World will face oil crunch ‘in five years’

Well not exactly correct...

Why no talk of 55 mph speed limit ? No piliticos have the balls to do it, and the public is by and large stupid.

Most if not all autos get the best mileage at a crusing speed of 65mph..anything more or less increases well as jackrabbit starts etc!
Wrong Bison Breath...

not true 90% of cars get better milage at 55 for sure

Ya are in my turf MBA... but I did build and race 1/4 mile dragsters in the day...still prefer the V-8's with a blueprint the hell outta all the smog BS pushed by the ecos and oil relates along the lines of aircraft engines...weight per HP ratio...try again...toppy!
Most if not all autos get the best mileage at a crusing speed of 65mph..anything more or less increases well as jackrabbit starts etc!

both of my vehicles get best mileage at around 60, so yes pretty close, but they raised it to 70.
My mileage goes down sharply at 70.
OK grammpy show me your cars documentation showing better at 60 vs 55. I've truely never seen such and I read a lot about it since I invest in hyrbid batteries.
No need to....

OK grammpy show me your cars documentation showing better at 60 vs 55. I've truely never seen such and I read a lot about it since I invest in hyrbid batteries.

Do your own homework before making assinine statements..try google I am sure your professors showed you how it works...I am telling you from experience in the actual real world...and anyone whoever built or raced cars or planes or boats would tell you the same!..end of story...College Boy!
Each configuration would be different, and there would even be variances between cars of the same model, but less so than there would be in different models of different manufacture.

There is no set speed where cars magically work the best, just an average.
Each configuration would be different, and there would even be variances between cars of the same model, but less so than there would be in different models of different manufacture.

There is no set speed where cars magically work the best, just an average.

I know. Somebody should ask "Car Talk" about this. I have a standard transmission and try to keep my RPMs down; that seems to contribute to a better gas economy. Also I try to travel on roads that involve fewer stops, which are gas wasters. Fortunately, that's possible here, but not everywhere.

Each configuration would be different, and there would even be variances between cars of the same model, but less so than there would be in different models of different manufacture.

There is no set speed where cars magically work the best, just an average.

and the average is set at 65mph...rolling speed... weight vs HP!
and the average is set at 65mph...rolling speed... weight vs HP!


As damo said not all cars are the same.
And no sometimes you have to go at the traffic speed or greatly increase your chances of causing a wreck.

the studies say that cars travelling at different speeds have more wrecks than those all travelling at the same speeds.

This increase in speed limit will increase accidents, deatsh, property damage, and fuel consumption. All stupid. to gain what getting there 15 min sooner ?
And yes I assume all races are done at 65 ? :D

Genius 2 identical cars with different rear end gear ratios will get the same mileage at 65 ?
Battleax is hitting the bottle, I don't think you can show any production car gets better milage at 60 vs 55
Me neither spin.
And I have well over one million miles of driving under my belt. With ZERO tickets and only a couple of minor benders.
I over-estimated your intell...

And yes I assume all races are done at 65 ? :D

Genius 2 identical cars with different rear end gear ratios will get the same mileage at 65 ?

I agreed with damo and you...I just stated the facts about weight vs HP...and never said I raced at 65mph...but I do maintain a highway speed of 65mph even if the speed is stated at 70mph+ as for the differential ratio...good lord dude most if not all highway rated vehicles have a high end ratio of rear end gears...and yes the gear ratio does make a diff...I used 4:11 with positraction on my vet quarter racer with slicks...when on the highway I changed to 3:73 with street tires...sorry you are outta your league on this one..also I changed the intake of the two four barrel double pumpers to a singel quad for street use...have a nice dream life though!
Outa my league ? You know littler about my history. I was doing ALL my own vehicle repairs at 16. And darned good at it.
I was also involved in racing.. but that is another story.
There is very little out there that i cannot repair.

Outa my league ? You know littler about my history. I was doing ALL my own vehicle repairs at 16. And darned good at it.
I was also involved in racing.. but that is another story.
There is very little out there that i cannot repair.

and this is why you got a little snippy with me...challenging what I stated even though I agreed with you and damo on mileage rates...uh hu...back-peddle somemore!
guys you know I'm the biggest bull on the oil companies.
I'm saying it'll spike down low temporarily from some type of negative stimulus.
I'm on record saying 85 in 5 yrs and $100 bbl/ 5gal gas in ten.


80 a barrel prediction as oil soars again

Angela Balakrishnan
Friday July 13, 2007
The Guardian

The price of oil jumped to an 11-month high yesterday, moving even closer to record levels hit last summer as fears mounted over shortages in supply.

Speculation in the world's most actively traded commodity, rapidly rising demand and reports that production would slow over the next five years pushed Brent crude up to $77.07 briefly during early-afternoon trading, within $2 of the all-time high of $78.65 set last August.

Investors said hedge funds and pension funds were key drivers behind the latest rally. "This rally is very much fund driven," said Graham Sharp, director at Trafigura, a commodities trading group. "The entry of long-only hedge funds into the market is a major factor this time around. We wouldn't rule out Brent hitting $80 this summer."

Article continues
Maintenance work on oilfields in the North Sea has tightened supplies and helped push Brent, seen as the best indicator of the global market, significantly higher.

The unexpected closure of a North Sea pipeline this month cut oil output from at least one group of fields, operator ConocoPhillips said. Chevron's Erskine field, which produced an average of 10,705 barrels a day in March, has also been affected by the shutdown.

The market has been jittery all week after the release of the International Energy Agency's medium-term oil market report warning that demand would increase faster than expected over the next five years while production would struggle to keep up. Traders are nervously awaiting the IEA's latest monthly report out today, which will give an updated snapshot of global oil demand and stocks.

Data from the US Energy Information Administration showed gasoline stocks in the world's largest consuming country remained 8.2m barrels lower than a year ago, and the summer driving season there is expected to last at least another month.,,2125371,00.html

Looks like it will be a short 5 years....