So the certificate that The Obama presented isn't good enough for the Hawaii Home Lands program. Why is that?
You're a fart smeller, you can figure it out.
So the certificate that The Obama presented isn't good enough for the Hawaii Home Lands program. Why is that?
Okay, first I will say that I can see why you would read that I implied it was democrats who challenged McCain's eligibility, because I asked if you represented all democrats. I did not intend from that statement to imply that it was democrats who challenged McCain's eligibility. Nor would it make sense that it was democrats, since the challenge was issued before the primaries. This knowledge would indicate that the challenge would have come from other republican(s).
But the POINT is that McCain's eligibility was challenged BEFORE Obama's. The rest of it is stupid spin on your part. "prove it was democrats (plural)" LOL Still dancing around the FACTS that you lied about McCain only being challenged because Obama was, and you lied that Obama was the only one who was asked to produce his birth certificate.
Bottom line, no matter who it was challenging McCain's or Obama's eligibility, BOTH were challenged, with McCain's challenge coming first. Therefore, your claims are lies. Period. Spin it any way you want, but your still lied about the situation being ONLY against Obama, you lied that only Obama has been asked to produce his BC, you lied that McCain's challenge was only in response to Obama's, etc. etc. etc. Dwell away on the minutia all you want, you cannot hide from your lies.
Also, as to Berg's lawsuit, suppose for a second that his challenge had been successful. What would that have done to Clinton's withdrawal from the race? ie: it did not matter that Clinton had withdrawn - a successful challenge to Obama's eligibility would have put her right back in the driver's seat. So much for THAT spin....
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And PLEASE pay attention to what you write. YOU point out that a CERTIFIED COPY came to your son's rescue....yet you would DENY the same procedure to Obama regarding proof of citizenship. Remember, birthers won't accept from Obama what your son used.
?????...Obama isn't using what my son son tried to use what Obama used and it was refused......Obama is refusing to release what my son ended up using......
Originally Posted by bravo
Your link has nothing ....absolutely nothing to do with the topic of my post...
Its like me claiming water is wet and you responding that the sky is blue....completely irrelevant to whats being said.
You're a pinhead of the first degree....that has a major problem understanding WTF you read....
Christie's claims are a bullshit attempt to blame the birth controversy on some imaginary right wing "birthers" when it was initiated by the Hillary supporter Philip Berg has filed a lawsuit in federal court some time before the Dem. convention.....and news reports show it was brought up months before by the Clinton campaign, long before the actual filing of the suit....
Feel free to honk you little horn now the clown you are and next time, try to keep up with what talking about.....
Do you really have a clue about what you're writing?
The birther controversy heated up in April 2008, not August. Obama released the BC in June 2008. Berg filed the lawsuit four days before the convention, August 21, in response to the controversy that was ignited four months earlier. In any case, when Berg filed his lawsuit is irrelevant because the lawsuit wasn't the reason for the controversy.
You can say Berg was a Hillary supporter until the cows come home but you haven't proven that his support, whatever it was, translated to Hillary furthering the conspiracy. There's no mention on his website about Hillary.
Originally Posted by christiefan915
Obama announced his candidacy on February 10, 2007. From that day on his business was out there for anybody to investigate, including the states and the feds. The birther nonsense began receiving attention in mid-2008, over one year later, following Obama's victory in the Democratic primaries, in late 2008–early 2009 with regard to the Electoral College vote and Obama's inauguration, and later during various court proceedings.
Apparently you want me to think that in mid-2008 somebody suddenly had an "aha!" moment and decided it was time for Obama's birthplace to be investigated.
Sorry, not buying it.
*Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LOL You history re-writers never get it right, do you?
The first challenge to Obama's birth certificate came from (tada!!) DEMOCRATS who were supporting Clinton. The issue was first brought out in April, and simmered for 2 months until Obama's COLB was released in June. And the first actual law suit was filed by a man named Philip Berg, AFTER the COLB was released, but prior to the Democratic Convention.
We even discussed it in several threads on this very site.
Oh, and the issue of McCain's birth and eligibility was also discussed right here, and was done so BEFORE Obama's eligibility was challenged:
So, it seems to me that some democrats fed off each other's bovine cookies, and used what seemed a good idea againstg McCain, and tried to turn it against Obama.
So, how about you Obama butt kissers quit the fucking lies?
Nada? Politifact says this is false.
"As a fact-checking news Web site, we went to extensive lengths to sort out the truth. We got a copy of his 1992 marriage certificate from the Cook County (Ill.) Bureau of Vital Statistics. His driver's license record from the Illinois Secretary of State's office. His registration and disciplinary record with the Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois. Not to mention all of his property records."
but again....that isn't what Obama has can pretend you've responded if you like.....but you haven't.....I already demonstrated to another why the attempted hair splitting regarding the legitimacy of documents won't stand on post #35. I suggest you read it.
And YOU stated the following:
"... when my son renewed his license down in Florida last time we had to get a certified copy of the original and overnight it to him so his license didn't expire"
"certified copy" of a birth document THAT IS RECOGNIZED AS LEGITIMATE IN THE STATE CLAIMED can be used in the same fashion. I have yet to hear from any official from the other 49 states that they wouldn't accept Obama's records as legitimate. Only birthers keep trying to create all types of fantastic scenarios as to how Obama is part of some fantastic conspiracy dating back nearly 50 years that involved two Hawaiian newspapers, a public hospital, and later the State of Illinois and then Secret Service of the USA.
This isn't about facts .
In other words, you lose the argument.You're a fart smeller, you can figure it out.
In other words, you lose the argument.
What argument? You claimed that Obama couldn't get a driver's license with the document he produced. You were wrong.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
I already demonstrated to another why the attempted hair splitting regarding the legitimacy of documents won't stand on post #35. I suggest you read it.
And YOU stated the following:
"... when my son renewed his license down in Florida last time we had to get a certified copy of the original and overnight it to him so his license didn't expire"
"certified copy" of a birth document THAT IS RECOGNIZED AS LEGITIMATE IN THE STATE CLAIMED can be used in the same fashion. I have yet to hear from any official from the other 49 states that they wouldn't accept Obama's records as legitimate. Only birthers keep trying to create all types of fantastic scenarios as to how Obama is part of some fantastic conspiracy dating back nearly 50 years that involved two Hawaiian newspapers, a public hospital, and later the State of Illinois and then Secret Service of the USA.
but again....that isn't what Obama has can pretend you've responded if you like.....but you haven't.....
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
This isn't about facts .
you're isn't about's about Obama refusing to disclose I've said, I could care less where he was born.....I'm just curious why he won't release the information.......
in Florida, he can't.....What argument? You claimed that Obama couldn't get a driver's license with the document he produced. You were wrong.
What you described happened to your son has NOTHING to do with the bogus "controversy" by the birther bumpkins....if you had read the information provided in the links on post #35, you'd know this.
But again, what Obama presented to the world HAS BEEN ACCEPTED by the State of Illinois (which includes their Dept. of Motor Vehicles), the US Secret Service, the US State Dept., the US Congress/ that pretty much trumps the whinings of a bunch of anti-Obama clowns....unless they (the anti-Obama/birther clowns) can provide proof that the forementioned were linked to a nearly 40 year conspiracy that included two Hawaiian newspapers, their hospital and the State of Hawaii.
So YOU, my Post Modern Fool, and repeat your birther bullshit ad nauseum to know avail.
Ice, that's pretty damning. Obviously the document doesn't exist.
When several States require proof of eligibility to be on the ballot, his chances for re-election are diminished to near zero.