World Cup Soccer; England v. USA

Americans hate soccer because there aren't enough goals, so I've come up with a solution.

The current goal is rectangular, low and wide. A goal keeper standing in the center can barely reach the top or bottom corners in a free kick situation. He can easily reach the upper goal post. I suggest keeping the current width and corner height, but turning the top bar into a slight arch to make the area above the center as difficult to defend as the corners.
Or, conversely, we can stop drilling "satisfaction nownownow" into our kids. Instant gratification makes the US slightly crabby all the time and intensely incapable of long-term goals.
And? Is this another one of your weird nation/corporation associations? The company doesn't care about you, or about Germany.

What is so weird about not wanting a company that plays such an important part in pension funds etc. being destroyed? No doubt you would call David Cameron weird as well.

David Cameron is facing a tense first meeting as premier with Barack Obama, after he finally came out fighting for BP.

Mr Cameron delivered a blunt message that it is in U.S. interests that the firm remains 'strong and stable'.

And he intends to press Mr Obama to give BP an idea of the costs from the gulf oil spill when the two meet at this weekend's G8 and G20 summits in Canada.

The Prime Minister has been criticised for failing to stand up to the White House on the issue.

But yesterday, Mr Cameron told MPs he had spoken to Mr Obama twice, and pointed out that more than 40 per cent of BP shareholders are from the U.S. and BP employs more staff there than it does in Britain.

'So it's in all our interests that this company is strong and secure for the future,' he said.

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What is so weird about not wanting a company that plays such an important part in pension funds etc. being destroyed? No doubt you would call David Cameron weird as well.

David Cameron is facing a tense first meeting as premier with Barack Obama, after he finally came out fighting for BP.

Mr Cameron delivered a blunt message that it is in U.S. interests that the firm remains 'strong and stable'.

And he intends to press Mr Obama to give BP an idea of the costs from the gulf oil spill when the two meet at this weekend's G8 and G20 summits in Canada.

The Prime Minister has been criticised for failing to stand up to the White House on the issue.

But yesterday, Mr Cameron told MPs he had spoken to Mr Obama twice, and pointed out that more than 40 per cent of BP shareholders are from the U.S. and BP employs more staff there than it does in Britain.

'So it's in all our interests that this company is strong and secure for the future,' he said.

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What is weird isn't pointing out that your pensions are tied to the corporation, it is weird that you decide that attacking the corporation is some sort of attack against your NATION. Nobody is blaming your nation, that's just preposterous inanity based on some odd bit of nationalism associated to a corporation that isn't even majority owned by people in your nation...

It's just fricking weird. Even a corporation that was wholly owned by Americans in every aspect will never take on this kind of importance to us. Companies are entities that sometimes do bad things, they are not part of the fabric of our nationalism. Blaming a corporation for what they've done has nothing to do with how I feel as a Citizen. When you bring up Bhopal it isn't an attack on my nation, it is an attack on a corporation...
What is weird isn't pointing out that your pensions are tied to the corporation, it is weird that you decide that attacking the corporation is some sort of attack against your NATION. Nobody is blaming your nation, that's just preposterous inanity based on some odd bit of nationalism associated to a corporation that isn't even majority owned by people in your nation...

It's just fricking weird. Even a corporation that was wholly owned by Americans in every aspect will never take on this kind of importance to us. Companies are entities that sometimes do bad things, they are not part of the fabric of our nationalism.

I don't think you really understand the sense of anger over how US banks have completely screwed the world's economy; the attacks on BP whilst ignoring all the other parties involved are seen as more of the same. What it is really all about is the sense that US only cares about what's on its own doorstep and couldn't give a shit about anybody else. You, yourself, are displaying exactly that arrogance being seemingly incapable of seeing things from our perspective.
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I don't think you really understand the sense of anger over how US banks have completely screwed the world's economy; the attacks on BP whilst ignoring all the other parties involved are seen as more of the same. What it is really all about is the sense that US only cares about what's on its own doorstep and couldn't give a shit about anybody else. You, yourself, are displaying exactly that arrogance being seemingly incapable of seeing things from our perspective.
I think you are a fool who ties their nationalism into corporations, it's almost like hero worship. They have feet of clay man, your national pride should never be associated to an entity whose sole purpose is to make money for shareholders. It isn't even in our thought processes. The rest of the world may think that multi-national corporations are somehow a symbol of a nation, but here in the US we're sane.

Now that doesn't make us incapable of empathy, it just makes us point out that the corporation is in no way your nation. I'll point it out again here. You are insane to entrust to multi-national corporations the "pride" of your nationalism. The US is paying for letting our leaders do stupid things with what was working in order to break it. We've weighted ourselves down with debt for generations making sure those multi-national banking corporations wouldn't die so you could keep a home. You can continue to be a fool and pretend the corporations are somehow an extension of a nation, but that will not change what they are. They do not care what nation they are from, and they do not care about you. Even if you work for them.

Lastly, I do not believe that the world thinks of corporations this way, I don't even believe most of Britain does. I think it is you. None of the other Brits that I know have this issue, it's just you, man.
I think you are a fool who ties their nationalism into corporations, it's almost like hero worship. They have feet of clay man, your national pride should never be associated to an entity whose sole purpose is to make money for shareholders. It isn't even in our thought processes. The rest of the world may think that multi-national corporations are somehow a symbol of a nation, but here in the US we're sane.

Now that doesn't make us incapable of empathy, it just makes us point out that the corporation is in no way your nation. I'll point it out again here. You are insane to entrust to multi-national corporations the "pride" of your nationalism. The US is paying for letting our leaders do stupid things with what was working in order to break it. We've weighted ourselves down with debt for generations making sure those multi-national banking corporations wouldn't die so you could keep a home. You can continue to be a fool and pretend the corporations are somehow an extension of a nation, but that will not change what they are. They do not care what nation they are from, and they do not care about you. Even if you work for them.

Lastly, I do not believe that the world thinks of corporations this way, I don't even believe most of Britain does. I think it is you. None of the other Brits that I know have this issue, it's just you, man.

Yes, myself and most of the British media. If you really think this is about corporations then you just don't understand anything.
Yes, myself and most of the British media. If you really think this is about corporations then you just don't understand anything.
Most of the British media concentrates on boobies and anti-Israel. They've gotten a few of you excited that we are "insulting Britain" by pointing out that there was this oil well here just about 65 days ago... Now where'd we put that?

It's hard to take you seriously when your national pride is soaked in corporatism, thankfully it isn't the whole lot of you. And the rest of the world used to tell us we were needlessly pro-corporation...

And if you don't understand that attacking a corporation that blew up a platform off our shores and is killing the economy in a region that produces 5% of our GDP isn't attacking your nation, is normal, and they actually are responsible for what they've done; then there's nothing for it except to continue pointing out how ridiculous it is to soak a company in your national pride.
Most of the British media concentrates on boobies and anti-Israel. They've gotten a few of you excited that we are "insulting Britain" by pointing out that there was this oil well here just about 65 days ago... Now where'd we put that?

It's hard to take you seriously when your national pride is soaked in corporatism, thankfully it isn't the whole lot of you. And the rest of the world used to tell us we were needlessly pro-corporation...

And if you don't understand that attacking a corporation that blew up a platform off our shores and is killing the economy in a region that produces 5% of our GDP isn't attacking your nation, is normal, and they actually are responsible for what they've done; then there's nothing for it except to continue pointing out how ridiculous it is to soak a company in your national pride.

You still don't get it, unfortunately I now have to drive to London for a meeting tomorrow.
Or, conversely, we can stop drilling "satisfaction nownownow" into our kids. Instant gratification makes the US slightly crabby all the time and intensely incapable of long-term goals.
Who knew you to be a social conservative. You must be racist, sexist and homophobic then as well....
Europans are racist mother fuckers in soccer crowds. They throw bananas and make monkey sounds at black players. That ties into most of them being poor.