Wisconsin Supreme Court hands Democrats huge win with ballot box decision

Again, why are none of the affidavits refuted after four years?
Probably for the same reason no one in a position of power has ever officially refuted the claims about Area 51 or officially refuted the claims of that crazy old man on AM radio, in the middle of the night, who believes aliens live among us. Refuting them gives their "crazy" legitimacy.
Probably for the same reason no one in a position of power has ever officially refuted the claims about Area 51
Nope. It is not probably for the same reason; it is definitely for a different reason.

The intelligence community will neither confirm nor deny any of its "areas," regardless of the extent of public awareness, whereas leftists are simply unable to refute eyewitness testimony of events that actually happened for which there is mountainous corroborating evidence.
Nope. It is not probably for the same reason; it is definitely for a different reason.

The intelligence community will neither confirm nor deny any of its "areas," regardless of the extent of public awareness, whereas leftists are simply unable to refute eyewitness testimony of events that actually happened for which there is mountainous corroborating evidence.
As I've said before, it doesn't matter if you refute a conspiracy theorist. They're still going to believe whatever they want to believe. You could offer free tours of A51, to allow the conspiracy theorists to see, first hand, that there are no alien bodies and they still wouldn't be convinced... because they're conspiracy theorists and there's always one more step down the rabbit hole.

You've proved me right that with the magical suitcase of Biden ballots in Georgia. It was THOROUGHLY investigated, with nothing being found, but you still have that one more step - EVERYONE involved in the investigation, Republican, Democrat or neutral, are all in on the steal, so their investigation means nothing.
Probably for the same reason no one in a position of power has ever officially refuted the claims about Area 51 or officially refuted the claims of that crazy old man on AM radio, in the middle of the night, who believes aliens live among us. Refuting them gives their "crazy" legitimacy.
As I've said before, it doesn't matter if you refute a conspiracy theorist.
The Democrat party is a conspiracy, Void. It's no theory.
They're still going to believe whatever they want to believe. You could offer free tours of A51, to allow the conspiracy theorists to see, first hand, that there are no alien bodies and they still wouldn't be convinced... because they're conspiracy theorists and there's always one more step down the rabbit hole.

You've proved me right that with the magical suitcase of Biden ballots in Georgia. It was THOROUGHLY investigated, with nothing being found, but you still have that one more step - EVERYONE involved in the investigation, Republican, Democrat or neutral, are all in on the steal, so their investigation means nothing.
You've never given details because you have none. That's why I keep asking.

I'm suuuuure you'll eventually provide them.

As I've said before, it doesn't matter if you refute a conspiracy theorist.
... because you refuse to believe that humans conspire.

They're still going to believe whatever they want to believe.
You're still going to believe whatever you desperately want to believe.

You could offer free tours of A51,
Nope. You cannot offer free tours, that's the reason for the rumors. The shroud of secrecy leaves only the imagination to have a say.

to allow the conspiracy theorists to see, first hand, that there are no alien bodies and they still wouldn't be convinced.
Incorrect. Converting someone into eyewitness that sees that there are no aliens will create an eyewitness and lose a hoax-driver.

.. because they're conspiracy theorists
What's wrong with recognizing that humans conspire? I recognize that humans conspire. I think that the problem is on your end, in your denial that humans conspire.

and there's always one more step down the rabbit hole.
This has no meaning. You wasted some fine bandwidth here.
... because you refuse to believe that humans conspire.

You're still going to believe whatever you desperately want to believe.

Nope. You cannot offer free tours, that's the reason for the rumors. The shroud of secrecy leaves only the imagination to have a say.

Incorrect. Converting someone into eyewitness that sees that there are no aliens will create an eyewitness and lose a hoax-driver.

What's wrong with recognizing that humans conspire? I recognize that humans conspire. I think that the problem is on your end, in your denial that humans conspire.

This has no meaning. You wasted some fine bandwidth here.

and there's always one more step down the rabbit hole.

"This has no meaning. You wasted some fine bandwidth here."

This has all the meaning for conspiracy theorists because there is no convincing them. There's always the next conspiracy to explain away any explanation. The Georgia example epitomizes that fact, you just don't want to admit it.

Area 51 is a military facility. Nobody, except those who are authorized, can go there but IF they offered every conspiracy theorist the opportunity to scour the facility for as long as they'd like, looking behind every door, in every drawer, etc it wouldn't matter that no alien bodies were found because it would be explained away by the next conspiracy. "Oh, they hid them in a secret spot" or "They were moved to another location".
and there's always one more step down the rabbit hole.
’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:

This has all the meaning for conspiracy theorists
I don't believe your comment holds any meaning for people who recognize that humans conspire.

Area 51 is a military facility.
Area 51 is a tenant on an Air Force installation. Area 51 itself is not military.

Nobody, except those who are authorized, can go there

but IF they offered every conspiracy theorist the opportunity to scour the facility for as long as they'd like, looking behind every door, in every drawer, etc it wouldn't matter that no alien bodies were found
Yes, it would matter.
and there's always one more step down the rabbit hole.

"This has no meaning. You wasted some fine bandwidth here."

This has all the meaning for conspiracy theorists because there is no convincing them. There's always the next conspiracy to explain away any explanation. The Georgia example epitomizes that fact, you just don't want to admit it.

Area 51 is a military facility. Nobody, except those who are authorized, can go there but IF they offered every conspiracy theorist the opportunity to scour the facility for as long as they'd like, looking behind every door, in every drawer, etc it wouldn't matter that no alien bodies were found because it would be explained away by the next conspiracy. "Oh, they hid them in a secret spot" or "They were moved to another location".
/whispers "unconstitutional"........hears ZM cringe......
’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:

I don't believe your comment holds any meaning for people who recognize that humans conspire.

Area 51 is a tenant on an Air Force installation. Area 51 itself is not military.


Yes, it would matter.
You seem to confuse "humans conspire" with "humans conspiring is the default explanation".

I don't believe you re: Area 51. I've seen your conspiratorial mind on display here for months.
You seem to confuse "humans conspire" with "humans conspiring is the default explanation".
Incorrect. You are intentionally misrepresenting my position. I have clarified many times that "humans conspiring" should be the initial assumption, with all other information and other explanations considered. Human nature should always be the initial assumption. Unfortunately, denial of human nature and denial that humans conspire is the exclusive axiom of leftists who will immediately dismiss correct explanations as "conspiracy theories."

This is why leftists who use the term "conspiracy theory" are, at most, one turn away from tipping their king and having their argument summarily dismissed.

I don't believe you re: Area 51.
Of course you don't. You are obligated to deny human nature. Let's review. You believe that if a human were allowed to examine Area 51 for aliens to his satisfaction, that he would not be satisfied.

Do you see the problem with your position?