Will SCOTUS justice Amy Barrett speak out against Republican racism?

Would she even stand up for her Haitian children if MAGA kids at school start mocking them as cat eaters?

Make no mistake...Amy Coney Barrett is more substantial than you may suppose. She and Kavanaugh may well bring more common sense to this SCOTUS than most people think at this moment. Especially if Trump wins. (Which he won't.)

Make no mistake...Amy Coney Barrett is more substantial than you may suppose. She and Kavanaugh may well bring more common sense to this SCOTUS than most people think at this moment. Especially if Trump wins. (Which he won't.)
Good to know she would stand up for her Haitian children, but remain silent at racism directed at other Haitians. I guess when she has a personal vested interest it suddenly becomes important.

I don't think she is a lightweight as far as her professional experience goes, and it is admirable that she adopted children from Haiti.
Feel free to stroll down the street chanting "nigger, nigger, nigger!" and tell any black people you who accost you that are not specifically talking about them individually.
You didn't answer my question... I don't use that word by the way... but I see you enjoy it...;)
I guess all
Democrats just refuse to answer questions...lol...
Feel free to use the word spic or chink around anyone who has kids of Asian or Hispanic descent, and just tell them you weren't talking about their kids. But be prepared to get punched in the face.