Science? You mean the subjective, conjectural, theoretical thought thatTyson calls science when in reality its nothing but a philosophy that exists only between the ears of those calling it Science?
Real Science is objective, testable, repeatable in its consistency of conclusion resulting in FACTS. Just show me the objective evidence of LIFE existing anywhere else in the Universe......there is no such evidence that can be confirmed by REAL SCIENCE.....whose first prerequisite is OBSERVED evidence.
Lets count the number of times subjective words are used in this supposed "Scientific" conclusion: First point.....only protestant Christians (20 somethings) are being counted (thus the omission of FACTS in evidence....All other Citizens calling themselves Christians are excluded from this (falsely) data filled Mark Twain declared.....LIARS SURE DO FIGURE).
2nd point that's obvious.....I just listened to the first few minutes of this supposed Scientific Conclusion......and in those minutes (real scientific qualifiers, wink, wink) words such as "IF"...CHANCES ARE....Claimed.....and the ever popular MAY HAVE are bantered around like they are speaking of OBJECTIVE, TESTABLE, REPRODUCILE, Constant FACTS in evidence.
What's real deceptive is the attempt to judge all Christians by providing only the evidence of the nation's 20 something generation......that has years ahead of them to realize their mistakes of judgement made in their youth. Simply because someone does not ID themselves as something when they are young......presents the false premise that HUMANS never evolve their thinking based upon the wisdom of living in the REAL WORLD. This is more than laughable......
These supposed FACTS fly in the face of the was those same supposedly declining Christian populations.....that voted PROGRESSIVE POLITICANS out of power to the tune of 1000 seats of political power being lost over the same time span that America was declining in its Judeo/Christian philosophical more's.

Question? Do you have any capacity whatsoever for Critical Independent THINKING....or do you always refer to those claiming to be smarter than you?
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