Worst argument for religion that I've read, ever.

lol.....you can dance, I'll give you that....except your tap shoes are showing.....you make up a bogus interpretation of "the book", pretend that it criticizes the God that you envision, thus justify rejecting the book which does actually give you the opposite description of God from the one you made up....but now you feel entitled to create your own version of God and his will for humanity......let me guess.....you're a Unitarian, aren't you.....

I was thinking about it...but the nearest Universalist Unitarian Church is about 30 miles from my house.

Interpretation? It's right there in black and white. Why do you insist that the master in this story is not a wicked and ruthless man....and why did the Nicean Council choose to use it as a moral lesson....Not against the Ruthless Master and his one whistleblower servant who called a spade a spade and was punished....but against the servant who really? Did no wrong.
Why do you insist that the master in this story is not a wicked and ruthless man....

as I said before, because he gave gold to his servants and charged them with making a profit in his absence......oh wait, maybe because you're a liberal that's precisely WHY you think he's wicked!.......

and why did the Nicean Council choose to use it as a moral lesson....Not against the Ruthless Master and his one whistleblower servant who called a spade a spade and was punished....but against the servant who really? Did no wrong.

foolish jibe about the council aside, what moral is it you think the lesson is teaching......apparently you think it has nothing to do with serving God's will with the talents we've been given (sucks that we have two thousand years worth of religion commentators who mistakenly believed that to be the case).......you think the servant is a whistle-blower and the master evil.....is it not also possible that the servant was a liar and dishonest?.....in any event, the servant did do wrong.....he did not do what his master instructed, apparently instead of working while his master was gone, he just buried the gold and sat on his ass doing nothing until his master got back (like a government employee I guess).........
I will be very surprised if I meet any that refuse to believe God even exists.......do you seriously expect to meet some?.....

and do you recall what he said about those who refuse to believe in his son?......I didn't make the rule, I merely mentioned it.....

do you think my belief in the saving grace of Jesus Christ as the sole means of salvation to be false?.......is yours?.....

I believe your piety yea your very Christianity to be false. You are a heretic at best, a hypocrite, a liar, a false "prophet".

Christ message is clear, you are not a follower.
its pretty straight forward....the Bible states that those who believe in Jesus Christ and accept him will be with him in eternity while those who reject him will not.......I believe and accept, the rest follows.......it has nothing to do with whether I'm the same or whether I'm different and certainly nothing to do with how you judge me......

were you unaware of this?......

Yet you sin daily with your lies, you believe you can create disharmony on earth and be forgiven at the last moment of judgement?
I believe your piety yea your very Christianity to be false. You are a heretic at best, a hypocrite, a liar, a false "prophet".

Christ message is clear, you are not a follower.

given what you quoted, are you of a mind that Christ's message was that people can go to heaven if they refuse to believe God exists?.....
so you're a Christian that rejects the teachings of John 3?......I don't think I've run into that doctrine before.....what denomination is it?......

????....except that the entire NT was written and in place during a time when this newly created church was being fed to the lions by the Romans....what you're talking about happened hundreds of years later......sort of makes your argument suck ass doesn't it?......

Roman influence lasted at least 400 years AD liar.
If that helps you sleep at night, something written in a book by men who might possibly have wanted to cheat, lie, steal, rape and kill their whole lives but still get to "heaven" because they believe in "jesus christ".

If there was a heaven, I'm betting you'd be real disappointed when you realized that you read the wrong list of entry criteria.

and which had been in existence already for approximately 250 years prior to that......that's what, about as old as our constitution is now?......at least your consistent....you guys want to pretend that says something different now than it did 250 years ago too......

so when John 3 represents itself as God telling us what you have to do to be saved you figure that's just some bullshit some MAN wrote and that instead you can tell God what you need to do to be saved?.......

Just the differences in the four gospels alone clearly indicate it was written by men, however inspired, false "prophet".
Let me ask you something.....when you stand before God and he asks you why you supported a political agenda that embraces profiteering, the exploitation of workers, the rejection of people no better than you.....what are you going to say?

I have no issue with the way you feel....you are every bit entitled to your opinion. But just make sure your aren't believing in a false PROFIT....(word play intended)

Note that the liar ignores this direct question, has no answer.
given what you quoted, are you of a mind that Christ's message was that people can go to heaven if they refuse to believe God exists?.....

My message to you is contained entirely within my own words, my quote indicates only that my message is directed to you, nothing more.
Just the differences in the four gospels alone clearly indicate it was written by men, however inspired, false "prophet".

and which differences are you referring to?.......without going to an AtheistsRUs website and doing a cut and paste, can you name a single one?.....