Yea or Nay


Petition created to publically hang Benjamin Taylor

Benjamin Taylor, 32, has been arrested and is being held on a $2 million bail in Southern Regional Jail, West Virginia. The man has been charged with the rape and beating resulting in the death of nine-month-old Emmaleigh Barringer, daughter of his girlfriend, with whom he lived. The baby’s mother has three older children who were apparently unharmed by Taylor.

On the morning of October 3, Amanda Adkins awoke early, around 4 a.m., after going to bed about six hours earlier. After awakening, she discovered the baby was not in her crib. She began a frantic search which ended when she found Emmaleigh naked, bleeding, battered and unresponsive in the basement of her home near Ripley, WV. She immediately called 911, but when paramedics arrived, Emmaleigh was not breathing. Although they were able to regain Emmaleigh’s pulse, she was placed on a ventilator and was soon pronounced brain dead. She had head trauma and had lost massive blood from the brutal sexual assault, which responding police characterized as “the worst sexual assault they had ever seen“, according to Fox 43.

Benjamin Taylor, according to Facebook information, has apparently been Amanda Adkin’s boyfriend sine July. He apparently has an infant son of his own with another woman, but the baby did not live with him and is reportedly unharmed. Within hours of the discovery of Emmaleigh, Taylor was arrested and taken to jail, where his charges were soon upgraded to murder after the family had made the difficult decision to take Emmaleigh off life support. The infant girl died immediately.
Meanwhile, as local residents and people across the country struggle to make sense of what happened, Benjamin Taylor’s Facebook page has been scrutinized. His bio says “dead inside”, but it is unclear when he wrote that bio. His Facebook page says he is a laborer. You can see his Facebook page here.

Hate posts fill his page from distressed and enraged individuals, some who knew him, and some who didn’t. Most wish death upon him in descriptive brutal manners. One Facebook post that was posted by Taylor not long before the brutal rape of Emmaleigh said “Real mean love other men’s children like their own.” Over three hundred people have commented, many of them calling for the public hanging of Benjamin Taylor. While the death penalty is outlawed in West Virginia, a petition to Congress that was created yesterday that calls for his public lynching has already received two thousand signatures. You can see that petition here.

Many people describe the brutal things they would like to inflict upon Taylor, and many express concern that his own infant son has been sexually assaulted by him, although there has been no actual evidence of this. Many of Taylor’s Facebook posts are about drugs or sex, which has disgusted the public at large. One woman wrote that she hopes he will be tortured for the rest of his life for what he did to Emmaleigh.

“His horrible and evil actions proves evil has no boundaries and no shred of morality or humanity. That defenseless child had to live the last moments of her life conscious in excruciating pain wondering what she did wrong to deserve that or why it was happening to her screaming in pain underneath her killer with zero comfort or love. Your evil actions caused a small innocent baby to die a horrific death. She had her whole life ahead of her and has people who love her that now have to carry the pain and suffering you have caused. You have done something that cannot ever be justified or be undone. If you do live through your prison experience and are released no one here will ever forget or let you live without being reminded of what you have done to that baby.”
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Yea. Public hanging should have been brought years ago.

For crimes like this, where the quilt is undeniable and no doubts, they should bring back the gibbet.



A gibbet /ˈdʒɪbɪt/ is any instrument of public execution (including guillotine, executioner's block, impalement stake, hanging gallows, or related scaffold), but gibbeting refers to the use of a gallows-type structure from which the dead or dying bodies of executed criminals were hanged on public display to deter other existing or potential criminals. In earlier times up to the late 18th century, live gibbeting also took place in which the condemned was placed alive in a metal cage and left to die of thirst. The term gibbet may also be used to refer to the practice of placing a criminal on display within a gibbet. This practice is also called "hanging in chains".

Gibbeting was a common law punishment, which a judge could impose in addition to execution. This practice was regularised in England by the Murder Act 1751, which empowered judges to impose this for murder. It was most often used for traitors, murderers, highwaymen, pirates, and sheep stealers and was intended to discourage others from committing similar offences. The structures were therefore often placed next to public highways (frequently at crossroads) and waterways.
Exhibiting a body could backfire against a monarch, especially if the monarch was unpopular. The rebels Henry of Montfort and Henry of Wylynton, enemies of Edward II, were drawn and hanged before being exhibited on a gibbet near Bristol. However, the people made relics of these bloody and mutilated remains out of respect and later used the relics in violent protest. Miracles were even reported at the spot where the bodies were hanging.

Although the intention was deterrence, the public response was complex. Samuel Pepys expressed disgust at the practice. There was Christian objection that prosecution of criminals should end with their death. The sight and smell of decaying corpses was offensive and regarded as "pestilential", so it was seen as a threat to public health.
Pirates were sometimes executed by hanging on a gibbet erected close to the low-water mark by the sea or a tidal section of a river. Their bodies would be left dangling until they had been submerged by the tide three times. In London, Execution Dock is located on the north bank of the River Thames in Wapping; after tidal immersion, particularly notorious criminals' bodies could be hung in cages a little farther downstream at either Cuckold's Point or Blackwall Point, as a warning to other waterborne criminals of the possible consequences of their actions (such a fate befell Captain William Kidd in May 1701). There were objections that these displays offended foreign visitors and did not uphold the reputation of the law, though the scenes even became gruesome tourist attractions.

In some cases, the bodies would be left until their clothes rotted or even until the bodies were almost completely decomposed, after which the bones would be scattered.
In cases of drawing and quartering, the body of the criminal was cut into four or five portions, with the several parts often gibbeted in different places.

So that the public display might be prolonged, bodies were sometimes coated in tar or bound in chains. Sometimes, body-shaped iron cages were used to contain the decomposing corpses. For example, in March 1743 in the town of Rye, East Sussex, Allen Grebell was murdered by John Breads. Breads was imprisoned in the Ypres Tower and then hanged, after which his body was left to rot for more than 20 years in an iron cage on Gibbet Marsh. The cage and Breads' skull are still kept in the town hall.
Another example of the cage variation is the gibbet iron, on display at the Atwater Kent Museum in Philadelphia, U.S. The cage, created in 1781, was intended to be used to display the body of convicted pirate Thomas Wilkinson, so that sailors on passing ships might be warned of the consequences of piracy. Because Wilkinson's planned execution never took place, the gibbet was never used.
An example of an iron cage used to string up bodies on a gibbet can still be seen in the Westgate Museum at Winchester.
Wouldn't that just put you on the same level as Daesh?

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk

Are you just trying to make a point out of nothing or did you truly fail to read any of my previous posts, in this thread, where I gave my qualifiers?? :dunno:
Really, would you support hang, draw and quartering as well?

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk

Just public hanging/gallows. How does lethal injection in a back room somewhere make a point?

YOu hang them following the sentence for everyone to see. We need to get much tougher; especially in this age of terrorism.
Petition created to publically hang Benjamin Taylor

Benjamin Taylor, 32, has been arrested and is being held on a $2 million bail in Southern Regional Jail, West Virginia. The man has been charged with the rape and beating resulting in the death of nine-month-old Emmaleigh Barringer, daughter of his girlfriend, with whom he lived. The baby’s mother has three older children who were apparently unharmed by Taylor.

On the morning of October 3, Amanda Adkins awoke early, around 4 a.m., after going to bed about six hours earlier. After awakening, she discovered the baby was not in her crib. She began a frantic search which ended when she found Emmaleigh naked, bleeding, battered and unresponsive in the basement of her home near Ripley, WV. She immediately called 911, but when paramedics arrived, Emmaleigh was not breathing. Although they were able to regain Emmaleigh’s pulse, she was placed on a ventilator and was soon pronounced brain dead. She had head trauma and had lost massive blood from the brutal sexual assault, which responding police characterized as “the worst sexual assault they had ever seen“, according to Fox 43.

Benjamin Taylor, according to Facebook information, has apparently been Amanda Adkin’s boyfriend sine July. He apparently has an infant son of his own with another woman, but the baby did not live with him and is reportedly unharmed. Within hours of the discovery of Emmaleigh, Taylor was arrested and taken to jail, where his charges were soon upgraded to murder after the family had made the difficult decision to take Emmaleigh off life support. The infant girl died immediately.
Meanwhile, as local residents and people across the country struggle to make sense of what happened, Benjamin Taylor’s Facebook page has been scrutinized. His bio says “dead inside”, but it is unclear when he wrote that bio. His Facebook page says he is a laborer. You can see his Facebook page here.

Hate posts fill his page from distressed and enraged individuals, some who knew him, and some who didn’t. Most wish death upon him in descriptive brutal manners. One Facebook post that was posted by Taylor not long before the brutal rape of Emmaleigh said “Real mean love other men’s children like their own.” Over three hundred people have commented, many of them calling for the public hanging of Benjamin Taylor. While the death penalty is outlawed in West Virginia, a petition to Congress that was created yesterday that calls for his public lynching has already received two thousand signatures. You can see that petition here.

Many people describe the brutal things they would like to inflict upon Taylor, and many express concern that his own infant son has been sexually assaulted by him, although there has been no actual evidence of this. Many of Taylor’s Facebook posts are about drugs or sex, which has disgusted the public at large. One woman wrote that she hopes he will be tortured for the rest of his life for what he did to Emmaleigh.

“His horrible and evil actions proves evil has no boundaries and no shred of morality or humanity. That defenseless child had to live the last moments of her life conscious in excruciating pain wondering what she did wrong to deserve that or why it was happening to her screaming in pain underneath her killer with zero comfort or love. Your evil actions caused a small innocent baby to die a horrific death. She had her whole life ahead of her and has people who love her that now have to carry the pain and suffering you have caused. You have done something that cannot ever be justified or be undone. If you do live through your prison experience and are released no one here will ever forget or let you live without being reminded of what you have done to that baby.”
Nay. Public hangings should only be for the Irish.
The notion of public executions are absurd in a day and age where the validity of the death penalty is widely questioned.

I do not understand the contradictory position conservatives have on the death penalty other than they just want to see miscreants killed.

The Death Penalty makes no sense from the stand point of a constitutional small government conservative. That being the taking of human life is not a power we, the people, wish to delegate to the Government. The Government has proven, time and again, they cannot be trusted with such power.

Next, what purpose would a public execution serve other than to create a circus venue out of the taking of a human life? Society visiting it's most extreme sanction on a convicted criminal is no trivial matter. Creating an entertainment venue out of it does not serve a deterrent effect. In fact the opposite, it undermines the rule of law by making an entertainment venue out of an execution.

So nay. I would oppose any form of public execution on those grounds...unless, of course, they are Irish.
Firstly, this guy is the worst sort of scum and needs killin in the worst way.
Why petition congress ?
This is a state matter. They foolishly outlawed it so they get to live with that decision.
If states rights mean anything to you, it's got to cut both ways.
The notion of public executions are absurd in a day and age where the validity of the death penalty is widely questioned.
The only reason why it is "widely questioned" is that so many men have been feminized, like you.

Statistics prove that the death penalty is a deterrent. The murder rate in NYS fell like a brick after it was reinstituted.

Regards to this sick individual, I'm not for long drawn out torture to end his miserable life. A single .22LR to the temple and it's all over. He'll spend the rest of eternity having Satan do to him what he did to that baby.
Are you just trying to make a point out of nothing or did you truly fail to read any of my previous posts, in this thread, where I gave my qualifiers?? :dunno:
Yes I read them and can understand why people get so emotional about animals like that, but the law is the same for all.

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk
The only reason why it is "widely questioned" is that so many men have been feminized, like you.

Statistics prove that the death penalty is a deterrent. The murder rate in NYS fell like a brick after it was reinstituted.

Regards to this sick individual, I'm not for long drawn out torture to end his miserable life. A single .22LR to the temple and it's all over. He'll spend the rest of eternity having Satan do to him what he did to that baby.

The death penalty, in our country, is widely questioned because our justice system is so lopsided towards the state, unless you are wealthy.
The only reason why it is "widely questioned" is that so many men have been feminized, like you.

Statistics prove that the death penalty is a deterrent. The murder rate in NYS fell like a brick after it was reinstituted.

Regards to this sick individual, I'm not for long drawn out torture to end his miserable life. A single .22LR to the temple and it's all over. He'll spend the rest of eternity having Satan do to him what he did to that baby.

Ah, the old "this happened, then that happened so it was direct cause and effect" bullshit. You had a car accident after you changed your morning shit, shower and shave routine, so that was the cause.

Gotta love the simpletons for their simplistic views of the world.

Don't step on a crack, it will break your mother's back!
In the case of NYS and decrease in murder rate, the cause makes logical sense, unlike your shit-shower theory.

Gotta love libtards for their ability to ignore obvious logic to suit their agenda.

dome = head
In the case of NYS and decrease in murder rate, the cause makes logical sense, unlike your shit-shower theory.

Gotta love libtards for their ability to ignore obvious logic to suit their agenda.

dome = head

Where's your proof, dickhead, other than pulling it out of your ass? I love to watch you simpletons attempt these giant leaps of faith when you really don't have a fucking clue. Did you know that you wearing your shit stained good luck shorts had nothing to do with your team winning last week? Put them in the laundry. The shit stains don't help.

Here's a clue, moron. Violent crime has been on the decrease ACROSS THE COUNTRY, not just because of your simplistic scenario.

Go back and take Logic 101. You failed it the first time.