Yes, Billy & Grind are locked up in a DEMOCRAT "re-education facility"

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head
Yes they are in a re-education facility, according to an anonymous source which I shall not name.

They are with the Muslims somewhere in Mainland China.

Don't worry about it. They'll be back and they'll be "different".
I was just informed that they are doing well. They are being fed well. They are responding well to the re-education program.

They'll be nice Democrats.
Our JPP spy was brave to get this close and take this picture. They appear to be okay.

Why don't those in the middle have little blue chairs like the ones on each side? I'd be protestin'

(shaking head) The 'Blue Chairs' are for the ones that have graduated into 'Blue Team'. (I can't believe you've gone Full Retard, RB)

I am glad they are doing okay because the alternative is worse if they fail to respond to the re-education techniques.

I have a good feeling they will graduate soon. They might be on Biden team. I'm proud of them.
I am glad they are doing okay because the alternative is worse if they fail to respond to the re-education techniques.

I have a good feeling they will graduate soon. They might be on Biden team. I'm proud of them.

Billy on a team? He hates everyone!
Just what I thought. You bend over...

"Epicurus, (born 341 BC, Samos, Greece—died 270, Athens), Greek philosopher, author of an ethical philosophy of simple pleasure, friendship, and retirement. He founded schools of philosophy that survived directly from the 4th century BC until the 4th century AD."

I follow the simple Life. 'Pleasure' being a dominant feature. Maybe something from my Quaker ancestors that came to Pennsylvania in the 1600s. (?)