Worthless American media has banned the word "TEMPERATURE"

Temperature is the headline number, so has not been banned as Texting Driver claims. Texting Driver is just lying, as usual.
Random words. No apparent coherency.
Heat index is a more useful number for health concerns,
Heat is not an index.
but is not commonly the headline number.
Buzzword fallacy.
It is nowhere near arbitrary.
Random statement.
It combines temperature with humidity to give a picture of what the effect is on the body.
Heat has no temperature.
A dry heat is nowhere near as bad as heat at 100% humidity.
Heat has no temperature.
Here in Boise, 90 degrees is hot, but quite pleasant. When I’ve been in New Orleans at 90 degrees, it’s suffocating.

TDAK is just an angry person, looking to be pissed off at everything he doesn’t understand. Which is a considerable list

Nah. People don't suffocate in New Orleans when it's 90.
I cite Trump as an example. "Yesterday" is a difficult word for him.
LOL. We know that 'origins' is one that he simply cannot pronounce.

He actually gave up after getting it wrong numerous times.

Words he can pronounce?

Person, Woman, Man, Camera, T.V.
Both 'heat index' and 'windchill' are made up BS.
Science is not media buzzwords.

As a person who has medical problems dealing with heat, in fact heat can easily become a life threatening issue for me, when I say visit my brother in Corpus Christi I appreciate having a heat index (feels like) forcast.

Wind chill or windchill (popularly wind chill factor) is the lowering of body temperature due to the passing-flow of lower-temperature air.

A chart of wind chill values for given air temperatures and wind speeds
Wind chill numbers are always lower than the air temperature for values where the formula is valid. When the apparent temperature is higher than the air temperature, the heat index is used instead.
A surface loses heat through conduction, evaporation, convection, and radiation.[1] The rate of convection depends on both the difference in temperature between the surface and the fluid surrounding it and the velocity of that fluid with respect to the surface. As convection from a warm surface heats the air around it, an insulating boundary layer of warm air forms against the surface. Moving air disrupts this boundary layer, or epiclimate, allowing for cooler air to replace the warm air against the surface. The faster the wind speed, the more readily the surface cools.