Will President Obama's lack of popularity hurt Senator Clinton's chances?

Well then I am sure you can highlight the policies that you like where you found Obama to be competent...

So you make a statement and in your warped world of ignorance and "personal responsibility" you find its my duty to prove you right?
18 Americans

Wrong, see, you have to add up the number of dead that occurred as a result of the 13 attacks and that gives you the total number, sheesh, I understand giving Vanilla math lessons, but I never thought I would have to teach you how math works.
Wrong, see, you have to add up the number of dead that occurred as a result of the 13 attacks and that gives you the total number, sheesh, I understand giving Vanilla math lessons, but I never thought I would have to teach you how math works.

Sorry, I read where you distinguished Americans.
So you make a statement and in your warped world of ignorance and "personal responsibility" you find its my duty to prove you right?

you stated my comments were not true... which means you believe the opposite. I asked you to prove YOUR position you moron, not mine.
By the way, he never said Americans.

yet he only included AMERICANS killed in embassy attacks while Obama was in office. Funny that. which by the way was the point of my asking him...

"also link us up to where 100 people were killed data... were they US citizens?"
That's all they need to win.

Speaking of Benghazi....did you know that under the Obama administration those are the only 3 death at a US embassy or consolate but that when Bush was president over 100 persons died who were employed at US Embassies or Consulates. Where was the cry for an investigation then? Where's the outrage over that? Hmm? :)

Not at all. I think the extremes of the GOP base hampered McCains efforts. Maybe you forgot but McCain campaigned in 2000 as a center right establisment Republican and did well in the primaries untill he was savaged by the southern radical right in South Carolina. McCain then preceded, as did Romney to move to the far right to consolidate the GOP nomination in the South and that is what hampered McCain in the general election. Far more than the Bush legacy.

In fact that is very comparable to Al Gore, who even though he won the popular vote in 2000, hurt himself by distancing himself from the DLC policies that put Clinton into the White House. Had he not done that, then W probably never would have been President. It was as poor a political decision as McCains decision to move to the right to consolidate his power in the south. He succeeded in doing that but alienated the majority of the national electorate in the process.

I would certainty rather believe your analysis than mine, I hope you are correct, because if you are there is almost no way Rodham-Clinton can lose.
you stated my comments were not true... which means you believe the opposite. I asked you to prove YOUR position you moron, not mine.

Your the one who made the allegations in the first place, I'm simply asking you to back up what you shot out.... Cant do it, I understand.

Talk the talk, but cant walk the walk.
Sorry, I read where you distinguished Americans.

No worries... that is why I was asking him... because he listed JUST Americans under Obama, but gave a number of 100 that I could not find for Bush (unless you started counting all those killed, which as you pointed out still did not get to 100)
Your the one who made the allegations in the first place, I'm simply asking you to back up what you shot out.... Cant do it, I understand.

Talk the talk, but cant walk the walk.

No moron, I stated my position, you then said 'that not true' so I asked you to state why you thought my comments were not true.

You are simply being a fucking retard like Desh at this point because you can't point out anything to back up your attack on me.
So his incompetence with foreign policy, which is a complete failure doesn't register with you? The worst economic recovery in 50 years. Unemployment rate above 7% for his first 4+ years. Bumbling about in the ME lobbing bombs at shadows. An obvious failure in policy with Obamacare which is why they keep delaying implementation.

Where is his competence that you see? What do you think he has been successful at? Other than blaming Bush and getting you lemmings to fall for it.

Just because you say things, no matter how badly you want them to be true, does not make them true.

See Jarod... I listed what I thought he was a failure at... you then claimed it wasn't true. I stated some of the reasons I think he is a failure... you have not told me why you think they aren't true.
No moron, I stated my position, you then said 'that not true' so I asked you to state why you thought my comments were not true.

You are simply being a fucking retard like Desh at this point because you can't point out anything to back up your attack on me.

Okay ohhh enlightened one, whats the difference between "stating your position" and making the allegation that, everything Obama has done has been incompetent?