Worst movies ever made

Voodoo Moon, a film about the end of the world that comes across as a badly done episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer directed by a lazy crack head.

Marie Antoinette - A film about a really interesting time in history that manages to edit out the interesting bits and instead focuses on the tedious shit bits about how Marie Antoinette was a foreign queen (shock) who's husband was a bit useless in the bedroom (double shock) accompanied by a terrible eighties soundtrack that made me want to throw my cassette player out the window. I also put Bobby in this category, though that was a lot better than Marie A, it was still self-indulgent Hollyshite at its most maudlin.

Thin Red Line - totally self indlulgent load of nonsense featuring cameos from half of Hollywood, wanted to throw the director to the sharks.

Notting Hill or anything by Richard Curtis - Load of cliched bollocks about how English peple live in enormous houses and say 'bugger' all the time and everything is constantly twee and there are no ethnic minorities. Combined with terrible cheesey music and the same fucking actors over and over again.

All the Oceans 11/12/13 movies - George Clooney is so cool and overstyled that these films become more like watching an advert for George Clooney and Brad Pitt than watching a film. The trouble is, neither of them are particularly good actors and the whole Oceans thing stopped being cool after the first film, now comes across like watching my dad sing karaoke.

Domino - Worst. Film. Ever. Keira Knightley isnt tough, the director of this film (Tony Scott) is a drooling moron and Entertainment in Video will not be in business for much longer.

Mr & Mrs Smith, The Passion of the Christ and any US remake of a Japanese horror film (Ring, Dark Water, The Grudge) all of these films also deserve criticism for being unfeasibly shite, particularly Ring 2 (US remake) which was like watching a hilarious remake of a Carry On film.
Voodoo Moon, a film about the end of the world that comes across as a badly done episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer directed by a lazy crack head.
I will take your word for it.

Marie Antoinette - A film about a really interesting time in history that manages to edit out the interesting bits and instead focuses on the tedious shit bits about how Marie Antoinette was a foreign queen (shock) who's husband was a bit useless in the bedroom (double shock) accompanied by a terrible eighties soundtrack that made me want to throw my cassette player out the window. I also put Bobby in this category, though that was a lot better than Marie A, it was still self-indulgent Hollyshite at its most maudlin.
Completely agree.

Thin Red Line - totally self indlulgent load of nonsense featuring cameos from half of Hollywood, wanted to throw the director to the sharks.
Completely agree.

All the Oceans 11/12/13 movies - George Clooney is so cool and overstyled that these films become more like watching an advert for George Clooney and Brad Pitt than watching a film. The trouble is, neither of them are particularly good actors and the whole Oceans thing stopped being cool after the first film, now comes across like watching my dad sing karaoke.

Domino - Worst. Film. Ever. Keira Knightley isnt tough, the director of this film (Tony Scott) is a drooling moron and Entertainment in Video will not be in business for much longer.
This one is for sure--- the real Domino looked nothing like Keira Knightley (the real one was convincingly a badass) and the movie seemed shot like a trailer.

Mr & Mrs Smith, The Passion of the Christ and any US remake of a Japanese horror film (Ring, Dark Water, The Grudge) all of these films also deserve criticism for being unfeasibly shite, particularly Ring 2 (US remake) which was like watching a hilarious remake of a Carry On film.[/QUOTE]
I just saw "Disturbia" and that was pretty effin bad.

"Brick"was pretty bad too.
The passion of christ was horrible. And I told the pastor so after I was pretty much forced to sit thru it.
LOL, do you still go to church US?

nope I am an atheist and was then and told the pastor so. But he still got me on as chairman of the board of trustees...go figure...I do not believe in life after death, in heaven or hell or an overall supreme being.

Anyway, I gave up on that church before my divorce of a while back. They just wanted a little private place to worship and commune and did not care about the youth or the community. That pastor also gave up on it and left.... btw I was forced to attend church for the first 15 years of my life.

I do however believe true christians are good folk and live a good life and support them in their right to believe and worship as long as it does not step on me. Other than the religion aspect I live a more Christian life than many Christians I know.

I do also believe that belief in life after death cheapens the only life I think we have.
Created in gods image ? What an arrogant attitude for those who believe in God to have.

Take it up with the author's of Genesis. And, if you believe it is arrogance to prop up the human race as something greater than a clump of cells, then I rest my case that belief in the afterlife does not demean life on earth as much as non-believers.
Its also demeaning to write off our current existence as a freak accident of nature, so as to open the door up for not living rightly.

A freak of nature ? whatever, but in any case we should make the most of it. And I do not see how it opens up the door for not living rightly ?

Heaven or hell is what we make of this life we have now the way I see it.
A freak of nature ? whatever, but in any case we should make the most of it. And I do not see how it opens up the door for not living rightly ?

Heaven or hell is what we make of this life we have now the way I see it.

Why? You're making a big deal out of a freak accident. Heaven and Hell have little to do with this life, but whatever we make of it, it would be meaningless and without them.