Woman Will Hand Fat Kids Letters Instead Of Candy On Halloween

Why are all the right wingers suddenly showing sensitivity on this? Is it a knee jerk reaction to the "it takes a village" line or because you are all tubs of lard?

Another dimwit liberal who swallows the DNC koolaid laced talking points that right wingers want to control people's lives.

You really are THAT stupid aren't you?
Another dimwit liberal who swallows the DNC koolaid laced talking points that right wingers want to control people's lives.

You really are THAT stupid aren't you?

Pretty nimble how you ducked that question. Do people tell you you move well for your size?

I am not a Democrat and this has nothing to do with controlling anyone.
Pretty nimble how you ducked that question. Do people tell you you move well for your size?

You asked a question? I thought it was more like a statement that "right wingers" are only repudiating this dimwit busybody’s letter because it has a leftist term uttered by the dimwit Billary? Was I interpreting your talking point incorrectly? Or are you deflecting now and trying to walk your stupidity back?

I am not a Democrat

I didn't call you a Democrat dumbass; do you have a reading comprehension problem consistent with brain dead Liberals?

I called you a Liberal dumbass.

... and this has nothing to do with controlling anyone.

I’m fairly certain that was what you were trying to infer with the "right winger" "it takes a village" comment. But you're a dumbass; you probably don't even know what point you were trying to make with your ignorant commentary.

Now run along before you remove all doubt that you are an ignoramus of epic proportions.
You asked a question? I thought it was more like a statement that "right wingers" are only repudiating this dimwit busybody’s letter because it has a leftist term uttered by the dimwit Billary? Was I interpreting your talking point incorrectly? Or are you deflecting now and trying to walk your stupidity back?

I didn't call you a Democrat dumbass; do you have a reading comprehension problem consistent with brain dead Liberals?

I called you a Liberal dumbass.

I’m fairly certain that was what you were trying to infer with the "right winger" "it takes a village" comment. But you're a dumbass; you probably don't even know what point you were trying to make with your ignorant commentary.

Now run along before you remove all doubt that you are an ignoramus of epic proportions.

Did you miss the question marks?

Why are all the right wingers suddenly showing sensitivity on this? Is it a knee jerk reaction to the "it takes a village" line or because you are all tubs of lard?

There are clearly questions, one open ended and one suggesting two possible answers.

Why would someone who is not a Democrat be swallowing DNC koolaid? Do you know what the DNC is?

I am finding it hard to take you seriously. You seem to be a sock puppet.
Did you miss the question marks?
There are clearly questions, one open ended and one suggesting two possible answers.

Are you deliberately obtuse to mask your ignorance; or does it just come naturally to you?

They were indeed questions inferring that “right wingers” are hypocrites based on DNC talking points.

You can pretend they were something they were not; but that doesn’t mask your stupidity.

Why would someone who is not a Democrat be swallowing DNC koolaid? Do you know what the DNC is?

You don’t have to be a Democrat to parrot moronic DNC talking points dimwit. You really must be THAT stupid.

Who did you vote for in the last six Presidential elections? Let’s remove all doubt where your politics reside right now.

I am finding it hard to take you seriously. You seem to be a sock puppet.

I never take idiots like you serious. You seem to be a moron.
Are you deliberately obtuse to mask your ignorance; or does it just come naturally to you?

They were indeed questions inferring that “right wingers” are hypocrites based on DNC talking points.

You can pretend they were something they were not; but that doesn’t mask your stupidity.

If you understand that they are questions then why did you ask...

You asked a question?


Is it just a dodge or is this all part of your schtick?

You don’t have to be a Democrat to parrot moronic DNC talking points dimwit. You really must be THAT stupid.

Who did you vote for in the last six Presidential elections? Let’s remove all doubt where your politics reside right now.

I don't even know what the DNC talking points are. I think you might. I really doubt they have commented on this incident, though.
Honestly, I would like to know why the right wing finds this offensive. They are always whining about PC police and how restricting it is to be polite or demonstrate common human decency. Why would you suddenly be concerned about this case?
Honestly, I would like to know why the right wing finds this offensive.

Honestly? You wouldn't know honest if it walked up and slapped your dimwitted head.

Why do you think the "right wing" finds this offensive? Got strawmen?

They are always whining about PC police and how restricting it is to be polite or demonstrate common human decency.

Another strawman; you are full of it today aren't you Mr. Lefttard?

Why would you suddenly be concerned about this case?

Who is suddenly concerned? Most are laughing their asses off at this busybody and I think she is a leftist not a right winger. Leftists like to tell everyone what they should be and should be doing.

So are you going to answer my question or desperately avoid it? How did you vote in the last six Presidential elections?
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If you understand that they are questions then why did you ask...

I didn't ask dimwit; I was clarifying your obtuse answers and questions. Does stupid come naturally to you or do you work at it? I am thinking it is the former rather than the latter.

Is it just a dodge or is this all part of your schtick?

Apparently your shtick is to avoid, deflect and fabricate strawmen. But then, you are a dimwit; this is what dimwits do.

I don't even know what the DNC talking points are.

Well, when you use terms like "right winger" and then claim you don't know DNC talking points, you must really be THAT stupid or an obtuse lying asshat. I'm thinking in your case it is both.

I think you might. I really doubt they have commented on this incident, though.

Another pointless sentence desperately seeking a point; you really are a dimwit aren't you?

Again I ask; who did you vote for in the last six Presidential elections?

No run along and grow a brain.

Honestly? You wouldn't know honest if it walked up and slapped your dimwitted head.

Why do you think the "right wing" finds this offensive? Got strawmen?

Another strawman; you are full of it today aren't you Mr. Lefttard?

Who is suddenly concerned? Most are laughing their asses off at this busybody and I think she is a leftist not a right winger. Leftists like to tell everyone what they should be and should be doing.

So are you going to answer my question or desperately avoid it? How did you vote in the last six Presidential elections?

STFU sock puppet! Let's see if anyone will answer.

This woman is a weak-minded bully sending fat-shaming letters home with children.

If it really was a "village" in which she actively participated she could personalize the letters and would sign her name. Were my child to receive something like this I'd probably "send" back a nice letter of my own...

Dear Helpful Village Fat Monitor,

You are probably wondering why you have received this note attached to the egg-bomb that helpfully decorated the front of your house. You are welcome, it looks much better now.

I am so thankful that you are willing to step in and take on your responsibility for the children of the village! Such a selfless act to put yourself out there and, anonymously in letter form, to just straight tell the small souls of this village that they are fat in your eyes. Clearly their parents therefore should never allow them to participate in most portions of our societal norm and should shame them into acting differently than all others so that they will not be the recipient of the letter of shame from such a prominent, and clearly educated, member of the village.

A gentle reminder... Next week we pay private school tuition for my kids, oops sorry "our" kids... Next week we pay tuition for our kids to go to the private school, I'll expect your monetary contribution to their education fund promptly, and have not received this month's, or any month's for that matter, contribution for the healthful groceries, nor the helpful list of foods you personally have decided are good for our kids. I'll expect you to pick up little Bobbie from her sleepover tomorrow and will send them over next week for their swim lessons.

As you wish to participate in the village, we'd prefer you seek out and find one that would like you to participate, clearly, somewhere there is a village in terrible need of an idiot.

Anonymously, and with as much courage as an adult bully making fun of fat kids, I give my honor to "our" idiot.

Thank you again, and may your future fat-shaming always be fruitful!

She won't remain "anonymous" for very long.
Don't kids usually check their sacks to see what they got (ours always did) and they will definitely want to read the "note".
As soon as the word gets out, expect an OP about how badly she was treated and all the "damage" that she suffered.

I wonder if she's going to pass out bicycles, at Christmas, to help children exercise?
Well, christie will be happy to know it's raining. I'm not sitting out in the cold rain to make fun of children. And since my wife took my megaphone, I can't yell at them effectively. So the kids are safe from my verbal abuse this year.