World Environment Day

When I hear someone arguing against environmental by arguing at the extremes I’ll tell them I’ll be right over to dump a drum of methyl ethyl ketone in their yard.


Of course you don't. You despise and hide from those of us who point out your hypocrisy.
Of course she's reading your posts. If she was ignoring you, she'd be actually ignoring you. How many times do I have to keep explaining this to her? Thank goodness I'm a very patient retired teacher;)
"Juneteenth, also known as Juneteenth Independence Day or Freedom Day, is an American holiday that commemorates the June 19, 1865, announcement of the abolition of slavery in the U.S. state of Texas, and more generally the emancipation of enslaved African-Americans throughout the former Confederacy of the southern United States. Its name is a portmanteau of "June" and "nineteenth", the date of its celebration.[1][2] Juneteenth is recognized as a state holiday or special day of observance in forty-five states.[3]"

from wiki
Big celebration here....
Why someone is a conservationist doesn't matter as long as they are. Our ubber conservative county government fought off an attempt to put a mega-hog farm facility in it. The state was "Here we are getting you a big business farming operation, so praise us." County was "Oh the hell you will." State was "We are the state and need more tax money so we can do whatever we want so suck it." County was all "And we are the local government who won't be doing new water and power lines; won't be improving roads for this thing, and will be ticketing every single one of their trucks that break the speed limit or doesn't have proper papers and we will be checking 24/7" and which point Big Pork was "Oh shit. Never mind". Protecting rural water sheds is a big bipartisan issue when everybody has to drink from wells.

Unlikely ANWR will actually be drilled given the high cost and logistics compared to fracking

That's my hope as well.

Good for your county. Too often they just see the $$$ signs and that's all it takes.
There are a lot of conservationists on the right. Trying to make this an us against them thing is not helping Mother Nature one bit.
That’s true. The popular image of environmentalists is a hippy tree hugging NIMBY chaining themselves to a tree. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Conversely the popular image of conservatives on environmental protection is that of an industry lap dog like Scott Pruitt who are more concerned about protecting corporate profits than human health and the environment. Both extremes exist but are not the norm.
That’s true. The popular image of environmentalists is a hippy tree hugging NIMBY chaining themselves to a tree. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Conversely the popular image of conservatives on environmental protection is that of an industry lap dog like Scott Pruitt who are more concerned about protecting corporate profits than human health and the environment. Both extremes exist but are not the norm.

I work with a very conservative bible thumper who is constantly on me about recycling. She is like THE recycling stormtrooper. "You put paper in the trash can that could be shredded and recycled. You are evil I tell you EVIL!!!!" She is obsessed with it.
Hmm, not so much any more, except for hunters who mostly tend to want to preserve wilderness and wildlife in order to keep their sport alive. As we've seen with the Trump administration, national parks and monuments are being opened for commercialization. Obama-era clean air and water regulations are being dumped. ANWR is being opened for drilling. All this applauded by the right.
As a professional in the field I’d call that a gross mischaracterization. Most of the arguments are not about the need for these laws but their scope and extent. Which is a healthy debate.

Most industries want and desire standardized management practices to protect the environment. They’re important to keep a level playing field and most corporations understand being a good corporate citizen is critical to financial success.

It’s usually failing or obsolete industries trying to protect their vested interest that are the bad players or industries that are volatile with boom/bust cycles.
I work with a very conservative bible thumper who is constantly on me about recycling. She is like THE recycling stormtrooper. "You put paper in the trash can that could be shredded and recycled. You are evil I tell you EVIL!!!!" She is obsessed with it.
Well I spent half my career in recycling but it’s not a cure all. Pollution prevention and source reduction are more effective methods but recycling can and does help but it has its limits.
Well I spent half my career in recycling but it’s not a cure all. Pollution prevention and source reduction are more effective methods but recycling can and does help but it has its limits.

Oh we have our spats, but there is no stopping her. My city only officially accepts 1 & 2 plastics, but she thinks absolutely everything plastic has to go into the bins and stuff like that.
Oh we have our spats, but there is no stopping her. My city only officially accepts 1 & 2 plastics, but she thinks absolutely everything plastic has to go into the bins and stuff like that.
Don't tell her but a lot of municipal recyclables end up going to the landfill when commodity prices tank. I used to get a lot of free raw materials from MRF's when that happened.
Don't tell her but a lot of municipal recyclables end up going to the landfill when commodity prices tank. I used to get a lot of free raw materials from MRF's when that happened.

My city does this but wants people to donate anyway so they can show that they have the volume to attract a processor. Only a couple things make it to recycle currently--aluminum and paper I think. The plastic just gets crushed and off to the landfill.
My city does this but wants people to donate anyway so they can show that they have the volume to attract a processor. Only a couple things make it to recycle currently--aluminum and paper I think. The plastic just gets crushed and off to the landfill.

Depends on the plastic. At MRF's it's all about sorting. Corrugated paper is worth more than printer stock, E-glass is with more than container glass and 3 mix is unsellable, etc,.
Depends on the plastic. At MRF's it's all about sorting. Corrugated paper is worth more than printer stock, E-glass is with more than container glass and 3 mix is unsellable, etc,.

We are a good hike from a processor which is part of the reason it ends up in the landfill. Not worth the expense to get it to a facility that does plastics, thus their donate and maybe one day they will come strategy.