World will face oil crunch ‘in five years’

"And most of the 911 bombers came from there...."

To be clear... most 9/11 bombers were BORN there. But they were living in Afghanistan with their banished leader. (except for the times they were here in the US training to fly)
and it was at $35 in 2000. Before those two oil men took office Darla. So it tripled under Clinton from 1999 to 2000. Since then it has only doubled under Bush. The Clintons are obviously more pro-oil than the Bush Admin. The numbers are quite clear on that.

I don't think those numbers tell the whole story. Your numbers are correct, but your conclusion is faulty.

When were we paying the most for gas? Under Clinton or under Bush?
IT also fell to about $15 in 2002 under Bush, he'd never let that happen if he controlled it like the turob-lib conspiracy lunies think.
He did fill up the reserve while it was cheap too.
IT also fell to about $15 in 2002 under Bush, he'd never let that happen if he controlled it like the turob-lib conspiracy lunies think.
He did fill up the reserve while it was cheap too.

And why do you think he HAD to invade Iraq ? ;)
do we tax oil companies on their oil in the ground like we do all of our property ?
If we did with these prices we would have plenty of tax money.
the gov taxes it coming out of the ground, it's called royalties. 1/8 of the gross. Louisiana is building up a war chest, FEDS are rolling in it.
But we had given billions in Royalties to the oil companies since around 2000.
so what is filling up the tax chests ?

I pay property tax on my holdings each year, why do the oil companies not do that ?
I don't think those numbers tell the whole story. Your numbers are correct, but your conclusion is faulty.

When were we paying the most for gas? Under Clinton or under Bush?

So essentially what you are saying is that the shoe is on the other foot. This time "I" have the numbers in percentages on my side, but NOW I can't just draw a straight conclusion? NOW there has to be other factors to consider?

totally yanking your chain... I was being an ass... go figure.
oil & gas politics class 102
they are paying billions in Royalties way more then the tax breaks.
The break were correctly given for incentives when the prices were too low to get companies to invest in deepwater project, they get x number of barrells before they have to start paying.:clink:
class dissmissed

Uncle Jed
Profit was too low when new record high levels seem to be getting set each successive quarter ? Cry your croc tears for someone who gives a crap.
I'm talking about when they were granted gramps, stick your head in the sand and whine about everything. That's easier than learning something.
I'm talking about when they were granted gramps, stick your head in the sand and whine about everything. That's easier than learning something.

that was then , this is now. My property gets revalued for tax purposes every few years. Sure wish I was paying taxes on it's 1950 value.
you can be sure Hillary/Reid/schumer are going to take away any incentives to produce domestically since we are doing good.
Guess what's going to happen to domestic production 5 yrs down the road.
You get what you pay for.
No we don't get what we pay for. For oil we pay what big oil wants.
Supply and demand. They have the supply and demand what they want from us for it.
I thought you were a Hillary Man ?
I am a Hillary Man, and thank you for thinking we are more powerfull than we are. We have the supply and you have the demand. A record number of drivers took trips july 4th, so obviously the price is not high enough to detere demand yet!!!
Unfortunately you are correct on the demand issue. And my stupid assed republican led state just raised the speed limit so we can burn even more gas.....
BooYahh baby, those red necks need to get those v8 goin ya know.
I always wonder why no talk of 55 speed limit again:clink: