They were received in a timely manner. Quit whining. Lake lost. Trump lost. Deal with it.
No they came late
They were received in a timely manner. Quit whining. Lake lost. Trump lost. Deal with it.
Do you bother to read what you post? Stop lying.
No. They don't just do recounts with the same software. Every state does an election audit. The election audit takes random precincts and hand counts them to compare to the machine count. No one knows which precincts will be part of that random audit. The audits would quickly show that the machine counts were off. These audits are done every election.
Were they all Trump votes?
That is simply not true. If that was an iota of proof and presented in court, we could talk, But it was not. Who do you imagine these "votes" were for? Were they all Trump? Trump's lawyers are facing disbarment and other penalties for frivolous lawsuits. You should be glad frivolous posts are not penalized.
Yet we have seem more votes than registered voters in some places 3b.pdf
Yet we have seem more votes than registered voters in some places 3b.pdf
Tom Fitton is a Trumper. He was advising Trump and it is suspected that he was recently seen on his way to testify for Jack Smith’s grand jury. The man is a shill.It seems that Judicial watch is lying.
Montgomery county in Maryland - registered voters in 2020 - 673,198, vote totals in 2020 - 533,743 . Active Voters by County - PG20.pdf
I tell you what.. I will donate $1,000 to JPP if you can find and present irrefutable evidence of any county having more votes than eligible voters in the 2020 election.
Census has county by county population estimates. States have county by county election results.
You can donate $10 to JPP if you haven't presented that evidence within 1 week from today.
Tom Fitton is a Trumper. He was advising Trump and it is suspected that he was recently seen on his way to testify for Jack Smith’s grand jury. The man is a shill.
It seems that Judicial watch is lying.
Montgomery county in Maryland - registered voters in 2020 - 673,198, vote totals in 2020 - 533,743 . Active Voters by County - PG20.pdf
I tell you what.. I will donate $1,000 to JPP if you can find and present irrefutable evidence of any county having more votes than eligible voters in the 2020 election.
Census has county by county population estimates. States have county by county election results.
You can donate $10 to JPP if you haven't presented that evidence within 1 week from today.
So you STILL think the election was stolen?
Too funny,
No one looked at the software they just did recounts with the same software
No. We know it wasn’t. No one except for stupid people suggest that. So I guess you are one of those stupid people.
Again, because you are completely fucking ignorant I have to correct your lie. Those recounts are done by hand.
That has nothing to do with your claim that the election was stolen. If you believe that you are too stupid to vote. I guess we have to let you anyway. Obviously, you back the traitors. No surprise there.
False. Post proof that any judge EVER allowed a single illegal vote to stand. I’ll wait.
Yes, I'm sure that THIS is the only reason why your cuckoo, dumbass, fascist, racist, weakling, Republican candidates lose.
If you all were smarter, YOU would be programming the voting machines so you could win.
Makes you wonder if this is how govenor of Arizona and biden got elected. Sounds like the democrats found a new way to steal elections
So you STILL think the election was stolen?
Too funny,
You believe there was a Biden miracle?
Too stupid.