Yes, Billy & Grind are locked up in a DEMOCRAT "re-education facility"

You read it, don't lie. You claimed you lived a certain number of miles nw of an area, there is one bar in that whole area. an infamous one, one that I know and have been to. I probably know some of your neighbors. I got warned for it. you posted the location, not me, YOUR FRIEND gave me a warning. therefore, I brought up that you did the same exact thing. where you warned for it? I posted where I was you posted a gay club on the first floor. Seems like identical actions. where you held to the same standard by your friend?

I have no reason to disbelieve your friend, She seems to have been very open and honest with me, you seem to throw her under the bus with fake claims about inside information and divulging of business that is not yours by her to you. she says she doesn't, I believe her. so tell me is your friend lying or you?

and note, those who post "this message hidden..." etc is always a tell tale sign they saw the message. usually, when you really have someone on ignore you simply skip it.
Take it to the War Zone.
Take it to the War Zone.

seems protectionist vs the number of times dutch and others post like this and you never seem to tell them to do the same. I will comply, but it's kinda unfortunate that I am starting to see a pattern here. please hold them to the same standard.
seems protectionist vs the number of times dutch and others post like this and you never seem to tell them to do the same. I will comply, but it's kinda unfortunate that I am starting to see a pattern here. please hold them to the same standard.

Dutch Oven is a fag, and uses his alphabet status to pressure the site moderators into giving him a pass.
This just in: they are making a plan to lock Legion and Jack up in a re-education camp.

Together? In the same cell?


Insufficient details of as of now. Intel is very difficult in China. Pray for our JPP spies.

I will inform JPP as soon as I receive the news. Be patient.

Has the Navy been notified? Is a SEAL team training? We must be ready if necessary. This is serious shit.

Yes. Keep us informed. Inquiring minds want to know,

Has the Navy been notified? Is a SEAL team training? We must be ready if necessary. This is serious shit.

Yes. Keep us informed. Inquiring minds want to know,


Ever heard from this person?

I am willing to lead a team of elite operators on a mission to bust them out. Who is with me?

I hope he is doing okay. I hope he is aware of the report about Legion and Jack.

Keep praying.
Ever heard from this person?

I hope he is doing okay. I hope he is aware of the report about Legion and Jack.

Keep praying.

Is he in danger too? Has anyone heard from him? Who is with him? WE NEED FUCKING INTEL!! GET ME INTEL! Who's who, where and how many. NOW!

Yes, definitely

It is after 3 PM right now in China. Billy and Grind are doing just fine. They're adjusting very well. They'll make for good JPP Democrats and Biden supporters. Still no report about Legion and Jack as of yet.
It is after 3 PM right now in China. Billy and Grind are doing just fine. They're adjusting very well. They'll make for good JPP Democrats and Biden supporters. Still no report about Legion and Jack as of yet.

So their indoctrination is complete? This is sad news. Is there a reversal vaccine? We need it Warp Speed!

Legion and Jack? Could they have eloped? And what about the others? Get me some answers. NOW!
Not yet. They are about to graduate to the Red Team. Soon they'll get comfy red chairs.

What the hell is going on here? You ain't screwing that secretary, are you? You'll be impeached if you get caught! Just shut up and blame Trump.

You're the communications director, now get me some damn answers, NOW!! Do you have a bunch of liberals working INTEL for you? Drain the damn swamp!

...and we must keep


(yes, it's cold and snowing here)
Those in the middle are who graduated with double Ph.D.s.

No worries it isn't required of Billy and Grind. I do not know about Legion though. He's pretty stubborn.
