You don't give a shit about the starving or homeless.
So you pull out the age old excuse against helping them - they are mentally retarded, they like being homeless and it costs too much money to house them.
37,000+ of them are veterans.
1.3 million students are classified as homeless in America.
'What is the Average Age of Homelessness in America?
The average age of homelessness in the United States is 11 years.'
And are you saying that means they are not worth helping?
And it is NOT, too expensive to shelter these people.
If the federal government built large enough, homeless shelters in major US cities?
And the homeless worked/ran the shelters.
The cost would be minimal on a per capita basis.
And I guaranfuckingteeyou it would cost a tiny fraction of what tree huggers like you want the feds to spend on cleaning up the air.
At most, it costs $60/day to house people in a shelter. But that is the absolute most.
More realistic is probably around $35.
But even at $60/day times 365 days times 600,000 people?
That equals $13.14 billion dollars a year.
Are you fucking telling me that with a federal budget of $6.6 trillion in 2020?
That the federal government cannot afford to look after the homeless?
AND WHAT ABOUT THE 811 MILLION humans who are starving/in danger of starvation?
Do they actually like being hungry?
Are they not worth saving either?
You just fucking proved 100% what a fucking hypocrite you are.
All you fucking care about is yourself.
Your air.
Your rivers and streams.
And you do not give a fuck about the homeless or the starving.
You selfish, tree hugging hypocrite!!!
And as for me?
I LITERALLY do not give a shit what you think about me and my sincerity on this.
Now take your plastic idea and shove it up your ass...please.
You selfish, environmental Nazi.
Merry Christmas.