Worst argument for religion that I've read, ever.

Ahh...the old "divine inspiration" angle. Well, why did the Church have to recant about Mary Magdalene?
actually, you mentioned something about that before, to be honest I have no idea what you're talking about......

Another thing that bugs me....Christ knew what his purpose was on Earth....He knew he was going to die for our sins. That means Judas' "betrayal" was just a means to facilitate God's will.....why is Judas portrayed as a pariah?
does the fact that God made use of Judas' betrayal make it something other than a betrayal?......

In fact, there is scripture in the Gnostic Gospels
see what I meant about making up your own scriptures?.....

But the Gnostic Gospels didn't make the cut at Nicaea.....why? Because the Gnostics believe that the way to God is a path of enlightenment.....to learn from others and not judge them....
the Gnostics proposed there were other ways to be reconciled with God than that set forth by God....that's why they were excluded from Christianity and their texts were not part of God's communication with his people......now you make the same claim and argue that their texts were wrongfully excluded.....perhaps instead you should take it as evidence of the infallibility of God that you claimed you accepted.....

by the way, I'm not using multi-quote.....I'm simply addressing each of your points separately to avoid confusion....
Power will try to corrupt any from of government you fool.

That is why our founders gave us a democracy designed to thwart the power mongers.

you idiots try to demean the power of government designed to empower the people and sing on high of the glory of the monied powers.
Power will try to corrupt any from of government you fool.

That is why our founders gave us a democracy designed to thwart the power mongers.

you idiots try to demean the power of government designed to empower the people and sing on high of the glory of the monied powers.

Should the majority ALWAYS get its way?
actually, you mentioned something about that before, to be honest I have no idea what you're talking about......

does the fact that God made use of Judas' betrayal make it something other than a betrayal?......

see what I meant about making up your own scriptures?.....

the Gnostics proposed there were other ways to be reconciled with God than that set forth by God....that's why they were excluded from Christianity and their texts were not part of God's communication with his people......now you make the same claim and argue that their texts were wrongfully excluded.....perhaps instead you should take it as evidence of the infallibility of God that you claimed you accepted.....

by the way, I'm not using multi-quote.....I'm simply addressing each of your points separately to avoid confusion....

1. Up until the 1960's(IIRC) Mary Magdalene was portrayed as a prostitute. A whore with many demons that Christ cast out...who in turn.became faithful. Then the church decanted the story.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Magdalene.

2. God's will....was not Judas doing what was required of God? Would that not make him holy?

3. Once again.....is it that they weren't part of God's communication, or was it a power/political issue?

I don't necessarily know....I am merely questioning. There are other questions.....Why is the birth of Christ celebrated at the same time that Pagans celebrated the Winter Solstice? Why is Christ's resurrection celebrated in the spring....the time of "rebirth and fertility", according to Pagans?

I have no doubt about God's power or Christ's divinity....but I do have questions about aspects of our religion.

Of course, in your mind....questioning anything is wrong. You are much like the line you throw out when you talk about Obamacare....you know, the Pelosi Quote..."you have to pass it to know what's in it".... in your mind, you have to believe UNQUESTIONINGLY, every syllable of the Holy Bible to be a good Christian.....even the stuff that doesn't make sense, is contradictory, and has had a serious amount of doubt cast upon it....the scientific stuff...the age of the Earth, the dinosaurs, etc...

No....don't get me wrong.....I believe....I believe with all my heart and soul. But my mind has questions.
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Join Date:07-26-2006.Last Activity:06-12-2007 12:37
1. Up until the 1960's(IIRC) Mary Magdalene was portrayed as a prostitute. A whore with many demons that Christ cast out...who in turn.became faithful. Then the church decanted the story.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Magdalene.
....first I've ever heard of it.....apparently not a big deal in the Christianity I was raised with.....especially if she was a repentant prostitute...

2. God's will....was not Judas doing what was required of God? Would that not make him holy?
.....hardly....he did what he chose to do, God did not force him to do it, this it was his will, not God's.....God merely utilized it....

3. Once again.....is it that they weren't part of God's communication, or was it a power/political issue?
......well, if you consider God powerless you come up with one answer, if you consider him omnipotent you come up with a different one....you've claimed he made Judas betray Jesus, yet you don't think he could get the Council of Nicea to pick the texts he chose to be considered His Word?.......

Why is the birth of Christ celebrated at the same time that Pagans celebrated the Winter Solstice? Why is Christ's resurrection celebrated in the spring....

.....simple enough reason....the church didn't want converts continuing pagan celebrations but knew they would have a tough time altering traditions, so they subverted them....

Of course, in your mind....questioning anything is wrong. You are much like the line you throw out when you talk about Obamacare....you know, the Pelosi Quote..."you have to pass it to know what's in it"....

......and you think that things like "this is what I require for salvation" doesn't make sense?......if you wanted people to love you simply because they chose to would you also grant eternal life in your presence to people who denied you even existed?.......

in your mind, you have to believe UNQUESTIONINGLY, every syllable of the Holy Bible to be a good Christian.

....sigh......and yet you continue to make stupid assertions like this......did you somehow think I changed John 3 to say whosoever believes on him and unquestioningly believes every syllable of the Bible shall have eternal life?.......
1. Up until the 1960's(IIRC) Mary Magdalene was portrayed as a prostitute. A whore with many demons that Christ cast out...who in turn.became faithful. Then the church decanted the story.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Magdalene.
....first I've ever heard of it.....apparently not a big deal in the Christianity I was raised with.....especially if she was a repentant prostitute...

2. God's will....was not Judas doing what was required of God? Would that not make him holy?
.....hardly....he did what he chose to do, God did not force him to do it, this it was his will, not God's.....God merely utilized it....

3. Once again.....is it that they weren't part of God's communication, or was it a power/political issue?
......well, if you consider God powerless you come up with one answer, if you consider him omnipotent you come up with a different one....you've claimed he made Judas betray Jesus, yet you don't think he could get the Council of Nicea to pick the texts he chose to be considered His Word?.......

Why is the birth of Christ celebrated at the same time that Pagans celebrated the Winter Solstice? Why is Christ's resurrection celebrated in the spring....

.....simple enough reason....the church didn't want converts continuing pagan celebrations but knew they would have a tough time altering traditions, so they subverted them....

Of course, in your mind....questioning anything is wrong. You are much like the line you throw out when you talk about Obamacare....you know, the Pelosi Quote..."you have to pass it to know what's in it"....

......and you think that things like "this is what I require for salvation" doesn't make sense?......if you wanted people to love you simply because they chose to would you also grant eternal life in your presence to people who denied you even existed?.......

in your mind, you have to believe UNQUESTIONINGLY, every syllable of the Holy Bible to be a good Christian.

....sigh......and yet you continue to make stupid assertions like this......did you somehow think I changed John 3 to say whosoever believes on him and unquestioningly believes every syllable of the Bible shall have eternal life?.......

Why do you keep focusing on one passage? I threw out many examples....but yet you keep coming back to a.passage that you and I agree on.
actually I don't recall you mentioning any other passages.....

Pay unto Caesar....the parable of the talents(which you ridiculed me on), the 7 day creation....etc.....there were a host of them.

But let's look at the parable of the talents. I tried to copy the text...but the kindle won't paste right...here's the link.


So this master....who reaps where he does not sow...and gathers where he has not scattered seed is a role model and how God works?

I'm just saying that it sounds a heck of a lot like scaring slaves into busting their asses for their cruel masters....the masters being the Roman Empire.
why is it the republican party does not attract the VAST majority of people of color?

They definitely don't like school choice so they must love the shitty schools that democrat party forces them into. They must love illegitimacy because that is what democrat party rule in major cities has wrought. They must love 1800 black babies a day being slaughtered in the House of Gosnell. If they think those things are in their best interests then I say go with God.

But let me ask you this. After 30 years of overwhelming support for the democrat party what do "people of color" have to show for it?
So this master....who reaps where he does not sow...and gathers where he has not scattered seed is a role model and how God works?

I'm just saying that it sounds a heck of a lot like scaring slaves into busting their asses for their cruel masters....the masters being the Roman Empire.

dude.....you realize what a parable is, right?......its not a moral lesson telling us we should be more like a master who reaps what he does not sow......no matter how hard you twist the text even you can't convince me you read it that way.......its about what people do with what they are entrusted with.....sheesh.......
But let me ask you this. After 30 years of overwhelming support for the democrat party what do "people of color" have to show for it?

Full voting rights (until the latest Supreme Court decision); affirmative action (which has helped a lot of African Americans compete for contracts and education opportunities); freedom of choice, so they can plan family size; funding for HIV prevention (you know, the disease Reagan would never mention but which is hurting the black community); representation at the Democratic national conventions (unlike the lily-white republican ones); a black president (didn't notice repubs running any serious minority candidate yet), immigration reform, DREAM act, etc etc etc.

And the few things repubs are willing to do for African Americans and Latinos are only because they see their base vanishing and they are getting desperate. But they aren't willing to do anything substantive. Case in point: Tx is already putting in measure that will end up restricting minority voters, this soon after the SC decision around the voting rights act.

And hey- it was republicans who kicked a lot of black city officials out of their jobs in Michigan, counter to the will of the voters. Oh yeah, that makes African Americans want to vote repub... NOT