Women and Fascism

I haven't seen that, but I can't believe 1/3 of your female co-workers are saying she's fat. I can tell she put on a couple of pounds, and maybe isn't quite as cut as she was. But you know, to stay like that, cut like that, man, that's pretty much all you do. I don't do it anymore. I used to do an hour and a half at the gym every morning, and, take spin classes three times a week on top of that.

I don't see how you can find the time unless its your job to do that.
I never said to "starve" herself, and such implication is insulting.

Her dancing, at best, appeared to be drug-hampered. She certainly did not do well. The lip-synching was very bad, and the performance seemed to be early as she was clearly not in the physical shape she had been in.

Whether she is "fat" or not, she was definitely not in shape to do the routine that they had set up for her.

Exactly. her body was fine. she performed like a drugged out zombie.
I never said to "starve" herself, and such implication is insulting.

Her dancing, at best, appeared to be drug-hampered. She certainly did not do well. The lip-synching was very bad, and the performance seemed to be early as she was clearly not in the physical shape she had been in.

Whether she is "fat" or not, she was definitely not in shape to do the routine that they had set up for her.

I only saw an outake when Olberman, a man twice her age, brought on another man, so they could sit around and bash her. They spent most of the time with the camera on themselves, because you know, they are just sooo sublime looking.

Maybe she was drugged up, I've said the girl obviously has problems, I frankly think that she is bipolar, and that's more reason why it makes me sick to see this kind of gleeful attacking of her. She's a freaking girl. She gained ten pounds. Jesus Christ Almighty, but Americans have no time to be outraged about dead soldiers in a lie! It drives me crazy, it's stupid, and it's small, and it's petty.
Over-exercise can be a form of bulimia.

Just about any kind of overobsessive calorie restriction/burning is a sign of an eating disorder. A shame, but my guess is Britney will probably be the new Nicole Ritchie.
I only saw an outake when Olberman, a man twice her age, brought on another man, so they could sit around and bash her. They spent most of the time with the camera on themselves, because you know, they are just sooo sublime looking.

Maybe she was drugged up, I've said the girl obviously has problems, I frankly think that she is bipolar, and that's more reason why it makes me sick to see this kind of gleeful attacking of her. She's a freaking girl. She gained ten pounds. Jesus Christ Almighty, but Americans have no time to be outraged about dead soldiers in a lie! It drives me crazy, it's stupid, and it's small, and it's petty.
I don't think that Olbermann must limit himself to only that topic forever. Nobody would watch him if that were the case.
Just about any kind of overobsessive calorie restriction/burning is a sign of an eating disorder. A shame, but my guess is Britney will probably be the new Nicole Ritchie.
And this is why you have your personal trainer helping you make sure you are in health before you make such a performance. She'll have a hard time with the criticism and may over-react and take an unhealthy tack.
I don't think that Olbermann must limit himself to only that topic forever. Nobody would watch him if that were the case.

Damo I never said he did, nor does he. Nor has he ever.

That has nothing to do with what they did on that show last night. Really sad.
I only saw an outake when Olberman, a man twice her age, brought on another man, so they could sit around and bash her. They spent most of the time with the camera on themselves, because you know, they are just sooo sublime looking.

Maybe she was drugged up, I've said the girl obviously has problems, I frankly think that she is bipolar, and that's more reason why it makes me sick to see this kind of gleeful attacking of her. She's a freaking girl. She gained ten pounds. Jesus Christ Almighty, but Americans have no time to be outraged about dead soldiers in a lie! It drives me crazy, it's stupid, and it's small, and it's petty.

Oh, yeah. that gets me going when people who are obviously not in nearly the kind of shape she's in have the audacity to criticize her.

As for the talk about Britney vs. Dead Soldiers......that's America.
I only saw an outake when Olberman, a man twice her age, brought on another man, so they could sit around and bash her. They spent most of the time with the camera on themselves, because you know, they are just sooo sublime looking.

Maybe she was drugged up, I've said the girl obviously has problems, I frankly think that she is bipolar, and that's more reason why it makes me sick to see this kind of gleeful attacking of her. She's a freaking girl. She gained ten pounds. Jesus Christ Almighty, but Americans have no time to be outraged about dead soldiers in a lie! It drives me crazy, it's stupid, and it's small, and it's petty.
I don't think anybody would have noticed her shape at all if she hadn't been wearing what appeared to be sequined underwear.
I don't think anybody would have noticed her shape at all if she hadn't been wearing what appeared to be sequined underwear.

You know what, that doesn't make me respect Olberman anymore, ok?

The girl is young enough to be his daughter and then some. I like a man with a little class. Maybe I'm crazy, but that's ok too.
You know what, that doesn't make me respect Olberman anymore, ok?

The girl is young enough to be his daughter and then some. I like a man with a little class. Maybe I'm crazy, but that's ok too.
I'm not trying to get you to respect Olberman... I couldn't care less if you respected Olberman.
Women have an innate desire for security and protection. The rise of feminism and the denigration of men has not eliminated this drive women have, it has only made them perceive men as unfit. Therefore, they seek protection from the state. Big Daddy Fascism.

I feel sad for you in a way. If you ever got in a relationship with a real, competent, intelligent woman, you'd have to lie the whole time about your real feelings.

It must be hell to live your life, and keep your views hidden from polite and civilized society. That would be pure hell to me.
I feel sad for you in a way. If you ever got in a relationship with a real, competent, intelligent woman, you'd have to lie the whole time about your real feelings.

It must be hell to live your life, and keep your views hidden from polite and civilized society. That would be pure hell to me.

We were doing just fine ignoring him & hijacking his trollish thread! Thanks Cypress!