obamacare which is why they keep delaying implementation.

Where is his competence that you see? What do you think he has been successful at? Other than blaming Bush and getting you lemmings to fall for it.

Just because you say things, no matter how badly you want them to be true, does not make them true.
Seriously, tell us what area/policy stance of Obama's that you feel he IS competent?

He is far worse than Bush at foreign policy. His economic policy is a disaster. His health care plan is a mess. Unemployment rate remains persistently high. Where are you seeing competence from him?

What measure would you like to use, body count of unnecessary deaths of U.S. Soldiers would be a good start... do you agree?
What measure would you like to use, body count of unnecessary deaths of U.S. Soldiers would be a good start... do you agree?

It should be of utmost importance to Americans. What's of importance to the rest of the world, fwiw, is that Americans have slaughtered far less human beings in foreign lands.

Obama will remain hugely popular outside the US if this war against Syria is prevented. And Putin will reap the benefits too!

Yeah... I have seen that. But it doesn't address the point that Mutt was referring to. Take a look, there were not 100 Americans killed in US embassy attacks. There were 18 in all of those attacks combined (plus or minus 4 as the ninth attack did not specify whether the dead were Americans or not).

As I also asked, in which of those cases was the attack carried out in two/multiple waves over an 8 hour period? From what I have read, none.

Which is simply partisan nonsense. We could have had aircraft on scene before the second attack. Nothing could have been done after the first attack began to save the ambassador, but the others would have had a better chance of survival had we acted.

Add to that the repeated requests for additional security before hand. Add in the fact that it was a known hotspot. Incompetence by the Obama admin... plain and simple.
Which is simply partisan nonsense. We could have had aircraft on scene before the second attack. Nothing could have been done after the first attack began to save the ambassador, but the others would have had a better chance of survival had we acted.

Add to that the repeated requests for additional security before hand. Add in the fact that it was a known hotspot. Incompetence by the Obama admin... plain and simple.

I am glad you know so much more than the general.
Which is simply partisan nonsense. We could have had aircraft on scene before the second attack. Nothing could have been done after the first attack began to save the ambassador, but the others would have had a better chance of survival had we acted.

Add to that the repeated requests for additional security before hand. Add in the fact that it was a known hotspot. Incompetence by the Obama admin... plain and simple.

He was off, there were 71 people killed in these attacks.
I hope you are correct and it is three years out, but I do believe that Bush's abysmal numbers certainty hampered McCain's efforts. Would you agree?
Not at all. I think the extremes of the GOP base hampered McCains efforts. Maybe you forgot but McCain campaigned in 2000 as a center right establisment Republican and did well in the primaries untill he was savaged by the southern radical right in South Carolina. McCain then preceded, as did Romney to move to the far right to consolidate the GOP nomination in the South and that is what hampered McCain in the general election. Far more than the Bush legacy.

In fact that is very comparable to Al Gore, who even though he won the popular vote in 2000, hurt himself by distancing himself from the DLC policies that put Clinton into the White House. Had he not done that, then W probably never would have been President. It was as poor a political decision as McCains decision to move to the right to consolidate his power in the south. He succeeded in doing that but alienated the majority of the national electorate in the process.