Yes, Billy & Grind are locked up in a DEMOCRAT "re-education facility"

"The Quakers, though few in numbers, have been influential in the history of reform. The colony of Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn in 1682, as a safe place for Quakers to live and practice their faith. Quakers have been a significant part of the movements for the abolition of slavery, to promote equal rights for women, and peace. They have also promoted education and the humane treatment of prisoners and the mentally ill, through the founding or reforming of various institutions. Quaker entrepreneurs played a central role in forging the Industrial Revolution, especially in England and Pennsylvania."
Well, it's Billy...

Well the re-education programs do come with side effects. You should hear stories about people being brainwashed by Project MKUltra. It raises a few hairs. :whoa:

It's unfortunate but it has to be done for the good of humanity.
Well the re-education programs do come with side effects. You should hear stories about people being brainwashed by Project MKUltra. It raises a few hairs. :whoa:

It's unfortunate but it has to be done for the good of humanity.

I see the results of the side effects from some of the posters here. They have no "hair."

Yes, but Billy? I think he's fallen between the cracks (Maxine's and Nancy's).
The only crack he'd fall into is Kim Kardashian's.

There are worse cracks to fall into....


(I'd say Nancy's and Maxine's are worse)

They are now back to their regular scheduled routines. Unfortunately our JPP spy wasn't able to take a picture at that time.

It's a light routine, so they'll be fine.
Wouldn't Democrats need to educated first, before any reeducation could be instilled?

They've been educated...just not the way you understand the word. Re-education would entail making them accept that if you have a dick and balls your pronouns are He/Him and nothing changes that.
They've been educated...just not the way you understand the word. Re-education would entail making them accept that if you have a dick and balls your pronouns are He/Him and nothing changes that.

They won't accept that. There is this cosmetic surgery thing now. A flick of the knife, and poof!! Automatic transformation. And boys are now allowed in girl's locker rooms and rest rooms.
They won't accept that. There is this cosmetic surgery thing now. A flick of the knife, and poof!! Automatic transformation. And boys are now allowed in girl's locker rooms and rest rooms.

I'm just happy my kids are grown and out of school now and I don't have to deal with the fucking teachers anymore. Our schools have been a fucking disgrace for at least 30 years now. No one should have been surprised by what happened in 2020.
I'm just happy my kids are grown and out of school now and I don't have to deal with the fucking teachers anymore. Our schools have been a fucking disgrace for at least 30 years now. No one should have been surprised by what happened in 2020.

Those small town BLM protests had someone there encouraging voter registration (usually college kids) for Democrats.