wow Darla has the cutest voice ever

So you were alias you ignorant motherfucker. Good I'm fucking glad you are fucking gone for good. You are one ignorant bastard.

Check this out Grind, you simple fool, I am not this fucking poster! Do you understand it now?

Do you understand it?

Are you Cypress... cause you sound a lot like that arrogant leg humping pervert.
Its ok, we all know now that you have no clue when it comes to discussions on science. You try to inject philosophy and emotions into science, where neither belong.

No, that is what you do. The many biologists and geneticists I sourced explained clearly that science can not answer the question of when life begins. The specific field of biology can't even give us an unequivocal definition of what life is. You have absolutely nothing to back up your claims and you will not find any biologists, outside of some pro life advocacy group, that agrees with you.

You deny science. You even argue that knowledge vetted through the scientific method or logically derived is no more valuable than the faith of the religious.

You are nothing more than a MORON that can regurgitate a few facts but lacks the wherewithal to organize them.
No, that is what you do. The many biologists and geneticists I sourced explained clearly that science can not answer the question of when life begins. The specific field of biology can't even give us an unequivocal definition of what life is. You have absolutely nothing to back up your claims and you will not find any biologists, outside of some pro life advocacy group, that agrees with you.

You deny science. You even argue that knowledge vetted through the scientific method or logically derived is no more valuable than the faith of the religious.

You are nothing more than a MORON that can regurgitate a few facts but lacks the wherewithal to organize them.

You need to be more precise in your phrasing. I do have a biology education and as you have stated it you're wrong. Biologist know perfectly well when life begins. Had you said when "a human life begins" your argument would be more correct as what defines a "human life" is more ambigous than the definition of life iteself.

The biological definition of life is: A distinctive characteristic of a living organism from dead organism or non-living thing, as specifically distinguished by the capacity to grow, metabolize, respond (to stimuli), adapt, and reproduce.

A fertilized ovum, zygote, blastocyst, which ever term you prefer, meets all these conditions of the definition of life. Thus biologist do know when life begins.

Now when does "a" human life or sentient life begin? That's more ambiqious question and you would have a point there but more of a philosophical or ethical point than a scientific one.
You need to be more precise in your phrasing. I do have a biology education and as you have stated it you're wrong. Biologist know perfectly well when life begins. Had you said when "a human life begins" your argument would be more correct as what defines a "human life" is more ambigous than the definition of life iteself.

The biological definition of life is: A distinctive characteristic of a living organism from dead organism or non-living thing, as specifically distinguished by the capacity to grow, metabolize, respond (to stimuli), adapt, and reproduce.

A fertilized ovum, zygote, blastocyst, which ever term you prefer, meets all these conditions of the definition of life. Thus biologist do know when life begins.

Now when does "a" human life or sentient life begin? That's more ambiqious question and you would have a point there but more of a philosophical or ethical point than a scientific one.

No, they don't. You need to work on your phrasing. Your own source states....

There is no consensus regarding the answer to the question as to when does life begin.

You provided a link to a definition of life not any claim as to when life begins. The definition is not unequivocal and, no, a fertilized ovum does not meet it. It cannot sustain its own existence separate from the mother.

I don't give a shit what your education is. You are clearly confused about the proper phrasing and you are a little sloppy in reading comprehension.
a white blood cell is life but it'll die pretty quickly outside the body too.

Sorry fake libertarian, you are arguing objective facts. Cells are life. Zygotes are life. This is second grade stuff.
BTW, fake libertarian, your use of life to describe a blood cell certainly does not fit the definition of life Mott provided. It's much further away than the fertilized ovum. The definition you imply would mean that human life begins with ovulation or the production of sperm. But I am NOT arguing the definition of life for biology or any other field. Never have. I only debate when human life begins for legal and medical purposes.

You are not even close to my level Nova Jr.
cells are the basic unit of life. as mott said, you needed to be more specific. "Human life" and what that implies is a debate worth having. You actually thought a zygote wasn't life. You are a mental midget fake libertarian.
pretty funny when mott has to swat you on the ass and give you an elementary science education. LOL. the mental midget fake libertarian must have downs.

"durrrrrr cells aren't life"
cells are the basic unit of life. as mott said, you needed to be more specific. "Human life" and what that implies is a debate worth having. You actually thought a zygote wasn't life. You are a mental midget fake libertarian.

Dummy, I am not arguing your point that cells are the basic unit of life. But once again, cells don't come close to meeting the definition mott provided.
pretty funny when mott has to swat you on the ass and give you an elementary science education. LOL. the mental midget fake libertarian must have downs.

"durrrrrr cells aren't life"

Mott's own source proved him wrong. His phrasing is sloppy, but I don't see any reason to believe his understanding of science is.

You, otoh, are not even in this class. Honestly, you might be below sf.