Would you rather...

The rich were paid quite handsomely by the poor during the Bush recession, and through the latest tax plan by the repugnant right.

What a massive pile of stupid; this moron thinks the economy is finite and that the rich don't already pay almost 50% of all the taxes collected.

I bet you moronically think corporations pay taxes too; don't you dumb fuck?
Here's Treasury's statements...you'll see revenues were 2% less in 2018 vs. 2017. That's solely because of the Russia Tax Cut you support.

$3.334 is not less than $3.316 you fucking moron.

No, you cut taxes, which cut revenues, which widened the deficit. Then you posture over the deficit. What a fraud.

Taxes weren't cut you insufferable moron. Tax rates were reduced. Revenues were HIGHER in 2018 than in 2017 you insufferable moron. The reason we have a deficit is because SPENDING continues to exceed REVENUE you brain dead moron.

I do wish you had a brain and weren't such a massive liar; really I do.
It is a lie that cutting taxes generates increased economic activity that results in more revenues.

Bush cut taxes in 2001, and revenues were below the prior year's from 2001-2003.

Bush's Tax Cuts, in part, caused the Great Recession, which saw revenues below the prior year's in 2008 and 2009.

Last year also saw fewer revenues than the previous year.

So this century, Conservatives are responsible for revenue reductions in 1/3 of the years so far.
The central premise of Conservative fiscal and economic policy, that cutting taxes somehow unleashes economic activity that results in more revenues, is disproved by the revenues from 2018.

Revenues from 2018 are $60B less than 2017.

So cutting taxes doesn't result in an increase in revenues.
This Century, there have only been 6 instances of revenue being less than what was collected in the prior year:


Four of those 6 years are solely because of tax cuts, and the other two are solely because of the Great Recession which was caused in part by the Bush Tax Cuts. All of them happened in the budget years of Conservative Presidents.

Dear lying moron; the Bush tax cuts were passed in 2002 and 2003. In 2004, Revenues were higher and continued to grow until the Democratic caused crash of 2008. The reason revenues declined were the result of the recession that began when Bush took office.

If you had a brain and were honest, you would comprehend that.

Revenues declined in 2008 and 2009 due to the Democratic caused mortgage collapse and subsequent economic crash. It had NOTHING to do with tax cuts.

Revenues always go up regardless of tax policy with a growing economy. We do not have a REVENUE problem, but rather, a SPENDING problem. If you had a brain, you could comprehend the OBVIOUS.
It is a lie that cutting taxes generates increased economic activity that results in more revenues.

No it is not. You are a brain dead lying looser on steroids who thinks that raising taxes causes economic activity. That's moronic.

Bush cut taxes in 2001, and revenues were below the prior year's from 2001-2003.

You keep erupting with the same dumb assed lie no matter how many times you are proven to be a liar and a dumb fuck.

Bush's Tax Cuts, in part, caused the Great Recession, which saw revenues below the prior year's in 2008 and 2009.

That is even a more asinine and farcical lie than the previous one.

Last year also saw fewer revenues than the previous year.

So this century, Conservatives are responsible for revenue reductions in 1/3 of the years so far.

The central premise of Conservative fiscal and economic policy, that cutting taxes somehow unleashes economic activity that results in more revenues, is disproved by the revenues from 2018.

Revenues from 2018 are $60B less than 2017.

So cutting taxes doesn't result in an increase in revenues.

:lolup:Whiny clueless dunce on steroids wants to use ONE year of data to make the moronic case that RAISING taxes creates economic booms. :laugh:

Dear moron; taxes were not CUT. Tax rates were REDUCED. We don't have a REVENUE problem; we have a SPENDING problem.

Eight years of Obamunsim resulting in anemic GDP and job growth and massive accumulations of debt with trillions in deficits prove that you are an idiot on steroids who hasn't the slightest economic clue.
Why should we pay higher taxes for healthcare???

We don't want or need Universal Healthcare mismanaged by a bunch of faceless bureaucrats. Take you dependency arguments are shove them where the sun never shines snowflake.

1. As it is now, you pay 'For Profit' Insurance Companies, who's Main Mission ... is to Make Money for Shareholders.
2. With 'Medicare-for-All', you pay a 'Non-Profit' Insurance Company, who's Main Goal ... is to provide Coverage to Everyone.
We can all do math, right?

Here's Treasury's statements, and here are the revenues collected each month through 2017 and 2018:

Jan-2017: $344,069
Feb-2017: $171,713
Mar-2017: $216,584
Apr-2017: $455,605
May-2017: $240,418
Jun-2017: $388,660
Jul-2017: $232,040
Aug-2017: $226,311
Sep-2017: $348,722
Oct-2017: $235,341
Nov-2017: $208,374
Dec-2017: $325,797
Total-2017: $3,393,634

Jan-2018: $361,038
Feb-2018: $155,623
Mar-2018: $210,832
Apr-2018: $510,447
May-2018: $217,075
Jun-2018: $316,278
Jul-2018: $225,266
Aug-2018: $219,115
Sep-2018: $343,559
Oct-2018: $252,692
Nov-2018: $205,961
Dec-2018: $312,584
Total-2018: $3,330,474

So 2018 saw $60B less revenues than 2017. That's because the Russia Tax Cut didn't generate increased economic activity as promised.
Cutting taxes doesn't mean more revenue.

Taxes were cut in 2018, and the result was 2% less revenue than the prior year.

Here's Treasury's statements, see for yourself.

Yeah. I know that. You know that. But it seems the Repubs don't know that. Soooooo, ... the easiest thing to tell them when they ask "How will we pay for it" ... is to tell them "We'll Cut Taxes". It seems to work every time.