Yes, Billy & Grind are locked up in a DEMOCRAT "re-education facility"

This just now in from our JPP spy: The dinner tonight is pizza egg rolls. Yummy!


uh-oh. :whoa:

(how was the outage? I have relatives in Baytown that I'm afraid to call) :(
We had power up until yesterday, it came on last night at 10 and shut off, again at 2:30. Give them a call, they’ll appreciate it. Thankfully, the temps have warmed up. We have our gas fireplace for heat and gas stove for cooking. We just felt like we were camping in Alaska. I’ve got a couple of books I can read, I feel fortunate. Those in older parts of the city are the ones who have it bad, poorly insulated houses, broken water pipes. The plumbers are very busy.
We had power up until yesterday, it came on last night at 10 and shut off, again at 2:30. Give them a call, they’ll appreciate it. Thankfully, the temps have warmed up. We have our gas fireplace for heat and gas stove for cooking. We just felt like we were camping in Alaska. I’ve got a couple of books I can read, I feel fortunate. Those in older parts of the city are the ones who have it bad, poorly insulated houses, broken water pipes. The plumbers are very busy.

Gonna call my brother in the Dallas area today. Was texting with his wife yesterday. They have as much snow in their yard as we do!
We had power up until yesterday, it came on last night at 10 and shut off, again at 2:30. Give them a call, they’ll appreciate it. Thankfully, the temps have warmed up. We have our gas fireplace for heat and gas stove for cooking. We just felt like we were camping in Alaska. I’ve got a couple of books I can read, I feel fortunate. Those in older parts of the city are the ones who have it had, poorly insulated houses, broken water pipes. The plumbers are very busy.

Something like this lets you know how vulnerable you really are, it was Katrina for me. Refrigerator still keeping stuff cold? Got water?
(Hmmmm ... thinking about my 'Refrigerator' comment ... I guess that's NOT a problem)

I was watching CNBC this morning, they were talking about 'spot traders' in Texas Electrical Grid making lots of money on this. Said something about 'those with electricity can expect a huge Electric Bill'.