Yea or Nay

An analogy is not a diversion. It is your argument that has been destroyed, and are now trying to deflect.

Her argument was destroyed, the minute she decided to ignore what was already presented and started cherry picking and trying to prove a nonexistent point.
yeah, you're a bunch of blood thirsty, knee jerking, emotional fucktards who are too eager to execute someone right after a conviction after the death penalty has been shown to have killed innocent people.

I never said or implied your ASSertion; so this appears to be nothing more then projection, on your part
Her argument was destroyed, the minute she decided to ignore what was already presented and started cherry picking and trying to prove a nonexistent point.

Still no answer from you cunts. What is your acceptable error rate in capital cases? Just answer the question with no pathetic attempts at diversion.
Still no answer from you cunts. What is your acceptable error rate in capital cases? Just answer the question with no pathetic attempts at diversion.

As said before, things can be discussed as soon as you stop ignoring what WAS said and not what you want it to be. :D
Diversion is diversion.

And I notice that you also avoided the question at hand. What is the acceptable error rate when invoking the death penalty? How many innocent people are you willing to execute to get all the guilty ones?

I said that an analogy is not a diversion. Like surgical air strikes, vaccines, high speed transportation, and I can come up with numerous examples, society accepts a small amount of innocent deaths if the rest of society benefits. It is called "the benefit of risk". Far be it for me to play God and say what that number is.

For you, as you so far have demonstrated, the acceptable number is zero. You don't see the benefit of risk, and that is entirely consistent with your leftists stance in general. Leftists don't understand risk, they don't accept it, and they fail to see its value. They don't appreciate those who have taken risks in order to better their lot. This explains their insistence on GovCo as the solution for everything.
I said that an analogy is not a diversion. Like surgical air strikes, vaccines, high speed transportation, and I can come up with numerous examples, society accepts a small amount of innocent deaths if the rest of society benefits. It is called "the benefit of risk". Far be it for me to play God and say what that number is.

For you, as you so far have demonstrated, the acceptable number is zero. You don't see the benefit of risk, and that is entirely consistent with your leftists stance in general. Leftists don't understand risk, they don't accept it, and they fail to see its value. They don't appreciate those who have taken risks in order to better their lot. This explains their insistence on GovCo as the solution for everything.

The death penalty in the United States is not a cost benefit analysis or any sort of business decision. But, if you chose to do so, it's cheaper to incarcerate them than to kill them. And it's not even analogous to war or the laughable train example. How you are pulling those out your ass is beyond me. This is the American judicial system, not a ride to work.

Yes, the acceptable error rate for invoking the death penalty is zero. It has to be. Yet, here you are, obviously willing to execute innocent people and unable to answer the simple question as to what number is acceptable.

And, BTW, asshole, who the fuck is providing the solution on this? Yep. Govco
"The death penalty in the United States is not a cost benefit analysis or any sort of business decision."

Of course it is. Just not to you. Because again, you don't see the benefit of risk. Without repeating my argument entirely, since you failed to address it, this explains leftists' insistence on GovCo as the solution for everything.
"The death penalty in the United States is not a cost benefit analysis or any sort of business decision."

Of course it is. Just not to you. Because again, you don't see the benefit of risk. Without repeating my argument entirely, since you failed to address it, this explains leftists' insistence on GovCo as the solution for everything.

What a fucking moron. The judicial system is not a private enterprise, idiot. It IS your GovCo.

Go back to remedial Government 101. You must have failed the first time.
Where have I said it wasn't? Funny how you refuse to address my argument that you libs believe that GocCo should control everything.