Woman awakens for 3 days after 6 years

Does that matter. Care was saying how being an emotive and compassionate person makes it hard to live in a world with such great suffering.
It is NOT easy living in this world of today if you are a Dove, a pacifist.... and if you are honest to the core....

I am not suicidal or anything like that, if this is what has worried you....I am ok.... but all of this hurts none the less and it has been hurting me since 9/11 and so far, there has been no way for me to shake it off because more people are being unnecessarily hurt daily...which is where my sorrow comes from...


Care if you think only the past six years have been this way you must have only begun paying attention six years. There is great suffering all over the world.

Watch a documentary about life in North Korea. That will show you true despair and horror.

Oh yes, despair and horror is going on everywhere ihg, but only since 2000 have I been paying attention to the rest of the world...N Korea, Palestine, China, Africa, the Sudan.....the middle east and here in America too after viewing New Orleans....though not nearly the conditions of these other countries

It has been an "awakening" for me...an overwhelming rude awakening of all despair throughout our world.

And it is getting worse, not better.

Iraq and the deaths that have taken place there, were by OUR direct actions though, and this does not sit well because I am suppose to have sayso in my country's actions and I am responsible for my country's actions.
America is responsible for much suffering in the world history.

Native American Genocide.
Annexation of Hawaii
Support of the Shah in Iran
Helping to depose democracy in Guatemala
Arming the Contras
Nuking two cities full of civilians
Tuskeegee experiments

Things have never ever been right in this country. Maybe some day they will but we've got a long way to go.
Our government has always been a worthy target of disgust and I feel it will always be.

Our government has always been a worthy target of disgust and I feel it will always be.


I need to create a new id, IHateGovernmentToo......

I was so naive, living in my rosey perfect world before I was awakened, I can't read enough, find out enough, and make up all of those decades of being selfish but without knowledge of it, and asleep.... I live in shame and disgust.

And it is not that I expect the USA to be interventionists, or to nation build throughout the world....

The things that our country has done to cause some of this despair and horror throughout the world, is what bothers me the most.
I think I'm going to actively slip back into darkness. Ignorance truly is bliss. You only live once. Willful ignorance seems to be the key to being happy and optimistic. Look at Repubs over the last 6 years. They've been honky dory. And then look at the people that have "seen the light" over hte last year or so. Immy and Klaat don't seem any happier to me.
Meanwhile, I watch the news in tears. What for? What's knowing anything gotten me over the last 6 years? I actually despise people I don't even know personally.
The only advantage I see is that when the time comes to move my money off shore, hopefully I'll be informed just enough just in time so I don't get dragged down with this God awful administration.
Gold buried in a mason jar LadyT :)

Or foreign bank accounts to hedge my future. I really believe at this rate in within the next 20 years things may get ugly. Between our alienation of the entire freaking world and the fact that we borrow, spend, and borrow - something's got to give. Our currency can't stay strong forever.
World trade alone ensures that we will drop in financial stature and standard of living. The rest of the worlds standards will rise and ours will drop.

And before Spin ro someone chimes in that it is not a zero sum game, Yes I know that but it points in the zero sum direction.
I think I'm going to actively slip back into darkness. Ignorance truly is bliss. You only live once. Willful ignorance seems to be the key to being happy and optimistic. Look at Repubs over the last 6 years. They've been honky dory. And then look at the people that have "seen the light" over hte last year or so. Immy and Klaat don't seem any happier to me.
Meanwhile, I watch the news in tears. What for? What's knowing anything gotten me over the last 6 years? I actually despise people I don't even know personally.
The only advantage I see is that when the time comes to move my money off shore, hopefully I'll be informed just enough just in time so I don't get dragged down with this God awful administration.

I was do blissfully happy before I saw the light....

Every day I say what you just said and vow to just never turn on any news station again! And never come to these two sites again, so that I could end this misery...

But it is too late... I end up reading the news or listening to tv and I am frustrated to all hell once again and then end up on these sites trying to release it....

I don't think one can go back, once they have been awakened... though Maine has helped.... they are very information lacking up here... dial up is enough to keep anyone off the internet and information highway... ;)
I was do blissfully happy before I saw the light....

Every day I say what you just said and vow to just never turn on any news station again! And never come to these two sites again, so that I could end this misery...

But it is too late... I end up reading the news or listening to tv and I am frustrated to all hell once again and then end up on these sites trying to release it....

I don't think one can go back, once they have been awakened... though Maine has helped.... they are very information lacking up here... dial up is enough to keep anyone off the internet and information highway... ;)

Same here. Its a gradual process. One of these days I'll go cold turkey. I just can't for the life of me figure out what I've gained over the last few years. I mean dinner party conversation can be good if you can find someone as insane as you, but for the most part poeple aren't even interested in it anyway. Its not like my "enlightenment" has swayed any votes or helped to get that piece of $hit out of the office. Him and his cronies are going to get off scott free while the rest of us are paying for it. No impeachment, no censure (sp?), nothing. He'll retire, and play golf - while mothers & fathers will mourn, vets will continue to struggle through recovery, children will continue to be orphans and justice will once again bypass the rich and powerful. Seriously, what good is this knowledge doing me?
matthew's grandmother was 98 yrs old when she passed away from a broken hip complication.

she was 100% sane and smart as whip to the very end, she never became senile while all of her close friends did, before they died.

i used to sit and talk with her in her bedroom at matt's mom's house and really enjoyed listening to her talk about how life was in yesteryear...

she lived alone until she was 95 and couldn't do it anymore, so she moved from texas to florida and in with her daughter, matt's mom who was 75 at the time....

anyway, she used to tell me that having all of her wits at her age was a curse! lol... yes a curse from God!!! she felt senility would have been much easier on her than to deal with being sane while all of your friends were senile, or to witness them sick and dying on her, one right after the other.

she also said it was a curse because there were all of these things that she still wanted to do, like living in her own home or traveling on vacation or going to work but her BODY was failing her....and that each day, little by little her body could do less and less of what her mind wanted to do!!! and to her, senility in old age would have been the more ''humane'' way to go!

i will never forget her telling me this...! what a cool old woman! matt's mom is 88 and is the same way....she's got ALL of her mind, but the body....is giving out....
I have often told my wife and other family members that if I begin to lose my mental faculties that I will terminate my life. The mind is the most valuable thing life without it is pointless.
I have often told my wife and other family members that if I begin to lose my mental faculties that I will terminate my life. The mind is the most valuable thing life without it is pointless.

You know from other threads over the years that I disagree with this mindset ihg...

To me, that is like saying, "Retarded people" would be better off dead, or people with severe mental disorders have no value of life...

And I believe that they do have a value.....

Sooooooooo, don't you be getting mentally sick on us...ya hear me...because I could just see you moving to oregon to "take care of business"...and your life is worth much more than that.... imo! :)
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man oh man, talk about depressing... I am watching a History Channel special on "Blood Diamonds" from africa.... gees.... :(:(:(