Will SCOTUS justice Amy Barrett speak out against Republican racism?

Good to know she would stand up for her Haitian children, but remain silent at racism directed at other Haitians. I guess when she has a personal vested interest it suddenly becomes important.

I don't think she is a lightweight as far as her professional experience goes, and it is admirable that she adopted children from Haiti.
should illegal immigrants be encouraged to not eat the ducks from the park?
No matter how often we post about Temporary Protected Status, magas will continue to pretend it doesn't exist.
My grandmother, aunt, cousin were refugees, but because they were white I don't think they had to deal anyone expecting them to be wearing grass skirts, carrying spears, and visiting the pet store to pick up dinner.
Amy Coney Barrett has two adopted children from Haiti.

You mean this racism


Black Chicago residents infuriated over migrant surge: 'Enough!'​

Grass skirts and spears? Who's vying for Top racist at JPP? (You're and yours are the ones promoting racism here....) :thisisgettinggood:
You haven't answered if you would start hurling around the words chink, spear chucker, or spic around families who have children of Asian, African, Hispanic descent, and just explain it away by saying you weren't specifically talking about their kids.
i don't use those words...but they seem to be in a big part of your vocabulary...You're the only one using them...;)