It's amusing for the fascists to post this. No one here suggested that poll workers are changing votes. But you fascists sure said they were; In fact Princeton and "Wired" claimed that blue hairs at the polls could reprogram them without a keyboard or user interface, tapping out binary using the lead wires.
More amusing is the Dominion IS DEIBOLD. The fascist left loves to say "Deibold bad, Dominion good, bahh, bahhh." But Deibold simply merged with other concerns and rebranded to Dominion - that the left now says are flawless and perfect.
The number 1 form of election fraud is proxy voting. An illegal alien voting using the registration of dead voters or voters who have moved. It is impossible to prove on a large scale and can only be stopped through clean registration rolls and voter ID - which is why the democrats fight with everything they have to stop both ID and cleaning voter rolls.
The second most common is the "midnight dump"