Worry in white, Christian America

Looks like the end of the republican party as that is their base

According to Robert P. Jones, the founder and CEO of Public Religion Research Institute, the note’s “apocalyptic ring” stems from the anxiety, fear, and anger of some conservative white Christians who he says have, in the space of a decade, moved from the mainstream to the minority in America. In a conversation Wednesday evening at Harvard Divinity School with journalist and political analyst E.J. Dionne, Jones laid out the data behind his claims, collected in his recent book “The End of White Christian America.”

And if the Hispanics take over the GOP in the void, the DNC is doomed. Political fortunes rise and fall. Why the GOP was history and would never win another election and it was only a question of how big Hillary's landslide would be a couple years ago. Now look where we are.
And if the Hispanics take over the GOP in the void, the DNC is doomed. Political fortunes rise and fall. Why the GOP was history and would never win another election and it was only a question of how big Hillary's landslide would be a couple years ago. Now look where we are.

No thanks, we don't want bad hombres in the GOP. There's a reason we want the wall built.
No thanks, we don't want bad hombres in the GOP. There's a reason we want the wall built.

You won't have a choice if you get outnumbered. I suppose you could go the caucus route to hold onto white power for a cycle or two. Virginia's dems are ditching a primary this year in at least some of the races. Not sure if it is state wide. Kind of curious as to why.
You must be hallucinating again. In what way do you think I 1) argued against motherhood, and 2) didn't raise my own kids?

How many of those Trumpian wealthy ppl do you think raise their own kids, btw? Most of them have nannies/au pairs. And many of their kids (like Trump) are sent off to boarding schools.

You don't want women nurturing young children because you want them out pursuing careers.

You argued in length with me on this very important part of motherhood.

You said that other people (strangers) could handle the nurturing process.
There's Harvard then there is America.

Why do people like guno and OwlWoman think what happens in academia and in the real world are the same thing? Those in academia have spent their entire lives in a setting that doesn't live in conjunction with the real world. From the time they were 4 - 5, they've spent the better part of their waking hours in a school setting where reality simply doesn't exist. Their view is much like the Indian parable of the blind men and the elephant.
You have to realize that this is a favorite rightwing past time....aka, just making shit up about posters.

There is not a single normal person on this forum who could have the impression you are "anti-motherhood".

To me, you give off more of a Kenyan-Pan African-Marxist-Muslim-Maoist anti-fatherhood vibe (j/k)

To me, she gives off the typical Liberal BITCH vibe.
You don't want women nurturing young children because you want them out pursuing careers.
You argued in length with me on this very important part of motherhood.
You said that other people (strangers) could handle the nurturing process.

It is true that arguing with morons like yourself is about as useful as nailing jello to a tree. Welcome to my ignore list! Enjoy your stay with the rest of the liars and tards.

You don't want women nurturing young children because you want them out pursuing careers.

You argued in length with me on this very important part of motherhood.

You said that other people (strangers) could handle the nurturing process.

Welcome to the Fowl ignore club. You're in great company :awesome:
It is true that arguing with morons like yourself is about as useful as nailing jello to a tree. Welcome to my ignore list! Enjoy your stay with the rest of the liars and tards.


A sound message board strategy: to ignore liars, losers, racists, and resentful dunces.

But you are going to be amazed at how losers will still spend their precious time composing posts to you even when knowing you will never read them. Its like they are practically begging for your attention. It is just freakishly weird, perhaps even a mental illness, I tell ya!
A sound message board strategy: to ignore liars, losers, racists, and resentful dunces.

But you are going to be amazed at how losers will still spend their precious time composing posts to you even when knowing you will never read them. Its like they are practically begging for your attention. It is just freakishly weird, perhaps even a mental illness, I tell ya!

I know. There are at least 3 of them that continue to follow me around and make responses to my posts. They think I really cheat and read their pitiful cries for attention. I do not.
I know. There are at least 3 of them that continue to follow me around and make responses to my posts. They think I really cheat and read their pitiful cries for attention. I do not.

They "think" you still read their posts? Hilarious! I guess hope springs ever eternal for the obsessive message board loser.

I actually do not think I could respect myself if I devoted precious time of my life bothering to read the meandering blather, lies, and resentment of boring rightwing losers.

Keep up the good work, and I stand in awe of your robust and effective ignore list!
They "think" you still read their posts? Hilarious! I guess hope springs ever eternal for the obsessive message board loser.

I actually do not think I could respect myself if I devoted precious time of my life bothering to read the meandering blather, lies, and resentment of boring rightwing losers.

Keep up the good work, and I stand in awe of your robust and effective ignore list!

*blush* Why thank you, sir.

Notice my little Klingon, above this post? That one I don't have on ignore. But like the others, she follows me from thread to thread, trying desperately to be noticed and responded to.

So here you go, ugly stalker twat. Here's your Acme Attention Whore Begging Strip du Jour. lol
It is true that arguing with morons like yourself is about as useful as nailing jello to a tree. Welcome to my ignore list! Enjoy your stay with the rest of the liars and tards.


Tell owl feminist that the discussion was about one year old infants and younger - not 6-7-8 year olds.

Tell her that her girl scout den mother / typical mom - grandma BS doesn't cut it with me either.

Owl feminist wants government surrogates nursing infants in every twenty something mother's house in america and of course the tax payers have to fund it.
Would one of you liberals please quote what I just said so owl feminist wont miss it?

Tell her I wish her a fond fond farewell and I'm confident that one day very soon, she will awaken and discover under her covers that she has been transformed into a man.