Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
It's not exactly a ten-part joke.
this thread is 'hegelian dialectic" propaganda.
This post ignores everything being asked here to mindlessly state irrelevant platitudes.
Go lay down and let the adults finish their conversation.
This post ignores everything being asked here to mindlessly state irrelevant platitudes.
Go lay down and let the adults finish their conversation.
Thought Experiment: You are able to go back in time, if you choose to, but only to one specific point to do one specific thing and immediately return. That specific action is to prevent the Underground Railroad from ever happening. Since the Underground Railroad served as a pressure valve, releasing the most bold, daring, and physically fit slaves at a steady pace, rather than letting them brood and eventually explode with violence and slave revolts against their masters...if you had the chance, would you undo it and let the slaves liberate themselves violently?
Keep in mind, this could result in the slaughter of millions of Southerners, the annihilation of the slave population, or something in between.
The problem is you believe that leaving those that can do the most in slavery, or allowing them to be executed if they cause too much trouble, is where they are most likely to dismantle the system. It did not work. On the other hand, having slaves escape, tell the world how bad the situation was, and RETURN to cause trouble...
Well, you broached the Topic of 'What if ... ' Haitian Slaves revolted against their Owners. I'm sure it gave them self esteem. You know, Masters of their Destiny. "The Haitian Revolution was a successful insurrection by self-liberated slaves against French colonial rule in Saint-Domingue, now the sovereign state of Haiti. The revolt began on 22 August 1791, and ended in 1804 with the former colony's independence.Wikipedia"
The problem is you believe that leaving those that can do the most in slavery, or allowing them to be executed if they cause too much trouble, is where they are most likely to dismantle the system. It did not work. On the other hand, having slaves escape, tell the world how bad the situation was, and RETURN to cause trouble... That did change things.
It's not exactly a ten-part joke.
this thread is 'hegelian dialectic" propaganda.
maximizing conflict and increasing totalitarian = freedom sooner?
no sir. that's underground railroad was good.
that's like saying you wouldn't kill hitler because without hitler maybe they wouldn't have been able to do the atomic bomb as soon.
note to yourself, always kill hitler.
nopem you're a loon. maximizing horror to achieve ends is straight up masonic hegelian dialectic destructiveness.
Hmmm. Allowing justice to prevail by corking the pressure cooker, which might result in the wholesale slaughter of millions of DEMOCRATS, or do the right thing and help their slaves escape to freedom.
How many escaped slaves wanted to "return to cause trouble", exactly?
*Maximizing horror to achieve endsMaximizing temporary injustice to minimize overall injustice. <=== There, your straw man distortion of what is being argued has been fixed.![]()
Can shouting for silence make a room quieter?
Not some dirty trick or propaganda, just common sense.
650,000 preventable dead Americans and making us the only country that had to go to war to abolish slavery = "good."
Got it.
There is an argument for that, too. He killed a lot of communists, who were by far, the greater evil. In body count alone, their genocides were far worse than anything Hitler even aspired to.![]()
it's an idiot notion, either way. it makes you a bad person.
and now I know you're a spook. you completely broke cover with this dumbassery. butI guess that's the point, to eventually break cover and be a moron.
yep. you're a moron all right.
Yes, only a bad person and idiot would ever suggest saving lives or freeing the slaves more quickly.
And now we know you're a conspiracy theorist nutjob.
Are the "spooks" in the room with us right now? Or is it Russians?
View attachment 20327
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.![]()
no. only a bad person would shut down the underground railroad for the "greater good".
why did you blow your cover now, operative?