Womens sports are far from human athletic acheivement.

The way you talk. You didn't just tell people you don't like women's sports, you were shoving a sexist rant in peoples faces. I can't stand women's basketball myself, but not for sexist reasons. It's just the only thing I like that much about basketball, is the dunking.

what is sexist about it?
Women belong at home....barefoot and pregnant. :laugh:

Now that accusation is out of the way....., no I am not a misogynist.

Everyone knows the truth......men and women are different physically.....one on one no well trained and skilled female can compete against a male with comparable skills and training. Its just a matter of science, logic and reason.

I laughed my ass off with the first supposed battle of the sex's promoted for one reason.....MONEY. Of course I am speaking about Billy Jean King pretending to be a man going up against an over the hill former club house tennis pro by the name of Bobby Riggs. King was a pro in tip top condition (for women's tennis)…..Riggs was a 55 year old semi-pot bellied has been (never was), King beat his ass....as she was only 29 years old.

The story would have been written different if a true BATTLE of SEXS had taken place....with King going up against any of the old top male pros of her time period. If she had played Connors or Borg.....instant ass kicking.

The same logic applies to women's soccer. Take any of the inferior male teams of today and they most certainly would kick the physical asses off the best women teams of today. Its just a matter of accepting the reality of science and biology....there is nothing "MASOGYNISTIC" about accepting that reality.

The same would apply for any sport where women are attempting to complete against men in the open market place....such as basketball, boxing, even martial arts. Take any well trained male in top physical shape and he will kick the ass of any female counterpart in top physical shape of the same age range. Take even the sport of golf.....no female golfer (pro) can compete and expect to win against the best male pro golfers....its physically impossible. One might get lucky and shoot a good round....but over a 4 round tournament...the female must face and accept the reality of the male physical abilities being superior to the female physical abilities. Example when the best female golfer of her day (Sorenstam) entered a male golf tournament (the Colonial at Ft.
Worth in 2003)…...she missed the cut.

The only female of history that could possibly hold her own against men (during that time period) would have to be Babe Zaharias (and personally, if she were around today, I would demand a DNA gender profile conformation). I am of the opinion that she was heavily dosing with male hormones......thats just an opinion, but the reality of the situation is the fact that she dies young of cancer at the age of 45.

Accept that truth....deal with it, and accept people for who they are. Be respectful, regardless of gender, age, race or creed. I live by 2 simple rules. 1. Treat others as you would expect to be treated. 2. Deal in and accept the truth....wherever that truth falls, as truth has no gender.

Thus no one can tell me and expect me to believe that males and females are totally EQUAL. In a spiritual sense...yes, physically NO, thus the 2 genders it takes to make one complete and satisfied SOUL. There is only one place where male and females are totally equal...….LOVE. And there is nothing "esoteric" about that reality.
They annoy me in general, but when done to excess as they were lately... even more so.

That being said, anyone of those magnificent soccer players could squash your head like a grape between her thighs... assuming she'd let you get that close. lol

OMG!I hate to say this if it wasn't true!But my Dominatrix damn near did that to me
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They annoy me in general, but when done to excess as they were lately... even more so.

That being said, anyone of those magnificent soccer players could squash your head like a grape between her thighs... assuming she'd let you get that close. lol

see post #2 in this thread.
It's seriously amazing how predictable you posters are. I would really question your own existential state when your programming is this obvious.

I say:

Predictable NPC comments I will now address in advance:

"hur durr I bet they could beat your unathletic ass mmhmmm *finger snap*"

owl responds:

That being said, anyone of those magnificent soccer players could squash your head like a grape between her thighs... assuming she'd let you get that close. lol

I say:

"hurrr durr my daughter/wife/girl i know isn't an olympic athlete and could still beat you at x"

Mason responds with a very similar anecdote:

When I was a Freshman,there was a 90 lb girl who could beat all us guys in golf!
She went on to be State Champ

I say:

"hurr durrr you're sexist"

Jade responds:

The way you talk. You didn't just tell people you don't like women's sports, you were shoving a sexist rant in peoples faces.

When I was a Freshman,there was a 90 lb girl who could beat all us guys in golf!
She went on to be State Champ

What does that prove? That you guys suck at golf because you did not put in the time and effort to advance the skills required to excel at the game the way this girl had? Golf is not a game of strength, its a game of tempo and timing....weight has nothing to do with the quality or lack thereof of one's game skills. Distance comes from the total length of the back swing in being able to return the club face back to its original square position after allowing your back swing to generate club head speeds that can exceed 110 mph. If your timing is off just a fraction.....that fraction turns into yards off course with the flight of the ball.

Golf is a cerebral game. As a great athlete once said, "90% of this game is HALF MENTAL". Golf is like playing chess against nature. There are so many variables to consider and master to even approach being a "scratch" (PAR) golfer. 1st you must master the mechanics of the swing and engrain that swing so that it repeats automatically from muscle memory.....then you have to fight the temptation to overswing in the attempt to generate more power, you do this by relaxing your major muscles and simply allow the swing to happen. Next you must consider everything from the type of grass, the direction it is growing, the length, the hardness of the soil...is it hardpan or soft, wind speed and direction. Then you must determine what trajectory the flight of the ball takesin order to overcome and offset the wind direction and speed.....or how far the ball must run after it hits the ground...etc.,

YOUgo out onto a golf course without the proper training and practice.....and start playing golf like you are attempting to put out a bush fire....of course there are any number of "girls" that can kick the asses of many "MACHO" men that hit the 1st tee already 3 deep into a six pack.
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Imagine for a moment if we had the toddler olympics. 2-3 year olds stumbling around, uncoordinated, maybe playing tee-ball or something. I am sure many in the crowrd would find it oh-so-adorable. I am even sure there will be some standout toddlers that are head and shoulders above the other toddlers. There would be nothing wrong with watching the toddler olympics, it's good wholesome fun.

But that's where it stops. No one for a moment would mistake that for actual athletic competition.

Same is to be said of most women's sports, especially women's soccer.

Women cannot compete on any level with men in any category when it comes to athletism. Strength, speed, toughness, coordination, skill, women will never come close to what men can do. They will always, always be second class.

Take for example how the womens olympic hockey team trained against high school boy's teams:


The routinely lose. You can see the article try to avoid saying the obvious, and it mentions they won a game here and there, but by and large, high school boys basketball teams, tennis teams, hockey etc, wipe the floor with women. Again, these are teenage boys that most likely picked up the sport a couple years prior, vs. women who have dedicated their entire lives, their every waking hour training and exercising, and the boys can still destroy them.

Another example would be Venus and Serena williams. They used to think they were hot shit, and challenged any man tennis player I think to play them. They found this guy that was ranked like 200, he had drank the night before and spent all day smoking cigs, and absolutely oblitered the williams sisters. Destroyed, crushed, embarrassed them.

Now they wont challenge any man within the top 1000.

Again, serena williams, hailed as one of the best athletes period, couldn't even beat someone ranked in 900th place without getting destroyed.

The conclusion to this post is, you can appreciate women's sports for fun, if you really are that bored. Or maybe you need something to bet on. But make no mistake, sports will always, always, always be a man's world. Some sports showcase the pinnacle of human achievement, but women will never be in that group. 1000 years from now, no matter how far we've advanced when it comes to gender and fairness between the sexes, men will still be smashing the shit out of any record women could ever home to dream of having. 1000 years from now, watching womens sports will still be like watching the toddler olympics.
$5 says Megan Rapino can kick your ass.
Predictable NPC comments I will now address in advance:

"hur durr I bet they could beat your unathletic ass mmhmmm *finger snap*"

yeah. cool. no one cares. I am an average man. The women we are talking about spend every waking moment doing this stuff. We have to measure pound for pound, like to like. Compare average guy to average girl, and exceptional guy to exceptional girl.

"hurrr durr my daughter/wife/girl i know isn't an olympic athlete and could still beat you at x"

yeah. cool. no one cares about this one either. Do they play and practice? I bet they do. I don't. Lets see how well I do given time practiced vs. their time practiced.

"hurr durrr you're sexist"

Nothing I said in this post is a lie. It's 100% true. If what I said is sexist, then truth, and thus reality itself, is sexist

Well obviously they could kick your ass. Those who can’t do teach, those who can’t teach criticize.
Hot Babes, nice tits, cute asses, running up and down a field, ... I don't see where the problem is?
Now, I've already suggested:
1. Shorter and less baggy Shorts.
2. Wet T-Shirts (with none of those 'sports bras')
3. Instead of handshakes, they tongue each other.

With Jack's Action Plan, Viewership should increase which will translate into greater Salary for Players. (this is called 'Win-Win')

I think PGA tournaments played in a mine field would be even better. Grinds trolling has its correlary in golf. White businessmen in tacky clothes pretending they are real men.