Would right-wingers support some kind of ban or partial ban on plastic products?

Thanks for proving my point about how right-wingers hate the environment.

Right-wing nutjob assholes like you hate the environment so bad, you'll make up some bullshit about caring for the homeless who you also couldn't give a shit about just to give yourself a phony reason to spew your hatred.

What a fucking shithole you are.

I have never voted Rep in my life - (or Dem) dumbass.

Okay Mr. Retarded?

How many innocent children have to starve to death before youy would make saving them a priodity over saving the 'environment'?

1 million?

Give us a number you heartless, hypocritical, piece of human excrement?

I GUARANTEE that you do not have the guts to.
I have never voted Rep in my life - (or Dem) dumbass.

Okay Mr. Retarded?

How many innocent children have to starve to death before youy would make saving them a priodity over saving the 'environment'?

1 million?

Give us a number you heartless, hypocritical, piece of human excrement?

I GUARANTEE that you do not have the guts to.

No children in this country are starving to death.

There is an abundance of sources of free food for families who live at, near or even above the poverty level.

Your bullshit hyperbole missed by a mile.

You gutless fucking moron.
No children in this country are starving to death.

just how big is your gated and isolated elite community?????

because your lack of information indicates that you're either a moron of the highest caliber, or a snobbish leftist who only uses virtue signaling to make yourself feel better
just how big is your gated and isolated elite community?????

I live in a working class neighborhood in which all but a very small few of the houses were built in the mid 1950's.

Because of it's location which is in close proximity to downtown, and because of the start up of several new hip, trendy restaurants and bars which sparked the renovation of some older commercial buildings a short distance away, as well as what was up until recently, very affordable housing prices, the population has become more and more young, working, urban hipster types of varying ethnicities.

It is a far cry from being any kind of all white, elitist and isolated gated community.

because your lack of information indicates that you're either a moron of the highest caliber, or a snobbish leftist who only uses virtue signaling to make yourself feel better

What lack of information?

What passes for poverty in America would be considered well off in countries that know real poverty.

You right-wing retards endlessly piss your panties about welfare, then deny it exists when it's convenient for you.

Just proves what lying hypocrite assholes you fucks are.
Given the damage that plastic is doing to our oceans and marine life not to mention crowding our landfills and ending up on the ground everywhere we look.... if a Democrat President and Congress proposed/enacted a ban on plastic drink bottles and food packaging as well as most other plastic products that are made from non-recyclable plastic, unless and until the plastic industry developed a biodegradable plastic..... would the right put aside their petty, juvenile, partisan assholishness of the kind we've seen them demonstrate regarding climate change, and support such efforts for the good of the environment and mankind even if it made products a bit more expensive, or would they react the way they always do when the left attempts to be forward thinking and responsible adults... IOW, would they throw a tantrum and act like ignorant, spoiled little brat children who've been told to eat their vegetables?

Right-wingers, I'm asking you...

Yes, go back to returnable bottles and paper bags.

The whole "bottled water" thing is a behemoth of another nature. My friend's mom said it was coming when we were kids, and we laughed at her, pointing to the kitchen faucet.

Yet here it is. :(
Yes, go back to returnable bottles and paper bags.

The whole "bottled water" thing is a behemoth of another nature. My friend's mom said it was coming when we were kids, and we laughed at her, pointing to the kitchen faucet.

Yet here it is. :(

Thank you for your rational, well reasoned response. :thup:
The current way of doing things is not environmentally conscious. Things were better before.

True, but even then, not all glass bottles were turned in for deposit.

When I was a kid, we used to get on our bikes and ride along the highway collecting discarded glass soda pop bottles to trade in for deposit money, which we would then spend on ICEE's and candy.

The cheapness of plastic and styrofoam products has made it too tempting for companies to resist.

All we can realistically hope for is that the plastic industry and science together find a way to manufacture a cheap, biodegradable version of their product.

Because the government will never enact laws restricting plastic.

It is a huge industry that generates hundreds of billions in profits.
True, but even then, not all glass bottles were turned in for deposit.

When I was a kid, we used to get on our bikes and ride along the highway collecting discarded glass soda pop bottles to trade in for deposit money, which we would then spend on ICEE's and candy.

The cheapness of plastic and styrofoam products has made it too tempting for companies to resist.

All we can realistically hope for is that the plastic industry and science together find a way to manufacture a cheap, biodegradable version of their product.

Because the government will never enact laws restricting plastic.

It is a huge industry that generates hundreds of billions in profits.
Very bad for the environment.
True, but even then, not all glass bottles were turned in for deposit.

When I was a kid, we used to get on our bikes and ride along the highway collecting discarded glass soda pop bottles to trade in for deposit money, which we would then spend on ICEE's and candy.

The cheapness of plastic and styrofoam products has made it too tempting for companies to resist.

All we can realistically hope for is that the plastic industry and science together find a way to manufacture a cheap, biodegradable version of their product.

Because the government will never enact laws restricting plastic.

It is a huge industry that generates hundreds of billions in profits.

Styrofoam is for-ev-er.

Hey! Know how they make plaster and plastic things? Styrofoam molds! :eek:
Styrofoam is for-ev-er.

Hey! Know how they make plaster and plastic things? Styrofoam molds! :eek:

And worse yet.... local waste disposal companies who pick up garbage and recycling, won't take styrofoam in recycling bins.

If you want to recycle styrofoam, you have to find a grocery store that takes it and even then, all they take is small stuff like styrofoam trays, egg cartons etc.

The really large pieces like the ones that come inside of electronics boxes to protect the contents from damage, go into the landfill.

It is really sad what we are doing to our planet.

Some future generation is going to pay the price.
And worse yet.... local waste disposal companies who pick up garbage and recycling, won't take styrofoam in recycling bins.

If you want to recycle styrofoam, you have to find a grocery store that takes it and even then, all they take is small stuff like styrofoam trays, egg cartons etc.

The really large pieces like the ones that come inside of electronics boxes to protect the contents from damage, go into the landfill.

It is really sad what we are doing to our planet.

Some future generation is going to pay the price.

Styrofoam does burn..eesh! :eek:
all plastic is recyclable just not at the same degree of quality. even gallon milk jugs can be made into decking and fence posts.

there already is recyclable plastic but not for all quality grades.

what would you replace it with ?

are you aware that very little material saved for recycle is actually recycled ? turns out its cost prohibitive much as returnable bottles were.
all plastic is recyclable just not at the same degree of quality. even gallon milk jugs can be made into decking and fence posts.

there already is recyclable plastic but not for all quality grades.

what would you replace it with ?

are you aware that very little material saved for recycle is actually recycled ? turns out its cost prohibitive much as returnable bottles were.

Depends on which material you're talking about.

Plastic doesn't get recycled as much as metal which doesn't get recycled as much as paper.

I'd like to see incentive programs to get the plastic industry to invest more on research and speed up transition to biodegradable plastic.

There are some promising possibilities in the works already...


all plastic is recyclable just not at the same degree of quality. even gallon milk jugs can be made into decking and fence posts.

there already is recyclable plastic but not for all quality grades.

what would you replace it with ?

are you aware that very little material saved for recycle is actually recycled ? turns out its cost prohibitive much as returnable bottles were.

Glass and paper. Use the actual glass containers, and recycle the paper as can be done or burn it.

Be sure and plant trees. :D
Glass and paper. Use the actual glass containers, and recycle the paper as can be done or burn it.

Be sure and plant trees. :D

glass is very costly to recycle. thats why they quit doing it with returnable bottles. you ready to spend $2.50 for that Diet Coke ?

Paper bottles of ketchup ? Not sure thats a viable option and burning it will make that homely viking girl pout.
glass is very costly to recycle. thats why they quit doing it with returnable bottles. you ready to spend $2.50 for that Diet Coke ?

Paper bottles of ketchup ? Not sure thats a viable option and burning it will make that homely viking girl pout.

I'm not talking crush it up and recycle it. Use the actual glass vessels over and over. Make them sturdy and sterilize them.
glass is very costly to recycle. thats why they quit doing it with returnable bottles. you ready to spend $2.50 for that Diet Coke ?

Paper bottles of ketchup ? Not sure thats a viable option and burning it will make that homely viking girl pout.

Ever buy a Diet Coke at a stadium?
$2.50 is half the price!