Worker Rights: The Cause To Unite All Americans

You are the one that is making sweeping generalities that when questioned turns to insult and ad hominem rather than detailed explanations. Money doesn't grow on trees, nor does it appear out of thin air. The current concept of how much wealth is available in an economy is based on GDP and calculated from the total of goods and services produced.
Taxation does not produce a good or a service directly. It pulls money derived from production of goods and services for use by the government.
Only because it seems like you are the one being immoral by bearing false witness and thus, merely being a troll.

Only right-wingers prefer right-wing fantasy to economics; is it any wonder why they confuse capitalism with their socialism on a national and international basis.
I find it fascinating how people who enjoy a life style due directly to the Labor Movement and FDR's New Deal in this country are now supporting an agenda and mindset that would endanger that very lifestyle for others. Talk about psychotic disconnect!
Only because it seems like you are the one being immoral by bearing false witness and thus, merely being a troll.

Only right-wingers prefer right-wing fantasy to economics; is it any wonder why they confuse capitalism with their socialism on a national and international basis.

Combining all UI components, we find that, overall, the UI program closed 0.183 of the gap in real GDP caused by the recession. There is reason to believe, however, that for this particular recession, the UI program provided stronger stabilization of real output than in many past recessions because extended benefits responded strongly. Multiplier effects in real GDP were estimated to average 2.0 for regular UI benefits and also 2.0 for extended benefits.
Without knowing where that money came from, there's no knowing what effect it will have on the economy. What you are doing above is using "magical thinking." The money in your example appears out of thin air

It wouldn't be spent for the same things or have the same effect on the economy if it was retained by the wealthy person that paid the tax. My thinking isn't magical at all. It is simple economics. Spending $1 million dollars at grocery stores has a much large impact on the GDP than investing $1 million in a hedge fund. Surely you are informed enough about how the GDP is calculated to understand that.
It's telling that both left-wing and right-wing media are attacking the nascent worker reformation movement in the United States. CBS, CNN, and Fox have all done hit-pieces on the movement. The people who make $700/hour have convinced those who make $25/hr that the people making $7.25/hr are the problem, when the real problem is that the working class is being exploited and oppressed to make the rich richer.

It's not that people "don't want to work." It's that people can no longer afford to work shit-paying jobs. People are sick of being treated like a cheap resource and are finally standing up for their worth. The capitalists preach that value is determined by supply and demand, but they seem to think that this doesn't apply to labor, so rather than offer competitive salaries and benefits to attract labor, they whine and post passive aggressive signs on their business doors about how "nobody wants to work," when the fact is people do want to work, just not for peanuts.

The working class in the United States is tired of class oppression. We want what workers in other developed nations have, including:

- Paid maternity/paternity leave
- living wages
- termination with cause and with notice
- the right to not be called into work on one's day off under threat of termination
- guaranteed PTO/vacation time
- guaranteed sick pay

Is it too much to ask to not be treated like expendable cattle? If Jeff Bezos can take leisure voyages into space, is it too much to ask that his largest wealth-building resource--his employees--be able to afford a roof and groceries, or even, god forbid, the luxury of spare cash to put into a retirement account?

Or maybe you think I'm a crazed lunatic, and that the "solution" to the current labor shortage is to do what Wisconsin legislators are proposing by having kids work until 11pm (because apparently it's better to bring back child labor than to distribute some of the wealth from the wealthy class so that adult workers can have a living wage and exist with dignity).

Government overreach is never the right answer. In this country, NO ONE is forced to labor for less than what they think they are worth, nor are they forced to work in harsh conditions.

The single most effective way Americans can improve their economic status is by getting a higher education or learning a skilled trade that is in demand.

History is littered with the failures of leftist Government based solutions. Be better.
trump voters, who need minimum wage the most, are opposed to minimum wage. they do support trump, who says Americans are overpaid, and wants the government to intervene to push down wages.

bull·shit (bo͝ol′shĭt′)
1. Foolish, deceitful, or boastful language.
2. Something worthless, deceptive, or insincere.
We could solve simple poverty through equal protection of our at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States, at the rock bottom cost of a form of minimum wage. The private sector would be better off through that form of automatic stabilization due to the increase in the consumer base.

bull·shit (bo͝ol′shĭt′)
1. Foolish, deceitful, or boastful language.
2. Something worthless, deceptive, or insincere.

gib•ber•ish (ˈdʒɪb ər ɪʃ, ˈgɪb-)
1. meaningless or unintelligible talk or writing; nonsense.
2. talk or writing containing many obscure, pretentious, or technical words.
Don't blame the illegals for "stealing jobs." They're already at the absolute bottom of the food chain in this country and have zero power as it is. If anything, blame the employers who would illegally hire them and pay them peanuts, simultaneously taking advantage of illegal workers' desperation while lowering wages across the board.

There is little or no evidence that employers knowingly hire illegals. There is a ton of evidence that Governments rin by the liberal elite hand them welfare and drivers' licenses. Be better. :palm:
I'm a socialist capitalist.

There is no such thing. This is what we call.......

gib•ber•ish (ˈdʒɪb ər ɪʃ, ˈgɪb-)
1. meaningless or unintelligible talk or writing; nonsense.
2. talk or writing containing many obscure, pretentious, or technical words.
Businesses buy the legislatures via lobbying. It's just another example of the wealthy class oppressing the rest of us.

Lobbying is protected speech under the Constitution. Just because the political class are corrupt doesn't make lobbying a bad thing, Be better.

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
There is little or no evidence that employers knowingly hire illegals. There is a ton of evidence that Governments rin by the liberal elite hand them welfare and drivers' licenses. Be better. :palm:
That’s absolute baloney, take for example Trump’s golf clubs, they not only hire illegals, but didn’t pay them for doing certain jobs.
Illegal immigration from south of the border was practically non-existent sixty years ago. But everyone seems to have collective amnesia about how it came to be a problem.

Illegal aliens have become a problem thanks to a liberal elite media and the Democratic Party of the Jackass. They are the one's trying to change language and ignoring our existing laws.

Example, they now want to call ILLEGAL ALIENS "undocumented immigrants". They have carved out "sanctuary cities." See how that works? Be better.
Government overreach is never the right answer. In this country, NO ONE is forced to labor for less than what they think they are worth, nor are they forced to work in harsh conditions.

The single most effective way Americans can improve their economic status is by getting a higher education or learning a skilled trade that is in demand.

History is littered with the failures of leftist Government based solutions. Be better.
I agree to disagree. Requiring good cause in an at-will employment State is worse than requiring vaccinations for health and safety reasons. Only right-wingers are habitually, clueless and Causeless.
"I hope we shall take warning to crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and to bid defiance to the laws of their country."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"Monied corporations" are not the problem. Greedy and dishonest politicians are. That is why term limits are so desperately needed these days. Be better. :palm:
Every Plantation Owner knows you make more money when the Black Sharecropper fights with the White Sharecropper, and the White Sharecropper fights with the Black Sharecropper. That way, they don't fight with the Plantation Owner.

The fast food industry seems to have been hit the hardest by the employee shortage.

Yet, the service you get now is worse than ever. Even the quality of the food they sell is lacking as well.

And I have also noticed the increase in prices across the entire fast food market.

I do not eat fast food anymore. Never again! I got tired of getting someone else orders, and the rude people with no manners, that you have to deal with.

Cheap Wages = Expensive slop + bad service!

You don't even get what you pay for anymore.

It's either fine dining take-out for me- or I just do my own home cooking!

\ ˈdəm \

1a: lacking intelligence : STUPID

b: showing a lack of intelligence

c: requiring no intelligence

d: not having the capability to process data