Will SCOTUS justice Amy Barrett speak out against Republican racism?

You haven't answered if you would start hurling around the words chink, spear chucker, or spic around families who have children of Asian, African, Hispanic descent, and just explain it away by saying you weren't specifically talking about their kids.
No one mentioned her children...or Any other children specifically but you... And you are the one with the colorful bigoted vocabulary, not me... But do continue... Your true colors are shining through...
It's a fine line. Clarence Thomas, and probably all the other justices are invited to give public speeches on issues of the day, as long as it's not about pending cases or legislation.
Which points out why Justices should be subject to a code of ethics instead of turning their appointments into a profit-making business.

While Barrett may be free to give speeches against Republican racism, I think it's a bad idea for Justices to wear their biases on their sleeves.
No one mentioned her children...or Any other children specifically but you... And you are the one with the colorful bigoted vocabulary, not me... But do continue... Your true colors are shining through...
You must really be a moron. If you are making blanket caricatures of all Haitian people, you are also making them about Amy Barret's kids.

You don't think they are at risk now of MAGA punks at school mocking them for eating cats, and drinking cat blood?
Oh, so now you are backpedaling and backtracking away from your false claims that they are "illegal aliens", just because FOX "forgot" to tell you they were here legally under a temporary refuge status.
???....no.....they aren't here legally.......your lame excuse for a real president attempted to change immigration laws by executive order......the same thing that resulted in the courts saying he lacked the authority before.......
Oh, so now you are backpedaling and backtracking away from your false claims that they are "illegal aliens", just because FOX "forgot" to tell you they were here legally under a temporary refuge status.
Yes, that's exactly what he's doing. MAGAts never accept responsibility for their actions and always blame others.
You must really be a moron. If you are making blanket caricatures of all Haitian people, you are also making them about Amy Barret's kids.

You don't think they are at risk now of MAGA punks at school mocking them for eating cats, and drinking cat blood?
50 years of alcoholism will do that.
https://www.daytondailynews.com/loc...y-chose-this-city/2YSECZBYS5DYTF35SC5U4QS5SI/ Most but not all... And
Temporarily is key... The issues are being addressed however... The numbers have been a huge strain And disruption to the community.... It is the responsibility of the temporary workers to blend into the community... Not take it over... And it is the responsibility of those who approved the temporary status to make sure that happens as well...
You must really be a moron. If you are making blanket caricatures of all Haitian people, you are also making them about Amy Barret's kids.

You don't think they are at risk now of MAGA punks at school mocking them for eating cats, and drinking cat blood?
and yet, the only one here who has made blanket caricatures of all Haitians is you......
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Another example of a semiliterate MAGAt.

Now you know why I know you lied about being a lawyer, Pmp. You're too uneducated.

From the link:
Congress created TPS in 1990, giving the executive branch authority to designate countries undergoing armed conflict, environmental disaster, or extraordinary and temporary conditions that prevented nationals from returning.

Some lawyers are surprisingly lacking in education. This turkey strikes me as a guy who may well have got a law degree, maybe passed the bar, but couldn't cut it in the world he entered.
Some lawyers are surprisingly lacking in education. This turkey strikes me as a guy who may well have got a law degree, maybe passed the bar, but couldn't cut it in the world he entered.
LOL Agreed Pmp appears unlikely to have cut it in the real world, but disagreed that lawyers aren't educated. They might lack morals, but not education. Pmp made a HS level reading mistake. It's not the first time.

Either he's suffering from dementia and forgotten most everything he's learned or he was never as educated as he claims.
You must really be a moron. If you are making blanket caricatures of all Haitian people, you are also making them about Amy Barret's kids.

You don't think they are at risk now of MAGA punks at school mocking them for eating cats, and drinking cat blood?
They are not at risk...... Unless it would be from someone like you or yours.. You've made that crystal clear
LOL Agreed Pmp appears unlikely to have cut it in the real world, but disagreed that lawyers aren't educated. They might lack morals, but not education. Pmp made a HS level reading mistake. It's not the first time.

Either he's suffering from dementia and forgotten most everything he's learned or he was never as educated as he claims.
I said "some" lawyers. I've engaged with a few you would not respect as educated.
I said "some" lawyers. I've engaged with a few you would not respect as educated.
Thanks.. I'm guessing we're talking about those lawyers who graduated from schools in a state that accepts boxtops as payment. LOL

It appears JPP has a few "doctors" with the same pedigree. :)