Would right-wingers support some kind of ban or partial ban on plastic products?


Given the damage that plastic is doing to our oceans and marine life not to mention crowding our landfills and ending up on the ground everywhere we look.... if a Democrat President and Congress proposed/enacted a ban on plastic drink bottles and food packaging as well as most other plastic products that are made from non-recyclable plastic, unless and until the plastic industry developed a biodegradable plastic..... would the right put aside their petty, juvenile, partisan assholishness of the kind we've seen them demonstrate regarding climate change, and support such efforts for the good of the environment and mankind even if it made products a bit more expensive, or would they react the way they always do when the left attempts to be forward thinking and responsible adults... IOW, would they throw a tantrum and act like ignorant, spoiled little brat children who've been told to eat their vegetables?

Right-wingers, I'm asking you...
Stupid question, the vast majority of plastic waste come from Asian, Indian and African rivers!

Stupid answer.

What you described comes mostly from products manufactured in China, America and Europe and exported to those regions.

The assumption of my post, was that as with climate change initiatives, the rest of the world, or at least the western world, would join us and also enact similar measures.

I understand that your ilk gets offended and butthurt over the very thought of taking steps to reverse the past century of environmental damage, but I just wanted to see how extensive it is here on this board.

I don't expect much better in terms of reasonable discourse on the subject from your cohorts, so thanks for confirming what we all know already.

Right-wingers hate the environment.
Stupid answer.

What you described comes mostly from products manufactured in China, America and Europe and exported to those regions.

The assumption of my post, was that as with climate change initiatives, the rest of the world, or at least the western world, would join us and also enact similar measures.

I understand that your ilk gets offended and butthurt over the very thought of taking steps to reverse the past century of environmental damage, but I just wanted to see how extensive it is here on this board.

I don't expect much better in terms of reasonable discourse on the subject from your cohorts, so thanks for confirming what we all know already.

Right-wingers hate the environment.

The Yangtze, Xi, and Huangpu rivers in China; the Ganges in India; Cross in Nigeria; and the Amazon in Brazil are the big rivers that top the list. Stop bullshitting, are you drunk? The sensible thing to do is reduce the use of one time use plastic like bags and packaging. In the UK supermarkets were issuing biodegradable shopping bags made from plastic derived from tapioca, now they charge 10p per bag instead. Thailand recently introduced a charge on bags as well.
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I am curious why no demmycrat Congress has never passed a law spending even a nickel to clean up the floating plastic islands in the Pacific.......why, given their concern for the environment, do they leave it up to 501c3 entities to do that good work?.....
The Yangtze, Xi, and Huangpu rivers in China; the Ganges in India; Cross in Nigeria; and the Amazon in Brazil are the big rivers that top the list. Stop bullshitting, are you drunk? The sensible thing to do is reduce the use of one time use plastic like bags and packaging. In the UK supermarkets were issuing biodegradable shopping bags made from plastic derived from tapioca, now they charge 10p per bag instead. Thailand recently introduced a charge on bags as well.

When, where, how was I "bullshitting"?

You're the one who must be drunk.

What I said was true.

The three biggest sources of plastic products are China, the US and Europe.

If the problem of plastic waste is to be curtailed, the restrictions need to be placed on the producers.

But I'm happy to see that you admit your support a partial ban on plastic products.

I wonder if any other rwnj's will also express support for drastic action against plastic pollution.
I thought we did recycling for a reason????? how are all these plastics ending up in our oceans?

Because too many people are lazy, empty-headed slobs who wouldn't lift a finger or inconvenience themselves in the slightest in order to do the right thing.
I am curious why no demmycrat Congress has never passed a law spending even a nickel to clean up the floating plastic islands in the Pacific.......why, given their concern for the environment, do they leave it up to 501c3 entities to do that good work?.....

The ratpublicans would just block it like they do everytime the Democrats try to do the right thing.

And there are so many other pressing problems to deal with unfortunately some big ones get placed on the back burner.
Given the damage that plastic is doing to our oceans and marine life not to mention crowding our landfills and ending up on the ground everywhere we look.... if a Democrat President and Congress proposed/enacted a ban on plastic drink bottles and food packaging as well as most other plastic products that are made from non-recyclable plastic, unless and until the plastic industry developed a biodegradable plastic..... would the right put aside their petty, juvenile, partisan assholishness of the kind we've seen them demonstrate regarding climate change, and support such efforts for the good of the environment and mankind even if it made products a bit more expensive, or would they react the way they always do when the left attempts to be forward thinking and responsible adults... IOW, would they throw a tantrum and act like ignorant, spoiled little brat children who've been told to eat their vegetables?

Right-wingers, I'm asking you...

if it has anything to do with thei bottom .ine they oppose
The problem with bans is that they're always implemented before an acceptable alternative is determined.

A requirement and incentive program could be part of any law, to produce a biodegradable plastic for use not only in containers, but for ALL plastic products.
so much ignorance in this post...................


The ignorance is emanating from you sadly!

Most of the plastic in our oceans doesn't get dumped there directly, rivers carry it to the sea. As it turns out, a very small number of them do most of the damage.
At last count, there were at least 8.3 billion tons of plastic in the world. Much of it gets discarded and eventually ends up in our oceans. Researchers are looking for ways to collect that trash in the sea using a variety of technologies but the overall consensus is that using less plastic, or at least catching the trash at the source, would be much better than filtering it out afterwards.

But where to start? Well, in fact, that might be an easier decision to make than one would think. It turns out that about 90 percent of all the plastic that reaches the world's oceans gets flushed through just 10 rivers: The Yangtze, the Indus, Yellow River, Hai River, the Nile, the Ganges, Pearl River, Amur River, the Niger, and the Mekong (in that order).

These rivers have a few key things in common. All of them run through areas where a lot of people live — hundreds of millions of people in some cases. But what's more important is that these areas don't have adequate waste collection or recycling infrastructure. There is also little public awareness that plastic trash is a problem at all, so a lot of garbage, gets thrown into the river and conveniently disappears downstream.

chao phraya river in Bangkok, Thailand

Given the damage that plastic is doing to our oceans and marine life not to mention crowding our landfills and ending up on the ground everywhere we look.... if a Democrat President and Congress proposed/enacted a ban on plastic drink bottles and food packaging as well as most other plastic products that are made from non-recyclable plastic, unless and until the plastic industry developed a biodegradable plastic..... would the right put aside their petty, juvenile, partisan assholishness of the kind we've seen them demonstrate regarding climate change, and support such efforts for the good of the environment and mankind even if it made products a bit more expensive, or would they react the way they always do when the left attempts to be forward thinking and responsible adults... IOW, would they throw a tantrum and act like ignorant, spoiled little brat children who've been told to eat their vegetables?

Right-wingers, I'm asking you...

I am an indy.

But I am not for doing anything at all to save the planet until every, single starving and involuntary, homeless human (especially children) in the world are no longer either.

Tree huggers are such fucking hypocrites.
They look down at anyone whom does not want to clean the planet yesterday.
But they could not give a shit about millions of starving children or even 500K+ homeless Americans.

Hypocrites - selfish, hypocrites...that is all environmentalists are (by and large).

Now if you will excuse me?
I am going out to buy a TON of plastic at Stan's Discount Used Plastic Emporium.
He NEVER closes and I got a hankering for buying masses of cheap plastic that I can throw out the window as I drive home.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!
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I am an indy.

But I am not for doing anything at all to save the planet until every, single starving and involuntary, homeless human (especially children) in the world is no longer either.

Tree huggers are such fucking hypocrites.
They look down at anyone whom does not want to clean the planet yesterday.
But they could not give a shit about millions of starving children or even 500K+ homeless Americans.

Hypocrites - selfish, hypocrites...that is all environmentalists are (by and large).

A lot of people are homeless for reasons nothing can be done about.

Many of them want to be homeless.

Many of them are mentally ill and not capable of maintaining a home situation.

Many of them have alcohol and drug problems.

But all that aside the health of our planet is more important than anything else because without it, everything else is irrelevant.

Besides I doubt you really give a that's ass about the homeless anyway.
A lot of people are homeless for reasons nothing can be done about.

Many of them want to be homeless.

Many of them are mentally ill and not capable of maintaining a home situation.

Many of them have alcohol and drug problems.

But all that aside the health of our planet is more important than anything else because without it, everything else is irrelevant.

Besides I doubt you really give a that's ass about the homeless anyway.


You don't give a shit about the starving or homeless.
So you pull out the age old excuse against helping them - they are mentally retarded, they like being homeless and it costs too much money to house them.

37,000+ of them are veterans.

1.3 million students are classified as homeless in America.

'What is the Average Age of Homelessness in America?
The average age of homelessness in the United States is 11 years.'


And are you saying that means they are not worth helping?

And it is NOT, too expensive to shelter these people.

If the federal government built large enough, homeless shelters in major US cities?
And the homeless worked/ran the shelters.
The cost would be minimal on a per capita basis.
And I guaranfuckingteeyou it would cost a tiny fraction of what tree huggers like you want the feds to spend on cleaning up the air.

At most, it costs $60/day to house people in a shelter. But that is the absolute most.
More realistic is probably around $35.
But even at $60/day times 365 days times 600,000 people?
That equals $13.14 billion dollars a year.

Are you fucking telling me that with a federal budget of $6.6 trillion in 2020?
That the federal government cannot afford to look after the homeless?

AND WHAT ABOUT THE 811 MILLION humans who are starving/in danger of starvation?

Do they actually like being hungry?
Are they not worth saving either?
You just fucking proved 100% what a fucking hypocrite you are.

All you fucking care about is yourself.
Your air.
Your rivers and streams.
And you do not give a fuck about the homeless or the starving.
You selfish, tree hugging hypocrite!!!

And as for me?
I LITERALLY do not give a shit what you think about me and my sincerity on this.

Now take your plastic idea and shove it up your ass...please.
You selfish, environmental Nazi.

Merry Christmas.
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You don't give a shit about the starving or homeless.
So you pull out the age old excuse against helping them - they are mentally retarded, they like being homeless and it costs too much money to house them.

37,000+ of them are veterans.

1.3 million students are classified as homeless in America.

'What is the Average Age of Homelessness in America?
The average age of homelessness in the United States is 11 years.'


And are you saying that means they are not worth helping?

And it is NOT, too expensive to shelter these people.

If the federal government built large enough, homeless shelters in major US cities?
And the homeless worked/ran the shelters.
The cost would be minimal on a per capita basis.
And I guaranfuckingteeyou it would cost a tiny fraction of what tree huggers like you want the feds to spend on cleaning up the air.

At most, it costs $60/day to house people in a shelter. But that is the absolute most.
More realistic is probably around $35.
But even at $60/day times 365 days times 600,000 people?
That equals $13.14 billion dollars a year.

Are you fucking telling me that with a federal budget of $6.6 trillion in 2020?
That the federal government cannot afford to look after the homeless?

AND WHAT ABOUT THE 811 MILLION humans who are starving/in danger of starvation?

Do they actually like being hungry?
Are they not worth saving either?
You just fucking proved 100% what a fucking hypocrite you are.

All you fucking care about is yourself.
Your air.
Your rivers and streams.
And you do not give a fuck about the homeless or the starving.
You selfish, tree hugging hypocrite!!!

And as for me?
I LITERALLY do not give a shit what you think about me and my sincerity on this.

Now take your plastic idea and shove it up your ass...please.
You selfish, environmental Nazi.

Merry Christmas.

Thanks for proving my point about how right-wingers hate the environment.

Right-wing nutjob assholes like you hate the environment so bad, you'll make up some bullshit about caring for the homeless who you also couldn't give a shit about just to give yourself a phony reason to spew your hatred.

What a fucking shithole you are.