The Force is With Me
they are NOT the Bush tax cuts are they
That's stupid.
they are NOT the Bush tax cuts are they
If Congress Says No, Can Obama Strike?
Among the many questions the Obama administration has been unable or unwilling to answer regarding its plans for military strikes in Syria is what happens if Congress refuses to authorize the use of force.
It’s a question that should be answered before, not after, a vote occurs in Congress, because it will clarify whether lawmakers are now engaged in the binding decision-making process required by the Constitution, or whether they are merely being used to lend an air of domestic legitimacy to military action that would violate international law.
Even without a strong legal foundation, if the administration decides to proceed with airstrikes, there isn’t much Congress could do to stop it. Beyond impeaching the president or denying funds, both of which would require an unlikely stiffening of spines, Congress could hold hearings, as Senator William Fulbright and the Foreign Relations Committee did in the late 1960s and early ’70s concerning the war in Vietnam. It was at one of those hearings that a 27-year-old Naval lieutenant named John Kerry gave his first congressional testimony, against that ill-begotten war.
In Glennon’s view, it would be “almost unthinkable” in political terms for the president to proceed to attack Syria following the rejection of authorization by Congress. The administration wouldn’t be working so hard to make sure authorization passes if it didn’t recognize that fact. Rand Paul said this morning that he planned to introduce an amendment that would reaffirm Congress’ constitutional authority and the binding nature of its vote, and there are many others in Congress whose calls for authorization last week expressed a similar understanding of the Constitution. The only reason to object to such an amendment is to give the president an escape hatch by which to evade the outcome of the debate. If he has that—what’s the point?
words and facts can change minds no matter how much you reflexsively hate me.
go ahead and abuse away.
why pretend I ever cried about being trashed on here.
I was just pointing out your lies about me thinking Im special are silly somethings.
Im a smoe like everyone else on here.
I have a good record of being correct ONLY because I insist on facts being my base.
that is not special and every one of you can do it.
I hope you stick to facts and kick my ass in being correct even more than me.
that would in FACT be very awesome for me.
the more of you who are so fact based you can teach me shit would be heaven to me.
do you understand that?
If Congress doesn't want to get played it should repeal the War Powers Act. Otherwise, this is just pissing in the wind. Obama has free-standing authorization to launch attacks on Syria and Congress can't really do much about it. And that's even if Congress does not pass the authorization to use force.
I put her on ignore, I can't stand my dems supporting Obuma for what they crucified bush for doing.
That on top of her never going to college
If he has such 'free standing' .. why isn't he bombing Syria right now?
It's because he's boxed himself in a corner and he need Congress to bail him out.
Congress can't stop him from bombing the hell out of Syria .. but if it all goes wrong, as it very well could .. and Congress never authorized the attack, democrats will pay that price .. as they should.
History will have a lot to say about that.
If he has such 'free standing' .. why isn't he bombing Syria right now?
It's because he's boxed himself in a corner and he need Congress to bail him out.
Congress can't stop him from bombing the hell out of Syria .. but if it all goes wrong, as it very well could .. and Congress never authorized the attack, democrats will pay that price .. as they should.
History will have a lot to say about that.
I'm not trying to back Republicans by saying this but you are right about Obama backing himself into a corner. At first he was all set to go without Congressional approval. Then when Britain says no Obama turns to Congress for approval while still stating he doesn't need Congress's approval. If Congress does say no and he goes ahead and bombs anyway I don't think it unreasonable for many Americans to think "what the hell was that about?"
Re the Bush tax cuts - Obama tried to kill them; remember, the house is republican and the senate can filibuster. So a compromise was made and part of the bush tax cuts were cancelled.
Pres Obama has to work with a very hostile house and a fairly hostile senate; he can't do everything he wants to do.
I'm not trying to back Republicans by saying this but you are right about Obama backing himself into a corner. At first he was all set to go without Congressional approval. Then when Britain says no Obama turns to Congress for approval while still stating he doesn't need Congress's approval. If Congress does say no and he goes ahead and bombs anyway I don't think it unreasonable for many Americans to think "what the hell was that about?"
I'm not trying to back Republicans by saying this but you are right about Obama backing himself into a corner. At first he was all set to go without Congressional approval. Then when Britain says no Obama turns to Congress for approval while still stating he doesn't need Congress's approval. If Congress does say no and he goes ahead and bombs anyway I don't think it unreasonable for many Americans to think "what the hell was that about?"
Re the Bush tax cuts - Obama tried to kill them; remember, the house is republican and the senate can filibuster. So a compromise was made and part of the bush tax cuts were cancelled. Pres Obama has to work with a very hostile house and a fairly hostile senate; he can't do everything he wants to do.
I think it's highly unlikely that Obama would go ahead if Congress doesn't give him authorization. And I think it wasn't simply the UK situation that resulted in Obama going to Congress. I think Biden, Kerry and Hagel (former longtime Senators) all urged him to do it.
Well, he'd be really effing stupid if he did.
But I think he's going to get the authorization. There will be a lot of kabuki, for the suckers, but in the end...they're going to do it.
I'm just telling you how it is and what Congress ought to do if it doesn't want presidents to launch military strikes without its say so.