

I saw Hendrix in 1970 about 2 months before he died, from choking on his own vomit, I still feel bad about that even now.
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Neither is true except in your drug induced delusions...
Try manning up for once and speaking clearly, Terry. All this weasel shit about the FBI, CDC and evil democrats gets old without evidence or a person clearly speaking their mind.

Are you afraid you'll look like Hawkeye, TDAK or Ptif if you are honest? Well, duh! LOL
Try manning up for once and speaking clearly, Terry. All this weasel shit about the FBI, CDC and evil democrats gets old without evidence or a person clearly speaking their mind.

Are you afraid you'll look like Hawkeye, TDAK or Ptif if you are honest? Well, duh! LOL

You want me to be either a delusional Right winger, or an insane Leftist. Neither is true. I'm a Centrist and can happily make satire against both while tossing in reality as I go. It is you that is arguing that I have to take some extremist position on this and that isn't happening.

You know how I know that I'm doing it right? Both the Left and Right here are pissing on my posts...
You want me to be either a delusional Right winger, or an insane Leftist. Neither is true. I'm a Centrist and can happily make satire against both while tossing in reality as I go. It is you that is arguing that I have to take some extremist position on this and that isn't happening.

You know how I know that I'm doing it right? Both the Left and Right here are pissing on my posts...

Heh you've been posting as a delusional Right winger the whole time.
You want me to be either a delusional Right winger, or an insane Leftist.

I'm a Centrist and can happily make satire against both while tossing in reality as I go. It is you that is arguing that I have to take some extremist position on this and that isn't happening.

You know how I know that I'm doing it right? Both the Left and Right here are pissing on my posts...
Incorrect. I know you are a delusional Right Winger because of your conspiracy theories about the CDC and the FBI. Why do you think I keep asking these questions? Why I'm curious about your running from them.

We can agree to disagree on that point. IMO, Centrists don't support violently overthrowing the US government or politicians seeking to do it for them.

The extremists on both ends always shit on those who don't as extreme as themselves. OTOH, I don't recall seeing any Alt-Righties calling you a Lefty. Is there a particular poster or post? Did it just happen once or does it keep happening?
There are bad cops on the street, and they garnered riots all across this country. Why not find out if there are bad cops at the top? It's been controversial.