Writing code to flip votes 'very easy to do' but 'hard to stop,' programmer warns Ari

don't act dumb.
oh i know.

It's no act!
Translation: I don’t know, Dutch! I was hoping you’d tell me.

Fredo, you’re old enough to start learning this stuff on your own and posting like an adult. Do better. :thup:
Hello ptif219,

You mean the democrats used voter fraud to win

That is a false claim.

I have been completely polite with you despite being in disagreement, but that courtesy has not been returned. I prefer civil discourse, and do not waste my time with politically motivated disgruntlement.

If you wish to make an argument make it. It is your argument. Do not suppose to tell me what I mean. That is rude and disrespectful.

Making a political argument can be done completely without even mentioning the other poster. That is the best case. Head games involving another poster for the purpose of augmenting an argument are seen as a forfeiture of the argument, as if to say the argument being made lacks sufficient merit, so it is being masked with a personal jab.

It is understandable in this case because the argument being made does lack merit. The 2020 election was verified and certified in all 50 states, including Arizona. The officials doing so were elected by Republicans, no less. Certification is only done after all doubts are eliminated. Once an election is certified it is no longer in doubt, and no more challenges are accepted. That is the time when America moves on and the election is done. Done is done.

The Arizona election was counted and recounted twice. Each time the count revealed that President Biden won the 2020 election and former President Trump lost the 2020 election. One recount verified the difference favored Biden by a greater margin than the initial count. Another recount was unofficial and was not completed because it was done by inept MAGA people who had no idea what they were doing.

The disrespectful post is not excusable. Try putting words in my mouth again, or make any other show of disrespect, and your name will be to my permanent ignore list. Good day.
Hello ptif219,

That is a false claim.

I have been completely polite with you despite being in disagreement, but that courtesy has not been returned. I prefer civil discourse, and do not waste my time with politically motivated disgruntlement.

If you wish to make an argument make it. It is your argument. Do not suppose to tell me what I mean. That is rude and disrespectful.

Making a political argument can be done completely without even mentioning the other poster. That is the best case. Head games involving another poster for the purpose of augmenting an argument are seen as a forfeiture of the argument, as if to say the argument being made lacks sufficient merit, so it is being masked with a personal jab.

It is understandable in this case because the argument being made does lack merit. The 2020 election was verified and certified in all 50 states, including Arizona. The officials doing so were elected by Republicans, no less. Certification is only done after all doubts are eliminated. Once an election is certified it is no longer in doubt, and no more challenges are accepted. That is the time when America moves on and the election is done. Done is done.

The Arizona election was counted and recounted twice. Each time the count revealed that President Biden won the 2020 election and former President Trump lost the 2020 election. One recount verified the difference favored Biden by a greater margin than the initial count. Another recount was unofficial and was not completed because it was done by inept MAGA people who had no idea what they were doing.

The disrespectful post is not excusable. Try putting words in my mouth again, or make any other show of disrespect, and your name will be to my permanent ignore list. Good day.

recounting will return the same wrong number if you do not remove the fraud ballots.
recounting will return the same wrong number if you do not remove the fraud ballots.

Part of a recount is to identify bad ballots. The American system is always checked and voter fraud is extremely rare. That is the reality. Generally, someone votes using a dead spouse's ballot. Occasionally a person votes while still on probation. That is illegal in many states. We have no fraud problem, which Trump's 60 court cases proved. The judges said show me your proof. They had none, They were dismissed for not having a case and some lawyers have been referred to the bar assoc. for filing frivolous lawsuits.
Trump was given more recounts than any clear loss election ever had. He was denied nothing.
Part of a recount is to identify bad ballots. The American system is always checked and voter fraud is extremely rare. That is the reality. Generally, someone votes using a dead spouse's ballot. Occasionally a person votes while still on probation. That is illegal in many states. We have no fraud problem, which Trump's 60 court cases proved. The judges said show me your proof. They had none, They were dismissed for not having a case and some lawyers have been referred to the bar assoc. for filing frivolous lawsuits.
Trump was given more recounts than any clear loss election ever had. He was denied nothing.


this is lies you just spew.
No one looked at the software they just did recounts with the same software

No. They don't just do recounts with the same software. Every state does an election audit. The election audit takes random precincts and hand counts them to compare to the machine count. No one knows which precincts will be part of that random audit. The audits would quickly show that the machine counts were off. These audits are done every election.
No. They don't just do recounts with the same software. Every state does an election audit. The election audit takes random precincts and hand counts them to compare to the machine count. No one knows which precincts will be part of that random audit. The audits would quickly show that the machine counts were off. These audits are done every election.


that's lies you just spew.
It's true that....


no it isnt.
Just like the 20,000 illegal votes in Arizona were counted and the courts would do nothing about it

That is simply not true. If that was an iota of proof and presented in court, we could talk, But it was not. Who do you imagine these "votes" were for? Were they all Trump? Trump's lawyers are facing disbarment and other penalties for frivolous lawsuits. You should be glad frivolous posts are not penalized.