Yea or Nay

You can go back several years and read my posts on that matter. I have consistently insisted on physical evidence, such as DNA, for death penalty determinations.
No I don't have a number. Clearly it should be as small as possible, but no one has ever claimed that the justice system is perfect.
No I don't have a number. Clearly it should be as small as possible, but no one has ever claimed that the justice system is perfect.

When you decide to execute somebody, it had best be perfect. The resurrection thing is a myth.
Unfortunately for your position, the legal standard is "beyond a reasonable doubt". Nowhere is "perfection" required to prosecute a criminal case.

Unfortunately for your position, the legal standard is "beyond a reasonable doubt". Nowhere is "perfection" required to prosecute a criminal case.


No shit, Einstein. It's obvious you are willing to execute innocent people to be able to get them all.

Checkmate? lol

Only in your mind. You got cornered with your own logic. Game over for you, pal.
I knew exactly where you were going, because libtards always try the "100%" argument. That's why destroying you was so easy. LOL
I knew exactly where you were going, because libtards always try the "100%" argument. That's why destroying you was so easy. LOL

You don't get second chances with the death penalty, idiot.

You still haven't answered the question as to how many non guilty people you are willing to execute. Is that a little uncomfortable for you?
And you don't get a second chance when you drop a bomb on a tent full of terrorists either. If there's collateral damage, well then at least you got the bad guys. You don't coddle the terrorists or prosecute the bombardier; you refine your methods and carry on.
And you don't get a second chance when you drop a bomb on a tent full of terrorists either. If there's collateral damage, well then at least you got the bad guys. You don't coddle the terrorists or prosecute the bombardier; you refine your methods and carry on.

When you just got your ass kicked on this topic, go ahead and divert. Both pathetic and priceless!
An analogy is not a diversion. It is your argument that has been destroyed, and are now trying to deflect.

Diversion is diversion.

And I notice that you also avoided the question at hand. What is the acceptable error rate when invoking the death penalty? How many innocent people are you willing to execute to get all the guilty ones?
The only reason why it is "widely questioned" is that so many men have been feminized, like you.

Statistics prove that the death penalty is a deterrent. The murder rate in NYS fell like a brick after it was reinstituted.

Regards to this sick individual, I'm not for long drawn out torture to end his miserable life. A single .22LR to the temple and it's all over. He'll spend the rest of eternity having Satan do to him what he did to that baby.

is the death penalty worth keeping when it kills an innocent person? or are you going to go all liberal on us and just call it a mistake?