Womens sports are far from human athletic acheivement.


on indefiniate mod break
Imagine for a moment if we had the toddler olympics. 2-3 year olds stumbling around, uncoordinated, maybe playing tee-ball or something. I am sure many in the crowrd would find it oh-so-adorable. I am even sure there will be some standout toddlers that are head and shoulders above the other toddlers. There would be nothing wrong with watching the toddler olympics, it's good wholesome fun.

But that's where it stops. No one for a moment would mistake that for actual athletic competition.

Same is to be said of most women's sports, especially women's soccer.

Women cannot compete on any level with men in any category when it comes to athletism. Strength, speed, toughness, coordination, skill, women will never come close to what men can do. They will always, always be second class.

Take for example how the womens olympic hockey team trained against high school boy's teams:


The routinely lose. You can see the article try to avoid saying the obvious, and it mentions they won a game here and there, but by and large, high school boys basketball teams, tennis teams, hockey etc, wipe the floor with women. Again, these are teenage boys that most likely picked up the sport a couple years prior, vs. women who have dedicated their entire lives, their every waking hour training and exercising, and the boys can still destroy them.

Another example would be Venus and Serena williams. They used to think they were hot shit, and challenged any man tennis player I think to play them. They found this guy that was ranked like 200, he had drank the night before and spent all day smoking cigs, and absolutely oblitered the williams sisters. Destroyed, crushed, embarrassed them.

Now they wont challenge any man within the top 1000.

Again, serena williams, hailed as one of the best athletes period, couldn't even beat someone ranked in 900th place without getting destroyed.

The conclusion to this post is, you can appreciate women's sports for fun, if you really are that bored. Or maybe you need something to bet on. But make no mistake, sports will always, always, always be a man's world. Some sports showcase the pinnacle of human achievement, but women will never be in that group. 1000 years from now, no matter how far we've advanced when it comes to gender and fairness between the sexes, men will still be smashing the shit out of any record women could ever home to dream of having. 1000 years from now, watching womens sports will still be like watching the toddler olympics.
Predictable NPC comments I will now address in advance:

"hur durr I bet they could beat your unathletic ass mmhmmm *finger snap*"

yeah. cool. no one cares. I am an average man. The women we are talking about spend every waking moment doing this stuff. We have to measure pound for pound, like to like. Compare average guy to average girl, and exceptional guy to exceptional girl.

"hurrr durr my daughter/wife/girl i know isn't an olympic athlete and could still beat you at x"

yeah. cool. no one cares about this one either. Do they play and practice? I bet they do. I don't. Lets see how well I do given time practiced vs. their time practiced.

"hurr durrr you're sexist"

Nothing I said in this post is a lie. It's 100% true. If what I said is sexist, then truth, and thus reality itself, is sexist
Imagine for a moment if we had the toddler olympics. 2-3 year olds stumbling around, uncoordinated, maybe playing tee-ball or something. I am sure many in the crowrd would find it oh-so-adorable. I am even sure there will be some standout toddlers that are head and shoulders above the other toddlers. There would be nothing wrong with watching the toddler olympics, it's good wholesome fun.

But that's where it stops. No one for a moment would mistake that for actual athletic competition.

Same is to be said of most women's sports, especially women's soccer.

Women cannot compete on any level with men in any category when it comes to athletism. Strength, speed, toughness, coordination, skill, women will never come close to what men can do. They will always, always be second class.

Take for example how the womens olympic hockey team trained against high school boy's teams:


The routinely lose. You can see the article try to avoid saying the obvious, and it mentions they won a game here and there, but by and large, high school boys basketball teams, tennis teams, hockey etc, wipe the floor with women. Again, these are teenage boys that most likely picked up the sport a couple years prior, vs. women who have dedicated their entire lives, their every waking hour training and exercising, and the boys can still destroy them.

Another example would be Venus and Serena williams. They used to think they were hot shit, and challenged any man tennis player I think to play them. They found this guy that was ranked like 200, he had drank the night before and spent all day smoking cigs, and absolutely oblitered the williams sisters. Destroyed, crushed, embarrassed them.

Now they wont challenge any man within the top 1000.

Again, serena williams, hailed as one of the best athletes period, couldn't even beat someone ranked in 900th place without getting destroyed.

The conclusion to this post is, you can appreciate women's sports for fun, if you really are that bored. Or maybe you need something to bet on. But make no mistake, sports will always, always, always be a man's world. Some sports showcase the pinnacle of human achievement, but women will never be in that group. 1000 years from now, no matter how far we've advanced when it comes to gender and fairness between the sexes, men will still be smashing the shit out of any record women could ever home to dream of having. 1000 years from now, watching womens sports will still be like watching the toddler olympics.

Your trolling needs work.
Hot Babes, nice tits, cute asses, running up and down a field, ... I don't see where the problem is?
Now, I've already suggested:
1. Shorter and less baggy Shorts.
2. Wet T-Shirts (with none of those 'sports bras')
3. Instead of handshakes, they tongue each other.

With Jack's Action Plan, Viewership should increase which will translate into greater Salary for Players. (this is called 'Win-Win')

Imagine for a moment if we had the toddler olympics. 2-3 year olds stumbling around, uncoordinated, maybe playing tee-ball or something. I am sure many in the crowrd would find it oh-so-adorable. I am even sure there will be some standout toddlers that are head and shoulders above the other toddlers. There would be nothing wrong with watching the toddler olympics, it's good wholesome fun.

But that's where it stops. No one for a moment would mistake that for actual athletic competition.

Same is to be said of most women's sports, especially women's soccer.

Women cannot compete on any level with men in any category when it comes to athletism. Strength, speed, toughness, coordination, skill, women will never come close to what men can do. They will always, always be second class.

Take for example how the womens olympic hockey team trained against high school boy's teams:


The routinely lose. You can see the article try to avoid saying the obvious, and it mentions they won a game here and there, but by and large, high school boys basketball teams, tennis teams, hockey etc, wipe the floor with women. Again, these are teenage boys that most likely picked up the sport a couple years prior, vs. women who have dedicated their entire lives, their every waking hour training and exercising, and the boys can still destroy them.

Another example would be Venus and Serena williams. They used to think they were hot shit, and challenged any man tennis player I think to play them. They found this guy that was ranked like 200, he had drank the night before and spent all day smoking cigs, and absolutely oblitered the williams sisters. Destroyed, crushed, embarrassed them.

Now they wont challenge any man within the top 1000.

Again, serena williams, hailed as one of the best athletes period, couldn't even beat someone ranked in 900th place without getting destroyed.

The conclusion to this post is, you can appreciate women's sports for fun, if you really are that bored. Or maybe you need something to bet on. But make no mistake, sports will always, always, always be a man's world. Some sports showcase the pinnacle of human achievement, but women will never be in that group. 1000 years from now, no matter how far we've advanced when it comes to gender and fairness between the sexes, men will still be smashing the shit out of any record women could ever home to dream of having. 1000 years from now, watching womens sports will still be like watching the toddler olympics.
Hot Babes, nice tits, cute asses, running up and down a field, ... I don't see where the problem is?
Now, I've already suggested:
1. Shorter and less baggy Shorts.
2. Wet T-Shirts (with none of those 'sports bras')
3. Instead of handshakes, they tongue each other.

With Jack's Action Plan, Viewership should increase which will translate into greater Salary for Players. (this is called 'Win-Win')

would definitely be a mark of improvement, for sure.