Would You Support and Immediate Withdrawal From Iraq?


JPP Modarater
If a candidate offered to start to withdraw our military presence in Iraq 1/21/09 would you support him or her?
I support it. I think until we are able to get the troops out that we should pull back and secure the borders to keep additional fighters from crossing the borders! These troops should also aide anyone wishing to leave Iraq.
If a candidate offered to start to withdraw our military presence in Iraq 1/21/09 would you support him or her?

Starting in January of 2009? I think pretty much all the Dem candidates are saying that, at the very least. The devil is in the details. So, I'd have to go on a case by case, candidate by candidate basis.
"Saturday August 11, 2007
The Guardian

The United Nations security council yesterday voted unanimously to expand its role in Iraq after four years in which it took a low profile because of security fears and hostility from the Bush administration.
The resolution, sponsored jointly by the US and Britain, marks an important turning point - at the very least, symbolically - for the UN in Iraq. The Bush administration, in the period before the 2003 invasion and in the immediate aftermath, expressed confidence it could run the country without UN help.

The neo-conservatives who dominated US policy at the time were openly hostile towards the UN. Washington's decision to call for UN help underlines the failure of the US to quell the violence or persuade Iraq's neighbours to play a positive role in the country."

Why wait till 1/21/09? We should be replacing U.S. troops with blue helmets by Christmas.
If a candidate offered to start to withdraw our military presence in Iraq 1/21/09 would you support him or her?

I would think you need more details than that. Bush is claiming he will start withdrawing troops next year. You would want to at least know how many troops are being withdrawn and in what time frame and how many do they propose leaving behind.
I would think you need more details than that. Bush is claiming he will start withdrawing troops next year. You would want to at least know how many troops are being withdrawn and in what time frame and how many do they propose leaving behind.

Fair point.

Would you support a candidate that would work to get substantially all of our military out of Iraq by 1/22/09 (110K+)? Leaving behind uniformed back up forces incase we were called on and implementing the murtha plan of redeployment.
"Saturday August 11, 2007
The Guardian

The United Nations security council yesterday voted unanimously to expand its role in Iraq after four years in which it took a low profile because of security fears and hostility from the Bush administration.
The resolution, sponsored jointly by the US and Britain, marks an important turning point - at the very least, symbolically - for the UN in Iraq. The Bush administration, in the period before the 2003 invasion and in the immediate aftermath, expressed confidence it could run the country without UN help.

The neo-conservatives who dominated US policy at the time were openly hostile towards the UN. Washington's decision to call for UN help underlines the failure of the US to quell the violence or persuade Iraq's neighbours to play a positive role in the country."

Why wait till 1/21/09? We should be replacing U.S. troops with blue helmets by Christmas.

How about some Arab troops, too...Saudis got any they can lend? I mean except for the insurgents that have been sneaking into Iraq?
Fair point.

Would you support a candidate that would work to get substantially all of our military out of Iraq by 1/22/09 (110K+)? Leaving behind uniformed back up forces incase we were called on and implementing the murtha plan of redeployment.

Realistically though would any new President be able to get 110k troops out of Iraq two days after taking office? It seems most reports are it will take six to nine months. And I don't think anyone running today is in a position to have all the troops lined up and ready to leave on inagurantion day.
Realistically though would any new President be able to get 110k troops out of Iraq two days after taking office? It seems most reports are it will take six to nine months. And I don't think anyone running today is in a position to have all the troops lined up and ready to leave on inagurantion day.

There's always that one geek.

Cawacko, this was a hypothetical question. I know its not going to happen. I was just curious as to how many people here wanted out as soon as possible and none of that "gradually" shit I keep hearing about.

yes. but if it's a choice between a guy that will keep my taxes low and pull out vs. raise them and pull out, I'll go with the guy that will do the former.

i.e. ron paul. Not that I am happy being on the ron paul bandwagon.
There's always that one geek.

Cawacko, this was a hypothetical question. I know its not going to happen. I was just curious as to how many people here wanted out as soon as possible and none of that "gradually" shit I keep hearing about.

Oh, my bad!

I must say, that's probably the first time I've been called a geek. That's pretty cool!
yes. but if it's a choice between a guy that will keep my taxes low and pull out vs. raise them and pull out, I'll go with the guy that will do the former.

i.e. ron paul. Not that I am happy being on the ron paul bandwagon.

It's way past the Ron Paul bandwagon. Libertarians are riding his racist nuts.
I would think you need more details than that. Bush is claiming he will start withdrawing troops next year. You would want to at least know how many troops are being withdrawn and in what time frame and how many do they propose leaving behind.

I think if troops are to be left behind they should be of the 37% who support Bush's war! And they themselves! Put your children where your cause is!