Writing code to flip votes 'very easy to do' but 'hard to stop,' programmer warns Ari

No the stupid people voted for socialis Biden and his useless green agenda. You voted to destroy Oil Production

We see that you have drunk deeply from the well of ignorance. You do know that stuff is toxic in large amounts, right?

We "socialist" people vote for Bernie, btw, just so you know. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:
He's one of #TRE45ON's cherished and loyal-unto-death "poorly educated."

I can accept lack of education but this guy is plain lazy. He posts something, usually something factually incorrect and then demands that TOU prove him wrong. He’s a parrot. No independent thought.
I can accept lack of education but this guy is plain lazy. He posts something, usually something factually incorrect and then demands that TOU prove him wrong. He’s a parrot. No independent thought.

My parrots, who are demonstrably more intelligent than the OP, demand that you retract that last bit. :laugh:

He is the perfect shill for Trump, that's for sure.

So, you claim that keeping the polls open so that those in line can vote is voter fraud? No, that is called allowing people to vote. How is that democratic voter fraud. Not only is it no fraud, it has nothing to do with political party.

You go on to suggest that if a recount yields a slightly diffferent result, THAT is voter fraud. No, every recount yields a slightly different result, at least most of them do.

Do you believe that keeping the polls open so everyone in line can vote constitutes voter fraud? Yes or no?