Woman Loses Job After Telling Waiter: 'I Hope Trump Deports You'


Let It Burn!

A real estate agent was fired from her job after leaving a message on a restaurant receipt telling a waiter that she hoped President Donald Trump would deport him.

Newsweek has contacted the restaurant and the woman's former employer for further comment via email, outside of normal office hours.

Why It Matters

Since the start of Trump's second term, thousands of undocumented migrants have been arrested under a major crackdown. Critics say immigration raids sow fear in vulnerable communities.

Stephanie Lovins

A real estate agent (R) was fired from her job after leaving a message on a restaurant receipt, telling a waiter that she hoped Donald Trump would deport him. GoFundMe

What To Know

On March 2, Stephanie Lovins, while dining at Cazuelas Mexican Cantina in Columbus, Ohio, left a message for Ricardo, a U.S. citizen serving her.

In the signature section of her receipt, Lovins wrote: "I hope Trump deports you," followed by "Zero. You suck." The incident occurred after Lovins grew upset over the restaurant's "one coupon per table" policy.

A restaurant employee who found the receipt shared a photo on social media, and it quickly went viral, provoking widespread condemnation and calls for Lovins' termination.

"It's just not right, just not right," Fabio Oribo, the head of marketing at Cazuelas, told NBC4.

Lovins initially denied any involvement, claiming on social media that her credit card had been lost or stolen and that someone else had used it.
Not giving a tip, and writing hateful things on a receipt are both rude, but legal. What is illegal is claiming her credit card is stolen when it is not. No one wants a real estate agent that commits crimes.
A real estate agent was fired from her job ...
... because Trump is the cause of everything bad. Got it.

Leftists embrace the ideology of death, corruption and human misery. Their lame distractions over unfortunate but trivial and irrelevent events don't fool anyone other than other leftists.
Her card was stolen? She should have called the 800 # on the back of the card to report the stolen card.
She claimed her card was stolen, and that she had not charged the meal. The security cameras of the restaurant show her in the restaurant eating the meal. Not only was she a rude jerk, but she was also a criminal who tried to steal a meal.

A real estate agent was fired from her job after leaving a message on a restaurant receipt telling a waiter that she hoped President Donald Trump would deport him.

Newsweek has contacted the restaurant and the woman's former employer for further comment via email, outside of normal office hours.

Why It Matters

Since the start of Trump's second term, thousands of undocumented migrants have been arrested under a major crackdown. Critics say immigration raids sow fear in vulnerable communities.

Stephanie Lovins

A real estate agent (R) was fired from her job after leaving a message on a restaurant receipt, telling a waiter that she hoped Donald Trump would deport him. GoFundMe

What To Know

On March 2, Stephanie Lovins, while dining at Cazuelas Mexican Cantina in Columbus, Ohio, left a message for Ricardo, a U.S. citizen serving her.

In the signature section of her receipt, Lovins wrote: "I hope Trump deports you," followed by "Zero. You suck." The incident occurred after Lovins grew upset over the restaurant's "one coupon per table" policy.

A restaurant employee who found the receipt shared a photo on social media, and it quickly went viral, provoking widespread condemnation and calls for Lovins' termination.

"It's just not right, just not right," Fabio Oribo, the head of marketing at Cazuelas, told NBC4.

Lovins initially denied any involvement, claiming on social media that her credit card had been lost or stolen and that someone else had used it.
She should have lost more than her job.

A real estate agent was fired from her job after leaving a message on a restaurant receipt telling a waiter that she hoped President Donald Trump would deport him.

Newsweek has contacted the restaurant and the woman's former employer for further comment via email, outside of normal office hours.

Why It Matters

Since the start of Trump's second term, thousands of undocumented migrants have been arrested under a major crackdown. Critics say immigration raids sow fear in vulnerable communities.

Stephanie Lovins

A real estate agent (R) was fired from her job after leaving a message on a restaurant receipt, telling a waiter that she hoped Donald Trump would deport him. GoFundMe

What To Know

On March 2, Stephanie Lovins, while dining at Cazuelas Mexican Cantina in Columbus, Ohio, left a message for Ricardo, a U.S. citizen serving her.

In the signature section of her receipt, Lovins wrote: "I hope Trump deports you," followed by "Zero. You suck." The incident occurred after Lovins grew upset over the restaurant's "one coupon per table" policy.

A restaurant employee who found the receipt shared a photo on social media, and it quickly went viral, provoking widespread condemnation and calls for Lovins' termination.

"It's just not right, just not right," Fabio Oribo, the head of marketing at Cazuelas, told NBC4.

Lovins initially denied any involvement, claiming on social media that her credit card had been lost or stolen and that someone else had used it.
The waiter was a U.S. citizen. Apparently this brainiac thinks all Hispanics in America are illegal. A pox on her.
... because Trump is the cause of everything bad. Got it.

Leftists embrace the ideology of death, corruption and human misery. Their lame distractions over unfortunate but trivial and irrelevent events don't fool anyone other than other leftists.
Lying about non-MAGAts doesn't fool anyone other than the MAGAts.
Americans are being taught to keep our opinions to ourselves, and to recite the opinions power approves of.

We used to be better.
Oh you can expose your opinion, Hawk. You're just not immune to the consequences of those statements/assertions.

Only a complete asshole would want a publicly exposed racist/bigot as a real estate agent. Bad for business, especially since red-lining is against the law, and an agent of such a mindset could be perceived as doing such. Hence, home and apartment buyers may steer clear of that agency.

We were a bit better at one point ....but the backslide started with Reagan, then to the Bush crime family, then the Orange Oaf ... and here we are.