Yea or Nay

If punishment isn't a deterrent for crime, then why do we have any kind punishment? Where's your proof that punishment isn't a deterrent?

The problem with you libtards is that you think that people are fundamentally good, and are just going to do the right thing because it makes them feel warm and fuzzy. We conservatives know better.
Dumber76 can't dispute this
Dumber76 can't dispute this

Your claim, douchebag. Prove it or shut the fuck up.

Your skills at simple logic are as lacking as your comprehension skills. From an article last November:

"Today, the national crime rate is about half of what it was at its height in 1991. Violent crime has fallen by 51 percent since 1991, and property crime by 43 percent. In 2013 the violent crime rate was the lowest since 1970. And this holds true for unreported crimes as well. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, since 1993 the rate of violent crime has declined from 79.8 to 23.2 victimizations per 1,000 people."

Read more at:

So, your simpleton's claim that it is due to the reinstatement of the death penalty is nothing but a moron's gullible bullshit.
If punishment isn't a deterrent for crime, then why do we have any kind of punishment?

Punishment isn't the question at hand nor your response. The question is whether the death penalty is warranted and, with your comment, that it is a deterrent to violent crime.

You have presented no proof, other than a simplistic notion, that the death penalty is a deterrent. Major failure on your part. I've come to rely on your failures.

A question for you and your fellow lyching buddies. What is the acceptable error rate in capital cases? 10%? 5%?1%%
Since you obviously weren't able to see what was first said, prior to your complaining, I'll repost it and just to help you, I've underlined the part that should help you.

And that is exactly what's wrong with part of our Court system.
In situations where there is NO DOUBT of the guilt, the system should let nature take it's course.

You're welcome.
Uh no. Our system is predicated on an assumption of innocence till proven guilty in a court of law.
It would be illegal under the constitution to retroactively apply the sentence of hanging specifically to this man. Regardless, hanging is not necessarily more inhumane than lethal injection if performed correctly (it kills instantly if using the long drop method, whereas lethal injection can often be more inhumane because it just freezes a convict in place while they suffer pain from the other drugs).
The only reason why it is "widely questioned" is that so many men have been feminized, like you.

What is wrong with feminization? The history of civilization is the progressive feminization of humanity. Masculinization is a return to barbarity and ignorance.

Statistics prove that the death penalty is a deterrent. The murder rate in NYS fell like a brick after it was reinstituted.

New York state never reinstated the death penalty. Statistics, in fact, prove that there is no correlation at all between the death penalty and crime rates.

Regards to this sick individual, I'm not for long drawn out torture to end his miserable life. A single .22LR to the temple and it's all over. He'll spend the rest of eternity having Satan do to him what he did to that baby.

If the death penalty is to exist, it should be done quickly and painlessly. Torturing someone to death is pointless masturbation.
If punishment isn't a deterrent for crime, then why do we have any kind punishment? Where's your proof that punishment isn't a deterrent?

The problem with you libtards is that you think that people are fundamentally good, and are just going to do the right thing because it makes them feel warm and fuzzy. We conservatives know better.

I am actually incredibly cynical about the nature of man, which you would know if you read any of my posts.
Life imprisonment is already a significant enough punishment that I think it deters murder about as much as is possible. The death penalty does not significantly deter beyond this.
Punishment isn't the question at hand nor your response. The question is whether the death penalty is warranted and, with your comment, that it is a deterrent to violent crime.

You have presented no proof, other than a simplistic notion, that the death penalty is a deterrent. Major failure on your part. I've come to rely on your failures.

A question for you and your fellow lyching buddies. What is the acceptable error rate in capital cases? 10%? 5%?1%%

Then tell me the name of one criminal who was executed, who then committed at least one more crime. :D
All I can figure from USFREEDUMB is that she wants to torture people who commit particularly heinous crimes where everyone agrees that they probably did it..
No explanation about how to write that desire into the penal codes.
Yeah or Neigh?
The only reason why it is "widely questioned" is that so many men have been feminized, like you.

Statistics prove that the death penalty is a deterrent. The murder rate in NYS fell like a brick after it was reinstituted.

Regards to this sick individual, I'm not for long drawn out torture to end his miserable life. A single .22LR to the temple and it's all over. He'll spend the rest of eternity having Satan do to him what he did to that baby.
You're just saying that my chicken hawk friend cause you're Irish. There have been no studies that had ever demonstrated conclusively that the death penalty acts as a deterrent beyond long term imprisonment.
I know you have problems with anything that goes against your beliefs; but execution does reduce crime, because the executed criminal will never victimize anyone else again.
And public viewing of an execution may just make someone who was thinking of committing a violent crime, rethink what they were planning.
No...not really. In fact the opposite. A public execution may titillate some unhinged mother fucker (like Grind) and cause them to obsess over killing or some other violent act.

Most murders and violent acts are committed as acts of passion, by people under the influence and by those (like Grid) who are mentally deranged. They are not the types to think about the long term consequences of their action.

Public executions make an entertainment circus out of a very solemn and serious situation. The State taking a human life as proscribed by the rule of law. Creating a three ring circus out of an execution serves significantly to undermine the rule of law by detracting from the seriousness of such an event by reducing it to the level of a Friday night football game. This does not serve the rule of law or the cause of humanity.
Then tell me the name of one criminal who was executed, who then committed at least one more crime. :D

Tell me the names of all the people sentenced to death that were later exonerated.

Read Grisham's book, "An Innocent Man", asswipe, before you continue to post out of ignorance.
You're just saying that my chicken hawk friend cause you're Irish. There have been no studies that had ever demonstrated conclusively that the death penalty acts as a deterrent beyond long term imprisonment.

Then you should be able to name at least one criminal, who was "deterred" by being put to death, who then went on and committed another crime
No...not really. In fact the opposite. A public execution may titillate some unhinged mother fucker (like Grind) and cause them to obsess over killing or some other violent act.

Most murders and violent acts are committed as acts of passion, by people under the influence and by those (like Grid) who are mentally deranged. They are not the types to think about the long term consequences of their action.

Public executions make an entertainment circus out of a very solemn and serious situation. The State taking a human life as proscribed by the rule of law. Creating a three ring circus out of an execution serves significantly to undermine the rule of law by detracting from the seriousness of such an event by reducing it to the level of a Friday night football game. This does not serve the rule of law or the cause of humanity.

Then we shouldn't have public trials; because it might just "titillate: some unhinged mother fucker (like Grind) and cause them to obsess over committing a violent act, so they can have their own PUBLIC TRIAL and all the notoriety.

If they're publically executing 3 criminals, then I'm all for the Three Ring Circus.
Since when did thinking about the long term consequences ever have anything to do with being guilty.
How does that old saying go??
If you can't do the time (consequence) - then don't do the crime. :dunno:
Tell me the names of all the people sentenced to death that were later exonerated.

Read Grisham's book, "An Innocent Man", asswipe, before you continue to post out of ignorance.

When you decide to include all of my previous criteria, then we can discuss your FEELINGS; but until then, you might as well continue to....:fap:...yourself.
