Wisconsin Supreme Court hands Democrats huge win with ballot box decision

It's a simple question. What do you put more stock in - the fact that there has been no meaningful fraud, zero counterfeit ballots and no meaningful ballot harvesting OR do you put more stock in what people think they saw? "People" meaning nutter butters like Meslissa Carone and drug addicted, mentally unstable, woods-sleeping felon truck drivers who believe they drove a trailer full of ballots in circles.

The problem for you is that you'd have to admit to being a tin foil hat wearer to downplay the facts about the election. Why? Because the only way to downplay the facts about fraud, ballots, harvesting, etc is to claim "they're all in on it" and then you out yourself as a crazy person... a ghost chaser..... one of the "the DNC did it" people I was mocking in my post to Postmodern Prophet.
there has been meaningful all of those.

quit shilling for the establishment liars.
All of Wisconsin's votes can be nulled if it's found to be not secure.

Not an ideal situation, but if Democrats cheat it that much and disenfranchise their voters, it's fucked anyways.
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