Womens sports are far from human athletic acheivement.

I say this not in any way as a misogynist statement or a statement of disrespect.
I considers both human genders to be equal in worth and equally essential--if humans are in fact essential.
I sort of lean toward dogs as the more noble species, but now I'm wildly digressing.

Anyway, women have breasts, buttocks, and legs--even faces--at which men like to look.
Thus, these are the features that could sell women's sports if they are ever to become economically viable.
No point in looking for the best athletes. They won't be as good as adolescent boys anyway, never mind freakishly athletic men.

Put female athletes on the field that look good playing. They won't look like movie sex goddesses. They'll be five ten and 150 pounds.
Bur five ten and 150 pounds can be very attractive, and men and boys will enjoy watching them and rooting for them.

This is not pleasant for a progressive liberal to have to say, but unfortunately, it's true. Really good females athletes are toiling in obscurity because nobody cares. Pro sports are a display of genetic freaks who can do things we normal people can't, and the most athletically capable genetic freaks are all male. Showgirls running around and sweating is a totally different appeal that may work. I don't know, It's a thought, albeit not a particularly happy one.
I say this not in any way as a misogynist statement or a statement of disrespect.
I considers both human genders to be equal in worth and equally essential--if humans are in fact essential.
I sort of lean toward dogs as the more noble species, but now I'm wildly digressing.

Anyway, women have breasts, buttocks, and legs--even faces--at which men like to look.
Thus, these are the features that could sell women's sports if they are ever to become economically viable.
No point in looking for the best athletes. They won't be as good as adolescent boys anyway, never mind freakishly athletic men.

Put female athletes on the field that look good playing. They won't look like movie sex goddesses. They'll be five ten and 150 pounds.
Bur five ten and 150 pounds can be very attractive, and men and boys will enjoy watching them and rooting for them.

This is not pleasant for a progressive liberal to have to say, but unfortunately, it's true. Really good females athletes are toiling in obscurity because nobody cares. Pro sports are a display of genetic freaks who can do things we normal people can't, and the most athletically capable genetic freaks are all male. Showgirls running around and sweating is a totally different appeal that may work. I don't know, It's a thought, albeit not a particularly happy one.

Beach Volleyball is a Sport.
Beach Volleyball is a Sport.

Well there’s a Women’s sport far more interesting to watch than men’s volleyball.

Look the reality is that unless women support professional women’s athletics with their pocketbooks, like they do men’s sports, then there will be no equal pay.

That doesn’t mean they should just roll over and take nothing.

Women’s soccer in the USA has a legitimate point though. They’re more interesting to watch, more popular and vastly more successful then our minor league men’s team. So why shouldn’t they have comparable pay then our men’s international team? It’s not like MLS generates billions in profits. In fact MLS mostly loses money.
I like women's sports mainly because I detest sports where guys with an abnormal body type can dominate the sport.

Example: basketball. You get some Chinese abnormality that is approaching 8 feet tall and he just walks up to the basket, his teammate tosses him the ball and he reaches over and puts the ball in.

Example 2: football. Some 450# animal with an IQ in the double digits. Give him the ball and he "runs" toward the goal line, making 50 yards before 9 opponents pig-pile on top of him.

I also like women's sports because there is less contact and more actual sport.

Example: lacrosse. In the men's version they wear basically football equipment and smash into each other constantly. In the women's version it's all about passing and strategy.
Cheerleading is a Sport.

Well there’s a Women’s sport far more interesting to watch than men’s volleyball.

Look the reality is that unless women support professional women’s athletics with their pocketbooks, like they do men’s sports, then there will be no equal pay.

That doesn’t mean they should just roll over and take nothing.

Women’s soccer in the USA has a legitimate point though. They’re more interesting to watch, more popular and vastly more successful then our minor league men’s team. So why shouldn’t they have comparable pay then our men’s international team? It’s not like MLS generates billions in profits. In fact MLS mostly loses money.
Well there’s a Women’s sport far more interesting to watch than men’s volleyball.

Look the reality is that unless women support professional women’s athletics with their pocketbooks, like they do men’s sports, then there will be no equal pay.

That doesn’t mean they should just roll over and take nothing.

Women’s soccer in the USA has a legitimate point though. They’re more interesting to watch, more popular and vastly more successful then our minor league men’s team. So why shouldn’t they have comparable pay then our men’s international team? It’s not like MLS generates billions in profits. In fact MLS mostly loses money.

the women are paid far more compared to what the league takes in than what the men are paid.
the women are paid far more compared to what the league takes in than what the men are paid.

Moot point. It doesnt' matter who is better and who is not. What you get paid is revenue driven. If any professional women's sports league generates the kind of revenue as Mens' Footbul, Tackle Football, Baseball, Men's Basketball, etc., then they'll earn the kind of salaries that male athletes in those sports do.
All the overcompensating slander of ladies, tells me we either have some people in serious need to come out of the closet, or rediscovering their manhood. Putting women down will only make you less of a man.
Moot point. It doesnt' matter who is better and who is not. What you get paid is revenue driven. If any professional women's sports league generates the kind of revenue as Mens' Footbul, Tackle Football, Baseball, Men's Basketball, etc., then they'll earn the kind of salaries that male athletes in those sports do.

once again your dumbass self is knee jerk responding to my comment without realizing you are agreeing with me.
That's because of you're dumbass knee jerk response to my previous post without realizing you were agreeing with me.

wrong. you said:

why shouldn’t they have comparable pay then our men’s international team?

I replied that they do, in fact, not only get comparable pay, but exceed it based on % of revenue the league brings in.
The US men's soccer team blows. Maybe if it didn't suck so badly, people wouldn't prefer the women's team.

They blow because the payrolls are roughly equal so top tier men are not interested.
Wonder if there would be a four-peat if we paid ours what the rest of the world does ? Remember how people used to complain when USSR and East Germany used to winn everything ?
To your point, FIFA recognizes this which is why the purse for the girl's cup is a fraction of the men's. Billions to millions different. The girls may have had more viewers here but worldwide its a whole other matter.
Oh and these girls routinely list to12-13 yr old boys.
But they are already whining about FIFA. Fortunately they are unemcumbered by political correctness.
They blow because the payrolls are roughly equal so top tier men are not interested.
Wonder if there would be a four-peat if we paid ours what the rest of the world does ? Remember how people used to complain when USSR and East Germany used to winn everything ?
To your point, FIFA recognizes this which is why the purse for the girl's cup is a fraction of the men's. Billions to millions different. The girls may have had more viewers here but worldwide its a whole other matter.
Oh and these girls routinely list to12-13 yr old boys.
But they are already whining about FIFA. Fortunately they are unemcumbered by political correctness.

The men draw their pay from club soccer. Playing for Team USA is just an opportunity to show-off on the world stage. The difference won't be an increase in pay, but the continuation in America of the developmental leagues and associations that other nations have, which will eventually lead to more talented US players.
I enjoy women's mud wrestling and volley ball. That's about it......the rest is just pretend, women pretending they are equal to men in ALL aspects. That's like saying a chimp is equal to a man because both have opposing thumbs. In case anyone has not noticed there is quite a difference in the plumbing hardware....and "software". But then again, CLAY PEOPLE (soul less) have always attempted to tell us that square pegs fit nicely into round holes.