Would You Support and Immediate Withdrawal From Iraq?

Realistically though would any new President be able to get 110k troops out of Iraq two days after taking office? It seems most reports are it will take six to nine months. And I don't think anyone running today is in a position to have all the troops lined up and ready to leave on inagurantion day.

Other than Ron Paul, none would. He is a fool. Anyone that thinks Clinton or Obama would remove the US troops upon their election is deluding themselves.
Other than Ron Paul, none would. He is a fool. Anyone that thinks Clinton or Obama would remove the US troops upon their election is deluding themselves.

Yes well, that's the thing with making such a big mess isn't it? The next guy, even if he, like Obama, spoke out against Iraq calling it a big mistake, before we went it, is left with what some morons have termed a "quagmire."

However, you're wrong. Gravel would pull out, and so would Kucinich. And I don't think it's delusional to believe that Obama would as well, though perhaps not as completely and as immediately as the aforementioned gentemen.
Yes well, that's the thing with making such a big mess isn't it? The next guy, even if he, like Obama, spoke out against Iraq calling it a big mistake, before we went it, is left with what some morons have termed a "quagmire."

However, you're wrong. Gravel would pull out, and so would Kucinich. And I don't think it's delusional to believe that Obama would as well, though perhaps not as completely and as immediately as the aforementioned gentemen.

I'd say you are wrong on Obama, with the others, perhaps, though they have the proverbial chance of a snowball in hell...
Other than Ron Paul, none would. He is a fool. Anyone that thinks Clinton or Obama would remove the US troops upon their election is deluding themselves.

The republicans are all gung ho to escalate and cheerlead bush.

The democrats are in favor of de-escalating, or full withdrawl.

Ron Paul is not going to be nominated.

The choice is clear and simple.
It stands to reason that everyone should vote for a candidate who will extricate our troops from Iraq, after all the sooner we're all out of Iraq the sooner we can punish those who really bear the responsibility for September 11th...Iran.
It stands to reason that everyone should vote for a candidate who will extricate our troops from Iraq, after all the sooner we're all out of Iraq the sooner we can punish those who really bear the responsibility for September 11th...Iran.
