WM's list of weird sexual fetishes


What? I just know this stuff. Don't ask me how.

This is when you eat sushi from a naked womans body.
It dates way back in Japan and is still popular today.
Voraphilia... sexual attraction to eating someone or being eaten.

Emetophillia is one, getting aroused at seeing someone vomit.

Emetophilia is a sexual fetish in which an individual is aroused by vomiting or observing others vomit. When emetophiles put emetophilia into practice by actually vomiting, especially on a partner, it is called a Roman shower, after the supposed frequent induction of vomiting at Roman feasts.

For emetophiles, the sequence of "spasm, ejaculation, relief" in vomiting is erotically charged.

An online site theorizes, "vomiting was probably something either arousing or frightening to emetophiles at some point ... it aroused powerful emotions, and the emetophier called upon these emotions for the purpose of sexual gratification." (Frequently Asked Questions about Vomiting)

Teratophilia is a technical term for a sexual attraction to 'deformed' or 'monstrous' people. A teratophiliac is someone who is attracted to such people. One version of Teratophilia is acrotomophilia, sexual attraction to amputees. Considerable commercial and amateur erotica is published apparently targeting people with such a sexual attraction. Persons attracted to amputees in particular are said to be engaging in amputee fetishism. Teratophilia is a specific category of paraphilia.

Abasiophilia is a psychosexual attraction to lame or crippled people, especially those who use orthopedic appliances such as leg braces, orthopedic casts, spinal braces, or wheelchairs. The term abasiophilia was first used by John Money of the Johns Hopkins University in a paper on paraphilias in 1990.

It is classed as a form of disability fetishism which starts in early childhood, usually long before puberty is reached. There is normally a trigger event in early childhood involving disabled children or adults. It is most common in those who were children in the 1940s, 50s and 60s when Polio was common and there were more people using leg braces than today. Studies made in the last 10 years of people contributing to internet leg-brace devotee groups confirms the most common age of leg-brace devotees and wannabes as between 50 and 70; there are few leg-brace devotees aged less than 40.

More recently, some have suggested that abasiophilia is a form of Body Integrity Identity Disorder, usually associated with people wishing to electively become amputees. The stimuli for abasiophilia are usually leg-braces, wheelchairs, crutches, spinal or neck braces and prosthetics worn by disabled people.

I'll give you a cookie if you can one-up me on weirdness. :cof1:
Space docking -

The act of using your faeces to penetrate your significant other. Faeces may be frozen and/or inserted into a condom prior to insertion.
Type the words "Balloon Fetish" into yahoo. I'm at work, ain't doing it myself at the mo'...
I'm told, by shady acquaintances in hushed tones, that some gentlemen like to "do it" with ladies...with the lights on.

It's this sort of thing which lost us an Empire.
Does it make it difficult to "arrive" when the lights are on?

For my own part, when i'm turned on, so to speak, i have a nagging fear that my bulb will overheat causing it to go off prematurely.

A modern thinking gentleman at one with his environment must take all possible precautions to curb any unnecessary emissions, don't you think?
For my own part, when i'm turned on, so to speak, i have a nagging fear that my bulb will overheat causing it to go off prematurely.

A modern thinking gentleman at one with his environment must take all possible precautions to curb any unnecessary emissions, don't you think?
You are just afraid of having to sleep in the wet spot.
You are just afraid of having to sleep in the wet spot.

In order to avoid such a tragic course of events i find it prudent to only indulge in necessary foulness following the liberal application of blotting paper.
Being anally probed and then beeing ordered to pay for it bringing one to the point of fiscal frailty and then electing to have it done again and again and again and again.... in infanitum whilst praising your prober as a god.

Its call being a Bushie
Being anally probed and then beeing ordered to pay for it bringing one to the point of fiscal frailty and then electing to have it done again and again and again and again.... in infanitum whilst praising your prober as a god.

Its call being a Bushie

Are you seriously that huge of a sick partisan freak that you can't even leave Bush out of an off-topic thread on fetishes?
it just fits in too well with these other conditions.

You must have no friends. People must hate to know you, because you are annoying as fuck.

Believe it or not there can be a conversation without it leading back to how much you hate Bush. We all know you hate Bush, most of us hate (or at least dislike) Bush, we don't need every fucking thread coming back to your bullshit.
Believe it or not there can be a conversation without it leading back to how much you hate Bush. We all know you hate Bush, most of us hate (or at least dislike) Bush, we don't need every fucking thread coming back to your bullshit.

So you're a Brazilian man, eh?